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Business unit
5S Area:
1.1 Consumables working material (tape, paper, cartons, pallets, labels)
- 1. Unnecessary of broken material is present
- 2. Unnecessary material is separately located but not removed.
- 3. Consumable material is not in the right quantity.
- 4. Only the required and functional material is present in the right quantity.
- 5. Type and quantity of material is regularly checked (schedule) and the optimum quantity is determined.
◆ Type of Material
◆ Quantity -
1.2 Documents/Paperwork (Customer specific documents, forms, labels, stickers.)
- 1. Unnecessary or outdated or corrupt paperwork is present.
- 2. Unnecessary or outdated paperwork is separately located but not removed.
- 3. Paperwork is not in the right quantity.
- 4. Only the required and up to date paperwork is present in the right quantity.
- 5. Paperwork is regularly checked to ensure the actuality. The optimum quantity is determined.
◆ Actuality
◆ Availability -
1.3 Equipments (trucks, forklifts, scanners, printers, PC, IT) (not storage equipment)
- 1. Unnecessary or broken equipment is present.
- 2. Unnecessary or broken equipment is identified (marked) but still present.
- 3. Unnecessary equipments is separately located but not removed.
- 4. Only the required and functional equipment is present in the right quantity.
- 5. Type, quantity and functionality of equipment is regularly checked (schedule) and the optimum quantity is determined.
◆ Quantity
◆ Functionality -
1.4 Furniture (desk, chair, cabinets)
- 1. Unnecessary or broken furniture is present.
- 2. Insufficient / broken or unnecessary furniture is identified (marked) but still present.
- 3. Insufficient / unnecessary furniture is separately located but not removed.
- 4. Only the required and functional furniture is present in the right quantity. Cabinets are closed.
- 5. Type, quantity and functionality of furniture is regularly checked (schedule) and the optimum quantity is determined.
◆ Quantity
◆ Functionality -
1.5 Personal and other items (Bags, jackets, beverages, foods, not identified, etc.)
- 1. Personal / other items are located at working place and have negative impact on safety and work process.
- 2. Several personal / other items can be found at working place. No negative impact on safety.
- 3. Personal / other items are reduced to a minimum and are located in a suitable place. No negative impact on safety and work process.
- 4. There are no personal / other items at the workplace or there is a dedicated storage place (e.g. locker/cabinet)
- 5. There is a group awareness and self discipline for everyone.
◆ Visibility
2.1 Consumable working material (tape, paper, carton, pallets, labels..)
- 1. There is no consumable working material available at packing stations or place where needed.
- 2. Consumable working material is stored without any system/signs and is not arranged.
- 3. Consumable working material is separated each in the correct amount.
- 4. Consumable working material is sorted according to the needed frequency. Materials with high frequency are closer to the needed location.
- 5. In addition to previous: consumable working materials are checked constantly for possible improvements.
◆ Availability
◆ Arrangement -
2.2 Access ways (emergency ways, driveways, walkways)
- 1. Emergency access ways are not marked or they are blocked.
- 2. Emergency Access Ways are marked, signposted and they are completely free.
- 3. In addition to previous: Main walk - and driveways are marked.
- 4. In addition to previous: Main walk and drive ways are marked and signposted clearly and are completely free.
- 5. In addition to previous: The blocking of walkways and emergency accesses is technically prevented at dangerous locations.
◆ Visibility -
2.3 Work stations (parking stations, terminals, office, desks..)
- 1. Workstation are inadequate or not present and arrangement creates extensive motion waste.
- 2. Workstations are not set ergonomically. Workers handicap each other due to arrangements.
- 3. Workstations are set ergonomically. Items are positioned where they are needed.
- 4. Workstations are set up ergonomically and there are supporting tools (e.g. conveyor belts, lifting tools, etc)
- 5. In addition to previous: Workstations are checked regularly for possible improvements.
◆ Arrangement of tools
◆ Ergonomy
◆ Motion waste -
2.4 Functional Areas (good receipt areas, consolidation areas, quarantine area..)
- 1. Functional areas are not marked or the marking is incorrect or damaged.
- 2. Some functional areas are marked and/or signposted.
- 3. All functional areas are clearly marked and signposted. The marking is in good condition.
- 4. All functional and consolidation areas, transportation specific areas etc. can be identified without assistance.
- 5. In addition to previous: There is a process/ responsible in place that ensures that the markings are in place and in good condition.
◆ Marking
◆ Clearness -
2.5 Storage (racking, shelving, block, inventory..)
- 1. There is no labelling at all or the labelling is incorrect or damaged. Racking/block content is not properly arranged.
- 2. The labelling of some storage location is incorrect or damaged. Racking/block content is not properly arranged.
- 3. All racking and shelving storage locations are marked correctly. Blocked and/or consolidation locations are not marked completely. Racking/block content is properly arranged.
- 4. All storage locations are marked correctly including block and consolidation locations. The readability is excellent and labels are in good condition. Racking/Block content is properly arranged.
- 5. In addition to previous: There's a process/ responsible in place ensuring that all locations marking are correct. Racking/ block content is properly arranged.
◆ Marking
◆ Readability
◆ Arrangement
3.1 Customer Products
- 1. Stored customer products are very dusty / very dusty compared to its general environment.
- 2. Some customer products are not clean taking customer requirements into account.
- 3. All customer products are clean taking customer written requirement into account.
- 4. All customer products are cleaned on a regular basis and/or it is prevented that inventory gets dirty (closed cartons / closed shelving).
- 5. Workshops are conducted to improve the level of cleanliness of stored customer products using the concept of prevention.
◆ Cleanness
◆ Condition -
3.2 Equipment (trucks, forklifts, scanner, printers, PC, IT) (not storage equipment)
- 1. Equipment is covered with dirt or dust.
- 2. Only some equipment is clean.
- 3. All equipment is clean.
- 4. In addition to previous: Equipment is cleaned and wiped on a regular basis.
- 5. In addition to previous: There is a documented cleaning and maintenance plan with responsibilities.
◆ Cleanness
◆ Condition -
3.3 Workstations (parking station, terminals, office desks..)
- 1.Workstations are covered with dust or dirt.
- 2. Only some workstations are clean.
- 3. All workstations are clean.
- 4. In addition to previous: Workstations are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.
- 5. In addition to previous: There is a documented cleaning and maintenance plan with responsibilities.
◆ Cleanness
◆ Condition -
3.4 Warehouse environment (floor, walls, door, windows, WC, Social room, lighting, outside ramps etc.)
- 1. Warehouse environment is dirty, smells badly, full of waste or even damaged.
- 2. Warehouse environment is generally clean but some areas / structures are dirty or are in need of repair.
- 3. Warehouse environment is all clean and is in relatively good state of repair. The floor is cleaned and free of dust, trash and dirt.
- 4. In addition to previous: Warehouse environment is cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.
- 5. In addition to previous: There is a documented cleaning and maintenance plan with responsibilities.
◆ Cleanness
◆ Condition -
3.5 Waste / Cleaning equipment / Recycling
- 1. There is no cleaning equipment or insufficient waste bins or insufficient cleaning equipment.
- 2. The quantity of cleaning equipment is not sufficient. Waste bins and cleaning equipment are not used as planned.
- 3. The quantity of cleaning equipment is sufficient. Waste bins and cleaning equipments are used and used as planned.
- 4. In addition to previous: Waste bins and cleaning equipment are clearly marked and have designated locations.
- 5. In addition to previous: The condition of the waste bins and cleaning equipment is regularly checked.
◆ Availability
◆ Correct usage
4.1 Working instructions / SOP
- 1. Working instructions are not available at all.
- 2. Working instructions are available only on requests and/or not understandable for everyone.
- 3. Working instructions are available but not up to date.
- 4. Working instructions are visible/available at near the workplace and are easy to understand and up to date.
- 5. In addition to previous: Working instructions are enriched with graphical illustrations / pictures.
◆ Actuality
◆ Availability
◆ Understandability -
4.2 Standardisation of first 3S (to-be pictures, checklists, markings, shadow boards..)
- 1. There is no standard workplace/to-be condition labelling.
- 2. Standards are followed but there's no visualisation (e.g. labels, markings, checklists, shadow boards).
- 3. Standards are followed but visualisation (e.g. labels, markings, checklists, shadow boards..0 and up to date.
- 4. Standards are followed and these standards are visualised (e.g. labels, markings, checklists, shadow boards..and up to date)
- 5. In addition to previous: Visualisation using to-be pictures is available.
◆ Availability
◆ Visualising -
4.3 5 Minute 5S
- 1. workstations or functional areas are disorganised during ops stops / slow down / official breaks.
- 2. Employees are informed about 5 Minute 5S.
- 3. 5 Minute 5S is carried out only by some employees and/in regular intervals.
- 4. 5 minute 5S is carried out by all employees.
- 5. 5 Minute 5S is carried out by all employees and there's checklist/instructions.
◆ Implementation
◆ Frequency
5.1 5S Awareness
- 1. Employees don't know about 5S.
- 2. Employees can name some of the 5S.
- 3. Employees can name all the 5S.
- 4. Employees can name all of the 5S. They understand their duties of 5S.
- 5. Employees can name all of the 5S. They understand their duties and benefits out of 5S.
◆ Understanding of 5S. -
5.2 5S Information (e.g. FLEX Board, FLEX-Online-Tool, poster, pocket cards..)
- 1. There is no FLEX-Board available.
- 2. FLEX-Board is put up but with incomplete/not up to date documentation.
- 3. FLEX-Board documentation is complete and up to date.
- 4. FLEX-Board documentation is complete and up to date and audits results are posted in the FLEX online system.
- 5. In addition to the FLEX-Board: Additional 5S information is provided (e.g. 5S posters, pocket cards,..)
◆ Availability
◆ Actuality -
5.3 5S Audit (Audits results, follow up..)
- 1. 5S audits are carried out irregularly.
- 2. 5S audits are carried out regularly/ at least once a month.
- 3. 5S audits are carried out regularly and improvement actions are documented but not followed up completely.
- 4. 5S audits are carried out regularly and improvement actions are documented (To-Do-List) and followed up completely.
- 5. In addition to previous: the workforce is actively engaged in driving continuous improvement in 5S scores.
◆ Frequency
◆ Documentation (To-Do-List)
◆ Follow up