Title Page
Site conducted
Form type
Type of Incident
- Accident Resulting in Injury
- Accident Resulting in Spill or Leak
- Accident Resulting in First Aid Only
- Accident Resulting in Illness of Employee
- Accident Resulting in Near-Loss
- Accident Resulting in Equipment or Property Damage
- Personal Medical Emergency
Identify Damaged Equipment/Property
Identify Body Part Injured
- Head
- Neck
- Shoulder(s)
- Upper Arm-Elbow(s)
- Lower Arm(s)
- Wrist(s)
- Hand(s)
- Chest Area
- Abdominal Area
- Upper Back
- Lower Back
- Hip Area(s)
- Upper Leg(s)
- Knee(s)
- Lower Leg(s)
- Ankle(s)
- Foot-Feet
- Eye(s)
Name of First Responder who responded
Was 911 called?
Who called 911?
What time was 911 called?
What time did 911 arrive onsite?
Was the EMS Procedure properly activated?
Identify gap(s) in the response
Is there any room for improvement or lessons learned?
List the improvement(s) that can be made or lesson(s) learned
Accident investigation form initiated
Name of primary person involved in accident
Affected Department Area
- IMM Maintenance
- IMM Tooling
- Outside Paint
- Inside Paint
- Paint Maintenance
- Quality and Inspection
- Decostar Logistics
- Engineering
- Office
- Final Assembly
- P33 Assembly
- P33 Maintenance
- Environmental
- DSC Production
- DSC Service / Logistics
- DSC Maintenance
- GSC Production
- GSC Maintenance
- GSC Logistics
- GSC Service
- GMC Production
- GMC Tooling Area
- GMC Maintenance
- GMC Logistics
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Notify Accident
Particulars of Accident (Supervisor to complete)
Area Supervisor - Fill out information required
Date and time of accident/incident
Location where the accident occurred (Be specific)
Accident investigation lead (Supervisor Name)
H&S contact name
Time accident was communicated to H&S representative (Contact must be made)
The Employee Involved in Incident (Supervisor to complete)
Supervisor / Management Representative - Fill out information required
Name of employee(s) involved in incident (First and Last Name)
Employee job title
Write down employee statement of incident (Must be a statement from Employee)
Would you like to take a picture of the employee statement?
Take picture of the employee statement
Are there any witnesses to the accident?
Name of Witness
Provide a witness statement of the event
Would you like to take a picture of the witness statement?
Take a picture of witness statement
Is the employee a Full-time or Temporary Associate?
- Full Time Hourly Employee
- Full Time Salary Employee
- North Georgia Employee
- Hire Dynamics
- Aerotek Employee
- Pride Staffing Employee
- On-site Contractor
- Visitor
- Other
Describe status of worker
Was drug screen completed for parties involved in accident? (Drug screens not required for near miss reports)
Take pictures of all drug screens performed
Explain why drug screen was not performed
Damaged Property - Including Forklift Incidents and Near Misses (Supervisor to Complete)
Supervisor / Management Representative - Fill out information required
Did property damage occur within the facility?
Describe property or material damaged
Take pictures of damaged property or material
Treatment and Investigation of Accident
Health and Safety / Supervisor - Fill out information required
Did the injury occur as a result of the incident / accident?
Describe the type of injury (Supervisor and Safety to Complete)
- First Aid - Report Only
- Injury Requiring Medical Treatment, Hospitalization, or Emergency Medical Treatment
Name of person giving first aid
Type of injury
- Bruising
- Dislocation
- Strain/sprain
- Scratch/abrasion
- Internal
- Fracture
- Amputation
- Foreign body
- Laceration/cut
- Burn/scald
- Chemical reaction
- Other
Specify injured part of body
Describe Type of Injury
Take pictures of injury and what contributed to incident
Type of treatment given
Does the employee request to seek me medical attention?
Take Picture of RTW Agreement /Medical Doctor (Chosen by Employee)
Affected Employee Information
Injured Employee Address
Injured Employee Date of birth
Injured Employee Date of Hire
Hourly Wages
Injured Employee Phone number
Employee Marital Status
Employee Number of Dependents
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Phone Number
Doctor/Hospital (Medical Treatment)
Describe the Type of Injury
Take pictures of injury and what contributed to incident
Describe the Type of First Aid Administered
OSHA Recordable Injury (Safety to Complete)
OSHA Recordable Number
Is OSHA 301 Log Complete
Is risk assessment completed for job?
Is risk assessment updated based on recordable injury?
Is risk assessment completed for job?
The Investigation of Accident (Supervisor and Manager to Complete)
Health and Safety/ Management Representative - Fill out information required
Provide Supervisor detailed statement of incident/accident
Describe what happened
Complete Root Cause Analysis
Answer the following questions to help identify the Root Cause of the Incident
Was a work guidance or work procedure in place for the job task that caused the incident?
Take a picture of Work Guidance or Work Procedure
Assign an action to complete a work procedure for job task
Is documented training in place for the work guidance or work procedure?
Take a picture of the signed-off work guidance
Assign an action to Perform documented training
Was not wearing PPE (Safety Glasses, Cut Resistant Sleeves/Gloves, etc.) a root cause or contributing factor to the accident?
Identify missing PPE resulting in the injury and assign corrective action
Was not following an identified safety procedure a root cause or contributing factor to the incident?
Identify the safety procedure not followed to result in an incident
Identify one or more of the following incident states that could have contributed to the incident
- Rushing
- Frustration
- Fatigue
- Complacency
- Eyes not on task
- Mind not on task
- Balance, Traction, and Grip
- Being in the Line of Fire
Identify the Root Cause of the incident
Corrective / Preventive Actions (Supervisor and Manager)
Identify Corrective / Preventive Action (Must assign action in I-Auditor)
Additional Corrective / Preventive Actions (Supervisor and Manager)
Was a corrective action assigned to eliminate or prevent incident from reoccurring?
Accident Review and Sign-off
Employee Signature
Additional Signature
Supervisor Signature
Department Manager Signature
JHSC Signature
Safety Signature
AGM / General Manager Signature