Inspection Title
Audit Area
- Shipping
- Receiving
- Canopy
- P32 Masking
- Tooling
- IMM Presses 1 - 4
- IMM Presses 5 - 6
- IMM Presses 7 - 9
- IMM Presses 10 - 12
- IMM Automation Area
- IMM Maintenance
- IMM Regrind Room
- IMM Chiller Area
- Material Handling Mezzanine
- Outside Paint Finesse
- Outside Paint Unload
- Outside Paint Load Deck
- Paint Line 2
- Inspection Deck
- P32 Finesse-Demasking
- Paint Lab
- Final Inspection Area
- Cart Maintenance Area
- Paint Maintenance Shop
- Paint Tunnel
- Paint Boiler Room
- Paint Kitchen
- Inside Paint
- Gun Room
- Paint Basement
- Final Assembly CN7a
- Final Assembly MQ4a
- Final Assembly NX4a
- Final Assembly DL3a
- P33 Zone 1
- P33 Zone 2
- P33 Zone 3
- P33 Zone 4
- P33 Zone 5
- P33 Zone 6
- P33 Maintenance
- Tool Crib
- Regrind Tent
- Metrology Lab
- WCM Lab Area
- DSC Production DN8a
- DSC Production H61P Area
- DSC Service Area
- DSC Maintenance Area
- DSC Shipping-Receiving Area
- GSC Shipping Area
- GSC Receiving Area
- GSC Maintenance Area
- GSC Spoiler Area
- GSC Claddings Area
- GSC Rocker Area
- GSC Front Fascia Area
- GSC Rear Fascia Area
- GDC Service Area
- GDC Shipping-Receiving Area
- GMC Press 1 - 5 Area
- GMC Press 6 - 11 Area
- GMC Tooling Area
- GMC Maintenance Area
- GMC Shipping -Receiving Area
- 1st Shift
- 2nd Shift
- 3rd Shift
- A Shift
- B Shift
- C Shift
- D Shift
Conducted on
Your Current Department
- Administration
- HR
- P32 Assembly
- Inside Paint
- Outside Paint
- Final Assembly
- Logistics
Prepared by
Previous inspection
First time auditing area?
Are there any outstanding actions from previous audits?
General Safety
General PPE Required within all working areas
ANSI approved safety glasses with side shields worn by all employees? (Ref. ANSI Z87) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.132)
Other applicable PPE inspected and worn correctly? (Hearing protection, cut-resistant sleeves/gloves, etc.) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.132)
Is the area free from water or any other substances that could create a slip, trip, or fall hazard? <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.22)
Take picture of finding
Wet floor signs are available? Wet floor signs are stored in the proper place when not in use? (Ref. OSHA 1910.145)
Are all ladders properly secured when not in use? (Ref. OSHA 1910.23)
Take picture of ladder not properly stored.
Hazard Communication (Ref. OSHA 1910.1200)
Does area have a flammable liquid storage cabinet? (Ref. OSHA 1910.106)
Are chemicals properly stored? (i.e flammable stored in fire rated cabinet, no items stored on top, cabinet grounded) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.1200)
Take picture of finding
Does the flammable cabinet contain combustible materials? (Ref. OSHA 1910.106)
Take picture of combustables
Are flammable cabinet doors shut when not in use? (Ref. OSHA 1910.106)
Take picture of open flammable cabinet
Are items stored on top of flammable cabinet? (Ref. OSHA 1910.106)
Take picture of items stored on top of flammable cabinet
All Chemical Labels should be legible and contain the following information:
Are all secondary containers labeled correctly and legible? <br>(Ref. OSHA1910.1200)
Take picture of finding
Is correct PPE worn when handling chemicals? (Where required - Review Chemical Handling Requirements) (Ref. OSHA 1910.1200)
Reference Physical and Health Hazards below:
Do employees know the chemical and physical hazards associated with the chemicals they are using? <br>(Where Applicable) (Ref. OSHA 1910.1200)
Employee Name
Job Title
Reference the following Hazard Pictograms:
Please Identify Chemical Hazards - Hazard Pictograms
- Flame - Flammable
- Corrosion - Corrosive
- Flame Over Circle - Oxidizing
- Exclamation Mark - Danger
- Health Hazard
- Skull and Crossbones - Acute Toxicity
- Gas Cylinder - Gases Under Pressure
- Exploding Bomb - Explosive
- Environmental Hazard
Please Physical Health Hazards
- Skin Corrosion or Burns
- Burns (Skin and Eye Damage)
- Irritant (Skin, Eye, Respiratory)
- Narcotic Effects (Dizziness, Light-headed, Etc.)
- Carcinogen (Serious Health Hazards)
- Acute Toxicity (Fatal or Toxic)
Employee Name
Job Title
Chemical Physical Hazards - Hazard Pictograms
- Flame - Flammable
- Corrosion - Corrosive
- Flame Over Circle - Oxidizing
- Exclamation Mark - Danger
- Health Hazard
- Skull and Crossbones - Acute Toxicity
- Gas Cylinder - Gases Under Pressure
- Exploding Bomb - Explosive
- Environmental Hazard
Physical Health Hazards
- Skin Corrosion or Burns
- Burns (Skin and Eye Damage)
- Irritant (Skin, Eye, Respiratory)
- Narcotic Effects (Dizziness, Light-headed, Etc.)
- Carcinogen (Serious Health Hazards)
- Acute Toxicity (Fatal or Toxic)
Machines and Guarding
Is Pre-Shift inspection completed and signed by Operator and Supervisor? <br>(Where applicable) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.147)
Take picture of inspection
Take a picture of incorrect pre-shift inspection and assign action to correct finding
Are work guidance's posted and do they include PPE requirements and safety awareness? <br>(Where applicable) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.147) (Ref. OSHA 1910.132)
Take picture of work guidance(s)
Take picture of incorrect work guidance and assign action to correct finding
Are Lock-Out Tag-Out procedures posted? (Where applicable)<br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.147)
Take picture of LOTO Procedure(s)
Take picture of missing procedure and assign action to correct finding.
Are LOTO locks attended and controlled by assigned operator? (No LOTO locks can be left unauthorized with key present) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.147)
Take a picture of uncontrolled or unattended LOTO lock and assign action to correct finding
Are all machine entrapment procedures posted? (Where applicable) (Ref. OSHA 1910.38)
Take picture of entrapment procedure
Are all machine safe guards in place and not damaged? (Light Curtains, E-Stops, Presence Sensing Devices, Safety Awareness Chains) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.212)
Take picture of missing or damaged presence sensing device.
Fire Protection and Emergency Exits
Are fire extinguishers accessible and tag current within one month of today's date? <br>NOTE: There should be nothing stored or staged within three feet of the fire extinguisher. (Ref. OSHA 1910.157)
Take picture of fire extinguisher with tag to date
Take picture of blocked fire extinguisher or out of date tag. Assign action to correct finding.
Are emergency exit signs illuminated? <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.37)
Take picture of non-illuminated sign and assign action to correct finding.
Is there a clear pathway to the exits? <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.37)
Take picture of what is blocking pathway to exit. Assign action to correct finding.
Are evacuation maps posted in area? (Ref. OSHA 1910.38)
Take picture of evacuation map in area
Reference the following Pipe Labeling Standards:
Are all pipes labeled and identified within area? (Pipe labeling must be placed every 50 feet) (Ref. ASME A13.1-2015)
Are all gas cylinders secured to the wall and are protective caps in place when not in use? (Where applicable) (Ref. OSHA 1910.101)
Take picture of missing protective caps or unsecured gas cylinder(s) and assign action to correct finding.
Electrical Safety
Are there electrical panels available within the work area? <br>(Ref. NEC Section 110-26)
Are all electrical panel doors closed and with nothing stored within 3 feet in front of them? (Ref. NFPA 70E)
Take a picture of blocked electrical panel or electrical panel with door open
Take a picture of electrical panel in compliance
Are electrical cords free of cuts, nicks and bare wires? <br>(Ref. NFPA 70E) (Ref. OSHA 1910.334)
Take picture of electrical cord with cuts, nicks, or bare wires
Are extension cords being used in work area? (Ref. NFPA 70E) <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.334)
Take picture of extension cord used
Forklift and Rack Safety
Are forklift operators sounding horns at intersections, corners and when in reverse? (Ref. OSHA 1910.178)
Are forklifts operated safely at all times? (Ref. OSHA 1910.178)<br>NOTE: Check for seatbelts, excessive speed, sudden stopping and turning.
Are forklift operators carrying racks according to rack matrix? (Ref. OSHA 1910.178)
Are racks and pallet decking available within the audit area? <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.176)
Are any racks damaged within the audit area?
Provide picture of damaged rack(s)
Is pallet decking damaged within audit area?
Provide picture of damaged racking and assign action to be repaired
Are all weight limits posted on all pallet decking within audit area?
Provide picture of missing weight limits within racking area and assign action to correct finding
Provide picture of pallet decking labels within pallet decking area
Are dock doors available within the audit area? <br>(Ref. OSHA 1910.29)
Are all dock doors currently closed, open with a trailer docked in place, or open with safety awareness chains in place?
Provide picture of finding (Dock door currently open without safety awareness chain or trailer docked)
Do all dock doors have safety awareness chains or barriers present and being used when the door is open and unoccupied?
Are all forklift operators using dock lock systems as designed?
Consultation and Participation of Workers
Are there any additional employee safety concerns or employee safety suggestions?
Does the employee have a safety concern or a safety suggestion?
Describe the safety concern and assign an action to address the concern (Assign an Action)
Describe the employee suggestion or improvement idea (Assign an Action)
Employee Name
Are there any ergonomic concerns within work area? (If yes, create action describing additional safety concern)
Are there any additional safety concerns or additional findings within work area? (If yes, take a picture and create action describing additional safety concern)
Sign Off
Auditor's signature
Area Supervisor or Manager signature