
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

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  • Area

  • Location
  • Personnel involved in the inspection.

  • Risk Matrix

    no label

1. Layout

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  • Slip, trip, fall hazards (power cords, open file cabinets etc )

  • Doorways/exits are free from obstruction

  • Area is clean, tidy and well kept.

  • Floor is easy to clean, free from spills, free of obstructions (ie files and boxes) and slip resistant. (No ripped/frayed carpet)

  • There is adequate ventilation.

  • Aisles, stairs and walkways are clearly defined

  • Aisles, stairs and walkways safe and clear

2. Environment

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  • Adequate lighting for work area (benches/desks)

  • Items producing high noise levels are isolated

  • Hearing protection is provided and used

  • Noise levels within acceptable limits (85dB(A))

  • Temperature is comfortable.

  • Best use of natural light

  • Work area is ventilated

3. Emergency Procedures

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  • Written evacuation procedures and exits displayed and up to date.

  • Are spill kits available?

  • Portable fire extinguishers have been provided and maintained.

  • Escape routes and emergency doors are clear.

  • Procedures are in place for isolated workers.

  • Emergency and hazard signage is clearly visa le.

4. First Aid Facilities

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  • There are appropriate first aid and emergency facilities in the near vicinity and workers' are aware of them.

  • Kits are clearly signed, stocked and contents are in-date.

  • Names and contacts of first aiders displayed and up to date.

5. General Facilities

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  • Washing facilities are clean and functional.

  • Are stairs, passageways and store rooms well lit?

  • Warning and Safety signage in good condition.

  • Isolation valves are readily accessible and clearly labelled.

  • Walls, windows, doors and furniture is in good condition.

6. Manual Handling

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  • Where applicable manual handling Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are available.

  • Personnel in inspection area are inducted and trained in manual handling.

  • Trolleys or mechanical hoists are available and are being considered for heavy items or loads.

  • Step ladders or safe steps available to access light items stored on high shelves.

  • Workers have been asked for safer ways to do the job.

7. Storage

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  • Hazard

  • Adequate storage area provided.

  • Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible.

  • Storage designed to minimize lifting problems I.e. heavy objects not stored on upper racks.

  • Racking securely fixed to the floor or wall.

  • Safe lifting sign displayed.

  • Are storage areas labelled appropriately and organized.

8. Slips and Trips

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  • Personnel in inspection area are inducted and trained in slips and trips

  • Mobile warning signs are available and erected near spills.

  • There are special provisions for slip resistance in wet areas.

  • Guard rails and slip resistance are provided on ramps and stairs.

  • Walkways are free of hazards, such as electrical leads.

9. Electrical Safety

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  • Personnel in inspection area are inducted and trained in Electrical Safety and are following applicable SOPs. (Safe Operating Procedures).

  • All portable equipment has current test tags.

  • Portable RCD device is available and has been tested. (Tested every two years)

  • Flexable cord, plugs ad extension leads are in good condition and have either moulded or transparent type plugs.

  • Power points are suitable for the location and are positioned safely.

  • Power boards are used. (not double adapters).

  • Faulty equipment is tagged out. (Tag and tags is available). (Test office equipment 5 years, every year for cleaning equipment)

10. Chemical Aspects

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  • Personnel in inspection area are inducted and trained in Chemical Handling and are following applicable SOPs (Safe Operating Procedures).

  • MSDS (not older older than 5 years) are available for workers reference and included in the hazardous substances register.

  • There is an up to date easy to find and read list/register summary of all chemicals used.

  • A risk assessment has been completed for all chemicals and harmful substances stored and used at the workplace.

  • Actions have been take to control risks. For example , an investigation has been doe to find out whether an alternative safer chemical is available.

  • Decanted containers are labeled with name, risk and safety instructions.

  • Original containers have the manufacturer's label.

  • Chemicals stored according to compatibility and bundled i.e. in flammable or corrosive cabinets.

  • Are minimal amounts of corrosives stored, and/or used?

  • Only flammables stored in flammable liquid cabinet?

  • Are the warning signs on the cabinet legible? (e.g. DG Class 3 diamond, no smoking, no ignition sources).

11. Personal Protective Equipment

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  • Required PPE available

  • Instruction and information of PPE are available.

  • PPE store available well maintained and in good order.

  • Signage of PPE requirements displayed on equipment.

  • Appropriate signs displayed to standard requirements visible, correctly located and in good condition, (Inside and outside).

12. Noise

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  • A risk assessment on noise has been conducted where it is likely that workers Re exposed to noise levels.

  • Control measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of injury as a result of noise, including the provision of personal hearing protection.

  • Workers have received information and training in relation to noise at the workplace.

13. Machinery and Plant

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  • Records are kept of maintenance, alterations and inspections.

  • Keys are not left behind in unattended mobile plant.

  • Are safe work method statements/warming signs clearly visible?

  • Manufacturer's manuals and operator instructions are readily available.

  • Inspection re records are made and kept in relation to plant.

  • Work area is organized for the safety of the mobile plant operator and pedestrians. (Safe walkways on floor?)

  • Pre-start safety check of mobile plant is carried out in accordance to Manufactures instructions

  • Mobile plant is in good working order. (Seat, lights, steering, controls, horn, tyres, gas cylinder, warning signs, brakes, mast, chains, hoses, counterweight, control labels).

  • Seatbelt and rollover protection is provided wherer required.

  • Emergency stops tested andc are working.

  • Welding screens available, maintained and in good condition.

14. Guarding

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  • Operators and maintenance personnel properly trained, familiar with the operation and set up of machinery and able to demonstrate safety features.

  • Where fixed guards are provided, they prevent operation of the machinery when open, the guards are prevented from opening while the machinery is in operation.

  • Where a presence sensing system is used, it operates as intended and stops the machinery when the light beams or sensors are interrupted.

  • Guards protect against hazards to the rear and sides of machinery.

  • Pre-operational checks are conducted to ensure safety features are in working order.

  • Warning signs and decals clearly visible.

  • Where it is not practical to provide guarding and people are required to operate or pass close to dangerous moving parts, a safe system of work in place to reduce risk.

  • Manufacturer's manuals are available for operators.

15. Welding Safety

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  • Are staff appropriately trained and inducted in the dangers of performing welding tasks?

  • Are students appropriately supervised by a competent person when welding?

  • Is there adequate ventilation for welding tasks?

  • Are there appropriate warning signs in welding areas?

  • Are mobile welding screens available.

  • To prevent flashbacks on Oxy-acetylene welding sets, flashback arrestors must be installed on the outlets of both regulators, and torch inlets.

  • Are ventilation systems working adequately?

16. Compressed Gas

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  • Cylinders contents are identified and appropriately secured.

  • Cylinders are stored according to dangerous goods class and empty cylinders are separated from full ones.

  • Gas lines are free of leaks, kinks, wear & tear.

17. Customer Service

  • Is there a procedure to deal with difficult or violent customers in the workplace

18. Photocopier

  • Are gloves available for handling toner

19. Waste

  • Bins adequate and I good repair

  • Bins emptied regularly

20. Workstations

  • Mouse can be placed within easy reach

  • Computer leads neatly coiled

  • Desk or bench large enough to accommodate all work

  • Footrest available if required (if thighs are not parcelled to the floor)

  • Keyboard directly in front of monitor

  • Top of monitor at approximately eye level

  • Chair can be adjusted to suitable position to work

21. Amenities

  • Lunch room clean and hygienic

  • Adequate supplies (soap, paper towels, toilet rolls)

  • Toilets clean and hygienic

Other Hazards

  • Other hazards

  • Hazard

  • Hazard

  • Hazard

Please sign and email the report to the OSH Coordinator.

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.