
  • Restaurant Number

  • Reason for visit

  • Restaurant Manager

  • Manager on Duty

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Mystery Shop - DT

  • Greeted within 5 seconds at the speaker box?

  • Did the employee state their name?

  • Did the employee suggestive sell or upsell?

  • Did the employee ask "Do I have your order correct on the screen?"

  • Provided a total and asked to pull forward?

  • Greeted within 5 seconds at the window?

  • Employee is friendly, engaging and smiling and in proper uniform?

  • Order was repeated before collecting?

  • Drink was provided right after accepting payment?

  • Provided a receipt with change and told about the survey?

  • Offered condiments, and given napkins?

  • Was asked "How was your EXPERIENCE today?"

  • Was thanked and invited back?

  • Total time less than 4 minutes?

  • Order was 100% accurate?

  • Proper bagging procedures were followed? Product Hot, Fresh, and Presented well?

  • Employee Name

Image - Outside

  • Was the parking lot and drive thru lane clean upon arrival?

  • Were the menu boards and directionals clean?

  • Drive-thru pad and window area is clean and organized?

  • Dumpster area clean, lids closed, recycle boxes broken down, pallets secured?

  • Landscaping is fresh and inviting? ie. cigarette buts, trash etc.

  • Sidewalks are clean and in good repair?

  • Windows, window ledges and doors are clean? Window blinds are at the same level, up or down when appropriate.

  • Is proper POP displayed and in good condition? Now hiring and all door signs look good? No handwritten signage?

  • Hours of Operations are properly displayed?

Make observations on the following guest service procedures throughout your visit.

  • Guest are being greeted within 5 seconds at the front counter?

  • Employee is friendly, engaging and smiling and in proper uniform?

  • Employee suggestive or upsell to each guest?

  • Employee repeated order before collecting?

  • Employees wait at the counter for guest to pick-up order and offer appropriate parting comment?

  • Employee thanked and invited customer back?

  • "table touching" is conducted when appropriate?

  • All employees are in proper uniform. Hair ties, shirts tucked in, belts, name tags, shoes for crews, etc.

  • Employee Name

Image - DR

  • Music is on and at an appropriate level?

  • Dining room is at an appropriate temperature?

  • Tables and chairs are clean and organized?

  • Ceiling vents are clean?

  • Drink station is clean and stocked?

  • Floors and baseboards are clean?

  • All lights are working inside the restaurant?

Image - Restrooms

  • Restrooms are cleaned and stocked?

  • Restrooms are free of graffiti?

  • Ceiling vents are clean

  • Restrooms are free of bad/unpleasant odors?

  • Floors and coves in clean and in good condition?

  • Walls clean and in good condition?

Maintenance and Repair List - Outside, Dining Room & Restrooms

  • Outside elements are in good repair?

  • Outside
  • Item

  • Outside Items

  • Dining room elements are in good repair?

  • Dining Room and Restrooms
  • Item

  • Add media

  • Restroom elements are in good repair?

  • Dining Room and Restrooms
  • Item

  • Add media

Food Safety (as business dictates)

  • HACCP is updated and properly completed for past 5 days?

  • Working thermometer available with backup?

  • PIC knows how to properly calibrate the thermometer?

  • PIC is physically able to demonstrate how to properly take critical temps of fryer, POU, walk ins, rice, fish, shake machine, smoothie machine, grill and patties?

  • PIC able to communicate how to properly take corrective actions (if needed) after taking temps.

  • Proper grill procedures being followed? Final flip and visual checks?

  • Hand wash timer is on and running at all times?

  • Proper hand washing observed? Ask newest member of the team to demonstrate.

  • Complete, washed and air dried set of back up utensils available at all times?

  • Chemicals properly storage?

  • Store free of cross contamination risks?

  • PIC name

Food Quality - Kitchen / Fryers

  • Proper grill/assembly procedures being followed?

  • Proper timers are in use on products?

  • Bacon procedures followed and prep adequate?

  • Products in assembly station within standards - look fresh, assemble and held properly?

  • Proper egg procedures followed for cooking scrambled and fried eggs? Ask employee to demonstrate.

  • All Grill proteins look appealing, cook and stage properly.

  • Burger seasoning chart posted and grill employee demonstrates proper seasoning technique.

  • All buns are within proper dates, properly toasted and meeting quality standards?

  • Fryer products look appealing, cook and stage properly.

  • Oil quality up to standards?

Cleanliness - Kitchen / Fryer

  • Behind and under equipment is clean, grill flue is clean, hood vents are clean?

  • Grill clean top to bottom and looking like a shiny fire engine?

  • All toasters clean, belts changed, and maintained correctly?

  • Protein holding cabinet and microwaves clean and well maintained?

Food Quality - Prep

  • Salads are of good quality and properly dated?

  • Setups weights are accurate? Spot check one of each setup for weight and quality and meet visual specifications per job aid.

  • No expired product? Proper dates and product rotation?

  • Prep conducted on a clean/sanitized surface?

  • Employee working on only one product at a time?

  • Products are being put back into refrigeration before 15 min?

  • All products being properly defrost?

  • All produce meet visual check?

  • All products were available for our guests?

  • Check soda nozzles and determine what time of day they are regularly cleaned and sanitized.

Cleanlliness - Prep / BOH

  • Stored dishes are clean and organized? Dish and prep area clean and organized!

  • Break room is clean, organized and inviting? CBT is working, comfortable chairs etc.

  • Dry storage is clean and organized? Walk in and freezer clean and organized?

  • Mop sink and mop area clean and organized?

  • Floor, drains and ceilings are clean and in proper condition?

  • Walls and vents are clean and in proper condition?

  • Inspect for pest activity / potential concerns?

  • Notes -Miscellaneous - Other

Maintenance and Repair List - Kitchen, Fryer, Prep and BOH

  • Kitchen / Fryer elements/equipment are in good repair?

  • Kitchen
  • Item

  • Add media

  • Prep elements/equipment are working properly and in good repair?

  • Equipment
  • Item

  • Add media

JIB Systems

  • Is the store properly staffed for the rush today?

  • Build to charts are updated and in use? (Highlighted and crossed out)

  • Prep list is utilized daily? Prep job aids posted and readily available?

  • Communication board is updated?

  • Schedule posted on time and adequate part time staff to cover the needs of the business?

  • Previous Health Inspection posted and violations have been corrected?

  • Non-negotiables sign off sheet or job aid available?

  • Equipment maintenance chart available and in use?

  • Walk-thru chart available and in use by shift?

  • Oil calendar filled out, executed properly and understood by team?

  • Hourly sales and labor worksheet is being filled out?

Job Aids

  • Food safety cards available?

  • Prep set up job aids?

  • Assembly job aids - breakfast and lunch?

  • Batch toaster job aid?

  • Defrost and hold times

  • Fryer filtering job aid?

  • Fryer product quality job aid?

  • Laminated certifications and best practices?

  • Portioned weights job aid?

  • Sourdough and artisan bread job aid?

  • Taco acceptability chart jib aid?

  • Say yes to the guest - DT and Front Counter job aids?

Restaurant Focus Area Follow-up (root causes and action plan) - (list the JIB Systems that were not used effectively)

  • Guest Service

  • Cleanliness

  • Food Safety

  • Food Quality

  • JIB Systems


  • Person in Charge:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.