Health & Safety - Site Inspection
Site name
Date of Inspection
Inspection carried out by
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Is site secured day and night? - Check fencing, gates, signage, safe storage etc.
Is Health & Safety signage adequate? (Dlane sign with contact number, Safety sign, PPE requirements, restricted entry signs, danger signs etc.
Are welfare requirements suitable and sufficient? (Check canteen, toilets, provision of hot and cold water, general cleanliness of welfare facilities).
Are Emergency & First aid measures adequate? (Check first aid kit, fire extinguishers, emergency procedures, site first aider)
Have all site operatives been inducted? ( Carry out random check on 2/3 site operatives)
Are operatives wearing PPE as required? (High visibility, hard hats and steel toe caps)
Have toolbox talks been completed? (At least one per month)
Has scaffolding been built and inspected by a competent person? (Check tags, inspection sheet)
Are working platforms/ladders suitable for activity that they are being used?
Is ladder marked/numbered?
Are excavations been inspected? Check shoring, block stops, daily inspections etc.
Sub-contractor questionnaire completed as required for all persons on site?
Are RAMs available on site?
Are they suitable for the work activities being carried out?
Have they been communicated to relevant operatives and evidence available?
Have subcontractors provided RAMs for work activities?
Is Electricity provision safe? ( All tools 110v, PAT tests, extension leads in good condition etc).
Is site plant in good condition? (check beacons, mirrors, cameras etc).
Has all plant got a Certificate of Thorough Examination?
Are noise & dust being adequately controlled?
Is housekeeping to a high standard?
Are there any environmental issues?