Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Role being evaluated

  • Date

InterDesign Job Safety Analysis

JSA Details

  • • Full Name & Role

Safety Equipment Required

  • MC_PPE.jpg
  • Select the applicable safety equipment(s) required for the job

Competencies & Trainings

  • List down applicable competencies & training to carry out individual tasks (Enumerate)

Equipment Check & Special Considerations

  • List down checked equipments & any special considerations (Enumerate)

Job Safety Analysis & Risk Assessment

    Job Step / Task
  • • Step in Process / Task

  • • Hazards

  • People

  • Work Environment

  • Environmental

  • Equipment / Plant / Machinery

  • • Existing Controls

  • • Initial Risk Analysis

  • Likelihood

  • Consequence

  • What is the physical demand?

  • Risk Rating

  • VLOW.jpg
  • LOW.jpg
  • MEDIUM.jpg
  • HIGH.jpg
  • Additional Controls

  • • Residual / Revised Risk Analysis

  • VLOW.jpg
  • LOW.jpg
  • MEDIUM.jpg
  • HIGH.jpg
  • VHIGH.jpg
  • VHIGH.jpg
  • Additional Controls

  • • Residual / Revised Risk Analysis

  • VLOW.jpg
  • LOW.jpg
  • MEDIUM.jpg
  • HIGH.jpg
  • VHIGH.jpg

JSA Acknowledgement & Completion

  • Status of the JSA

  • JSA conducted by (Name and Signature)

  • NOTE: If there are changes or if the JSA is incomplete, REVIEW the whole JSA and initiate the Task Review below.

Task Review

  • Were any additional hazards identified while doing the task?

  • Were hazards and controls have been added to the JSA form?

  • • Does a procedure need amending as a result of this JSA?

  • • Does the JSA trigger a training need?

  • Supervisor Authorization (Name and Signature)

  • Personnel Details

    Click "Add Personnel" to enlist names & signatures of those who were involved with the JSA

  • Personnel
  • Name and Signature

  • Were any additional hazards identified while doing the task?

  • What additional hazards?

  • Does a procedure need amending as a result of this JSA?

  • What procedure needs added?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.