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  • ♦ Each sport participant (players/staff/volunteers/parents/spectators) must comply with face covering consistent with the State of Emergency order. This is especially important when social distancing cannot be maintained.

  • ♦ Each sport must comply with social distancing guidelines of 6 feet or more for all players, staff, coaches, officials and spectators to the greatest extent possible.

  • ♦ Individual skill building is preferred when social distancing is difficult.

  • ♦ Scrimmages within teams are preferred over competitions with other teams.

  • ♦ Limit the time players spend close to others by conducting full contact play only in game-time situations.

  • ♦ Organize/stagger player arrival and departure procedures to reduce mixing of teams and close contact.

  • ♦ Have players and spectators wait in cars before practice or between games.

  • ♦ DPH strongly recommends that practice, competition and tournament groups/teams be limited to 15 players plus staff. During competitions and tournaments, groups/teams should remain stable from one day to the next, meaning the same players and staff should make up one group/team. Players and staff should not switch between groups/teams, and interaction between groups/teams should be restricted as much as possible to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 between teams. Consider staggered scheduling by group/team.

  • ♦ Ensure adequate space between the water and personal equipment of each player so that physical distancing of at least 6 feet can be maintained during breaks.

  • ♦ Players should not gather in enclosed spaces, such as dugouts, unless they can maintain a distance of six feet apart.

  • ♦ Ensure social distancing during non-playing time: arrange alternate seating so that youth are not clustered together on bleachers.

  • ♦ Discourage unnecessary contact like high fives, hugs and post-game line-ups and handshakes with opposing team and officials.

  • ♦ Stagger use of communal spaces like locker rooms.

  • ♦ Any spectators must adhere to the gathering restrictions set forth in the State of Emergency Orders.


  • ♦ Youth sports organizations must post extensive signage instructing participants and spectators about required face coverings, maintaining 6 feet distance, hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and to stay home if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Printable signs that will help you comply with signage requirements are available at de.gov/playsafelysign.

  • ♦ Identify a safety and hygiene manager who is responsible for COVID-19 screening and concerns. All coaches, staff, officials and families should know who this person is and how to contact them.

  • ♦ Coaches, staff, officials, parents and players must be informed and routinely reminded of team infection control measures.

  • ♦ Coaches, staff, officials, parents and players must be informed about the expectation to stay home when sick and are encouraged to contact the team safety and hygiene manager if they test positive for<br>COVID-19 and to inform DPH about possible exposures.


  • •Each organization and facility must comply with all other state, county and local requirements.

  • • Athletes and staff/coaches considered vulnerable populations should continue to stay at home and are encouraged to obtain medical clearance for participation.

  • • Note that older players might be better able to follow directions for social distancing and take other protective actions compared to younger players.


  • General Comments

  • Prepared by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.