
  • Dixie State University Fire & Life Safety Inspection Document No.

  • Dixie State University Fire Marshal/Safety Officer 225 S. 700 E. St. George, Utah 84770 435-652-7855
  • Facility/Building

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Responsible Party:

  • Inspected By:

Examine Housekeeping Issues

  • 1. Are Storage of Combustible materials orderly? Storage is separated from heaters or heating devices by distance or shielding?<br>IFC 2012 315.3

  • 2. Storage is at least 18" below the sprinkler head deflectors or 2 ft. below the ceiling in non-sprinkled areas?<br>IFC 2012 315.2.1

  • 3. Exits and exit enclosures are kept free from combustible material?<br>IFC 2012 315.3.2

  • 4. Boiler, mechanical, and electrical equipment rooms are kept free from and combustible materials?<br>IFC 2012 315.3.3

  • 5. Any attic, under-floor, and concealed spaces used for storage and combustible materials are protected on the storage side as required?<br>IFC 2012 315.3.4

  • 6. Outside storage of combustible materials is not located within 10 ft. of property line unless exceptions allow?<br>IFC 2012 315.3

  • 7. Combustible waste containers more than 40 gallons have lides and are constructed of metal or approved combustible materials?<br>IFC 2012 304.3.2<br>

  • 8. Dumpsters and containers more than 40.5 cubic ft. stored outside and not within 5 ft. of combustible walls, openings or under eave lines?<br>IFC 2012 304.3.3 (A)

  • 9. Oily rags or other materials subject to spontaneous ignition are stored in a listed disposal container and removed daily as required?<br>IFC 2012 304.3.1

  • 10. Any liquid or gas fueled vehicles, boats or motor craft present are properly maintained?<br>IFC 2012 314.4

  • 11. Hoods, grease removal devices, fans, and ducts are cleaned and records are available?<br>IFC 2012 609.3.3.1-4

  • 12. Any portable unvented fuel-fired heating equipment are not allowed?<br>IFC 2012 603.4 (A)

Examine Miscellaneous Areas

  • 1. Approved address numbers are plainly legible and visible from the street fronting the property?<br>IFC 2012 505.1

  • 2. Key box is properly installed, if required?<br>IFC 2012 506.1

  • 3. Fire Apparatus roads are unobstructed?<br>IFC 2012 503.4

  • 4. Fire apparatus roads are not less than 20 ft., with in a minimum height unobstructed of 13 ft. 6 in?<br>IFC 2012 503.2.1

  • 5. Occupant loads are posted?<br>IFC 2012 1004.3 (A)

  • 6. Operational permit obtained for a place of assembly?<br>IFC 2012 105.6.34 (A)

  • 7. Candles or other open flame devices being used with a permit?<br>IFC 2012 105.6.32, 308. 3 (A)

  • 8. An approved fire safety and evacuation plan has been prepared and is maintained?<br>IFC 2012 404.2.1, CFR 1910 Subpart E App<br>

  • 9. Emergency evacuation drills have been conducted quarterly by all employees and records have been kept and maintained?<br>IFC 2012 405.2 (A)

Examine Fire Protection Systems

  • 1. Standpipe systems- Class 1 shall be provided in non-sprinklered and occupancy load exceeding 1,000 sq. ft?<br>IFC 2012 905.3.2

  • 2. One 2A fire extinguisher installed in low hazard office areas per 600 sq. ft and moderate hazard areas every 3000sq ft?<br>IFC 2012 Table 906.3(1), 906.1

  • 3. Quick response sprinklers are present, documentation supplied and proper extinguisher are present in special hazard areas?<br>IFC 2012 Table 906.3(1), 906.1

  • 4. The maximum travel distance to an extinguisher is 75 feet?<br>IFC Table 906.3(1)

  • 5. Extinguishers are located in conspicuous locations where they will be readily accessible and immediately available for use? Extinguishers are not obstructed or obscured from view?<br>IFC 2012 906.5,6

  • 6. Handheld extinguishers are either housed in cabinets or installed on hangers or brackets with current service tag?<br>IFC 2012 906.2,7

  • 7. Fire extinguishers installed so that its top is no more that 5ft. above the floor if less than 40 lbs. and if over 40 lbs. no more than 3.5 ft. above the floor?<br>IFC 2012 906.9

  • 8. Cooking equipment involving vegetable or animal oils and fat is protected by a Class K rated portable fire extinguisher within 30 ft. of commercial cooking equipment?<br>IFC 2012 904.11.5

  • 9. A type 1 hood is installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances and domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes and producing grease vapors.<br>IFC 2012 609.2.1, UL 300 per SR R-710 pg. 1-3

  • 10. A Type 1 commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct has an approved automatic fire extinguishing system? The system and appliance shall be serviced every 6 months? Activation of the system automatically shuts down the fuel or electric supply. Fusible links and and automatic sprinkler heads over cooking devices replace annually unless glass bulb type? A manual activation devices is located near the means of egress and is acceptable?<br>IFC 2012 904.2.1, 904.11.1-2, 904.11.6.2-3

  • 11. All valves on the sprinkler system are electronically supervised or locked in open position? Gauges show designed pressure?<br>IFC 2012 903.4

  • 12. All sprinkler heads or cover plates are clear of paint unless part of factory installed paint when produced?<br>IFC 2012 901.6, NFPA 13

  • 13. All fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems are being maintained in a operative condition?<br>IFC 2012 901.6, 907

  • 14. Records are available for all system inspections, tests and maintenance for the last 3 years and available if requested?<br>IFC 2012 901.6.2

  • 15. Adequate fire protection, water supplies and flow?<br>IFC 2012 507.1

  • 16. A 3 ft. clearance has been maintained around all fire hydrants with reasonable spacing and accesssibility?<br>IFC 2012 507.5.5, 508.5

Examine Electrical System

  • 1. Re-locatable power taps are of the polarized or grounded type and are equipped with over-current protection and listed? Re-locatable power taps are not directly connected to permanently installed receptacles or extend through walls, ceilings, floors, under doors,floor coverings or are subject to damage?<br>IFC 2012 605.4.1-3

  • 2. Extension cords do not serve as a substitute for permeant wiring? Not affixed to structure, extended through walls, ceilings or floors?<br>IFC 2012 605.5

  • 3. Extension cords are plugged directly into an approved receptacle, power tap, or multi-plug adapter? They only serve on portable appliance unless and approved multi-plug extension cord is used?<br>IFC 2012 605.5.1

  • 4. Extension cords do not contain splices or damage? Extension cords are grounded if serving grounded portable appliances? Extension cord capacity is greater than the rated capacity of the portable appliance served by the cord?<br>IFC 2012 505.2-4

  • 5. Proper working spaces are maintained in and around service equipment?<br>IFC 2012 605.3

  • 6. All electrical boxes and wiring is properly covered?<br>iFC 2012 605.6

  • 7. Electrical motors are maintained free from excessive accumulation of oil, dirt,waste and debris?<br>IFC 2012 605.8

  • 8. Temporary wiring is only being used for less than 90 days unless for construction, remolding, repair or demolition of a building? Temporary wiring is properly attached?<br>IFC 2012 605.9.1

  • 9. No multi-plug adapters, such as cube adapters, unfused plug strips, or any other device prohibited by the Electrical Code are present?<br>IFC 2012 605.4

  • 10. Doors into electrical control panel rooms are properly marked with a sign?<br>IFC 2012 605.3.1

Examine Exits

  • 1. The minimum required exits are present for the occupancy load?<br>IFC 2012 Table 1015.1<br>

  • 2. Doors swing in the direction of egress travel if occupancy load >50.<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.2

  • 3. Egress doors are readily operable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort? Latches are not present for occupancy load >50 unless it is panic hardware or fire exit hardware?<br>IFC 2012 10008.1.9, .3 (A)

  • 4. Means of egress are illuminated at all times building is occupied?<br>IFC 2012 1006.1 (A)

  • 5. Exit signs are internally or externally illuminated or of approved self-luminous types? Exit signs are visible under emergency illumination conditions?<br>IFC 2012 1011.3,.5

  • 6. Exits and exit access doors are marked by an approved exit sign visible from any direction of egress travel where required?<br>Exit signs are no further than 100 feet from any point in the corridor?<br>IFC 2012 1011.1

  • 7. Exit signs are properly illuminated for a duration of not less than 90 minutes by testing of proper back-up supply?<br>IFC 2012 1011.6.3

  • 8. Means of egress do not have any obstructions in the required width area or in the width along the path of egress travel?<br>IFC 2012 1003.6

  • 9. Exit doorways are not less than 32" in width or 28" in existing buildings?<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.1, 1027.7

  • 10. Aisles are a proper width?<br>IFC 1021.2

  • 11. Exit passageways are of a sufficient width for occupancy load?<br>IFC 2012 1021.2

  • 12. Power photo-electric actuated doors open manually if there is a loss of power and it does not take more than 50 lbs to set the door in motion?<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.4.2

  • 13. Installed panic hardware is rated to unlatch with a maximum force of 15 lbs. applied to the bar and can be set in motion with 30 lbs. of force?<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.3

  • 14. Two exits, if required for a room or space, are properly spaced?<br>IFC 2012 1014.2.1 (A)

  • 15. Manually operated flush bolts or surface bolts are not installed on exit doors?<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.9.4

  • 16. Exit access corridors, passageways, exits, stairways, rooms, exit discharge-areas, with 2 or more required exits are illuminated in case of a power failure?<br>IFC 2012 1006.3, NFPA 101.7.9

  • 17. Access controlled entrance egress doors properly identified, installed correctly and have a manual unlocking device?<br>IFC 2012 1008.1.9.8

  • 18. The building has not been altered to reduce the required number of exits?<br>IFC 2012 1001.2

Examine Hazardous Materials Areas?

  • 1. Class 1 liquids in excess of 5 gallons or 10 gallons outside of property permitted? Class 1 flammable liquids are located in basement, unless below the MAQ for use-open and basement is sprinklered?<br>IFC 2012 105.6.16, 3404.3.5.1

  • 2. Storage of incompatible materials is separated properly if in containers over 5lbs. or .5 gallons?<br>IFC 2012 5003.9.8

  • 3. Shelf storage of flammable and combustible liquids is orderly? Liquids used for maintenance or operation of equipment exceeding 10 gallons is stored in liquid storage cabinets?<br>IFC 2012 5704.3.3,.4.4,.5.3

  • 4. Cylinders more than 250 cubic feet present to and only for maintenance or operation of equipment?<br>IFC 2012 5803.1.1

Examine Additional Fire Protection Issues

  • 1. Elevator has emergency operations procedures and keys?<br>IFC 2012 Section 607

  • 2. Structure has proper fire resistant-rated construction features?<br>IFC 2012 Sections 703, 704

  • 3. Fire and smoke barrier doors are not blocked, modified or otherwise inoperable?<br>IFC 2012 703.2

  • 4. Fire resistance-rated assemblies are protected by self-closing or automatic-closing doors of approved construction meeting the fire protection requirements of the assembly?<br>IFC 2012 703.1, 1027.17.1, Table 1017.1

  • 5. Swinging fire doors close from the full open positions and latch automatically. Magnetic hold-open devices are being maintained or are kept closed?<br>IFC 2012 703.2.2,3

  • 6. Horizontal, vertical sliding and rolling fire doors have been inspected and tested annually and written proof is available?<br>IFC 2012 703.4

  • 7. Proper wall and ceiling finishes?<br>IFC 2012 Section 803

  • 8. Natural cut trees are not present without a automatic sprinklers system?<br>IFC 2012 806.1.1

  • 9. Curtains, draperies, hangings and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings are flame resistance?<br>IFC 2012 807.1

Examine Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Security, Emergency Management & Environmental Health

  • 1. Walking-working Surfaces CFR Subpart D 1910.22

  • 2. Power platforms, lifts, fall systems?<br>CFR 1910 Subpart F

  • 3. Occupational noise exposure?<br>CFR 1910.95

  • 4. Compressed gases CFR 1910.101

  • 5. Hazardous waste operations and emergency response CFR 1910.120

  • 6. Personal Protective Equipment CFR 1910 Subpart I 1910.132

  • 7. General environmental controls 1910 Subpart J (sanitation, atmosphere, sewer, clean water, spill prevention)

  • 8. Permit-required confined space CFR 1910.146

  • 9. Lockout/tag-out 1910.147

  • 10. Medical & First Aid CFR 1910.151<br> (c) emergency showers and eye wash stations

  • 11. Machinery and machine guarding CFR 1910 Subpart O 1910.212

  • 12. Toxic and hazardous substances CFR 1910.1025<br> Exposure and monitoring

  • 13. Blood borne pathogens CFR 1910.1030<br> (e)(2) Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs)

  • 14. Hazard communication CFR 1910.1200<br> (g) Safety Data Sheets

  • 15. Employee physical training (lifting/positioning/vibrations/repetitive motion)<br>

  • 16. Security/Property loss prevention

Inspection Findings

  • Needed Corrections:

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