Site conducted
Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Set-Up
Is the work area safe?
Is the work area secured to prevent unauthorised access?
Is there adequate signage to warn members of the public? i.e. 'Danger Keep Out', 'Men at Work', etc.
Pre-Construction Information and Construction Phase Plan
Is there Pre-Construction Information for the project?
Is there a Construction Phase Plan available for the project?
Work Activity Arrangements
Does the worker have the relevant risk assessments for the activities being carried out?
Does the worker have the relevant method statements for the activities being carried out?
Does the worker have the relevant COSHH assessments for the activities being carried out?
Are the relevant permits being used?
Has the worker been provided with the relevant Asbestos information?
Does the worker have access to first aid facilities?
Is there access to suitable fire fighting equipment?
Workers Conduct
Is the worker wearing the required PPE for their activities?
Are all workers working in accordance with their companies RAMS?
Is the workers dust mask in good condition and stored appropriately?
Welfare Facilities
Are there adequate welfare facilities available for the work being carried out?
Site Housekeeping
Are materials being stored safely?
Is fuel being stored correctly? i.e. suitable container, well ventilated, labelled, etc.
Is dust being adequately controlled?
Is the work area accessible, kept tidy with no materials or debris causing a trip/slip hazard?
Are waste arrangements suitable and sufficient?
Are excavations protected to prevent people, plant and materials from falling in?
Site Traffic
Are traffic management arrangements suitable and sufficient?
Are site vehicles parked considerately, not obstructing pavements, driveways or roads?
Are weekly inspection reports being carried out, records kept in the site folder and the scaffold tag updated?
Is the scaffold on solid even ground, not undermined and with sole boards and base plates?
Are all standards plumb, not joined at the same height, correctly spaced and free from damage?
Are all ledgers level, not joined in the same bay, secure and free from damage?
Is there sufficent ledger and facade bracing and are they secure with the correct fittings?
Have the right fittings been used and are they secure and free from damage?
Are there a sufficient amount of ties and are they secure and free from damage?
Are boards in good condition, secured and cover the whole working platform?
Are stored materials evenly distributed on scaffold platforms and not excessive or above guardrails?
Are guardrails and toe boards the correct height, all in place, secure and free from damage?
Are gates and trap doors installed correctly, in good working order and closed when not in use?
Are ladders the sufficient length, tied and free from damage?
Ladders, Step's and Hop-up's
Do all ladders, steps and hop-up's have an up to date inspection sticker?
Are ladders, steps and hop-up's free from damage?
Are ladders used only as a means of access, except for short duration work?
Mobile Tower Scaffold
Is the scaffold fit for prupose and being used correctly?
Is a scaffold tag in place and up to date?
Does the worker have the relevant training for the erection of the scaffold?
Are there records of inspections?
Is there up to date service/maintenance records for the plant?
Does the operator have a licence for the plant being used?
Tools and Work Equipment
Are all tools and equipment suitable for their purpose?
Are all tools and equipment PAT where necessary?
Are tools and equipment in good condition?
Sign off
Person conducting this Audit.
Audit concluded at: