Title Page
Store Number
Store Address
Date of Audit
Auditor Name
1. Answer the questions provided below.
2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon.
3. To add a Corrective Actions, click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date.
4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.
POS Terminal Inspection
List all POS Lane to be inspected (click "Add POS Lane")
POS Lane
POS Lane Number
MX915 Serial Number
Is there any visual evidence that the pin pad device has been tampered with?
Are there any unauthorized devices connected to the register?
Are there any broken register or pin pad device components?
Scroll up and click the "+" to add another POS Lane.
Mobile POS/Garden Center Terminal Inspection
Total Number of Mobile POS Terminals
List all Mobile POS Terminal to be inspected (click "Add Mobile POS Terminal")
Mobile POS Terminal
MX915 Serial Number
Is there any visual evidence that the pin pad device has been tampered with?
Are there any unauthorized devices connected to the register?
Are there any broken mobile cart, register or pin pad device components?
Scroll up and click the "+" to add another Mobile POS Terminal.
POS Spare Equipment
Total number of spare scanner/scales
Total number of spare printers
Are the spare scanner/scales in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
Are the spare printers in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
Total number of spare MX915 devices
Are the spare pin pad devices in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
List the serial numbers for each of the Spare MX915 Devices (click "Add Spare MX915 Device")
Spare MX915 Device
Spare MX915 Serial Number
Server Racks
Are the server rack doors locked (front and back)?
Are there any unauthorized items in the server rack?
Are there any unauthorized devices connected to any device in the server rack?
Are the cabinet fans clear of obstructions?
Is the server cabinet clean and dust free?
Is the garden center register network cable clearly labeled and physically disconnected from the network switch?
Is the door to the server room locked?
Are the keys to the server rack stored in the courtesy booth and clearly labeled?
Picture of server rack 1 (front)
Picture of server rack 2 (front)
Picture of server rack 1 (rear)
Picture of server rack 2 (rear)
IDF Cabinet
Is the IDF cabinet locked (all doors, hinges and side panels)?
Are there any unauthorized devices connected to any device in the IDF Cabinet?
Is the IDF cabinet clear of any obstructions?
Are there any unauthorized items in the IDF cabinet (storage, etc.)?
Is the IDF cabinet located behind a locked door (only accessible to managers with store keys)?
Are the keys to the IDF cabinet stored in the courtesy booth and clearly labeled?
Picture of IDF cabinet
Mobile Devices
Are all mobile devices and mobile printers stored in a central location when not in use?
Are all mobile devices and printers in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
List the serial numbers for each Mobile Device (click "Add Mobile Device")
Mobile Device
Mobile Device Serial Number
List the serial numbers for each Mobile Printer (click "Add Mobile Printer")
Mobile Printer
Mobile Printer Serial Number
Price Checkers
Are all price checkers and printers in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
Do all price checkers have a sign at eye level?
Do all price checkers have a hanging sign above eye level?
Do all price checkers have a sign containing contact information for the MA Division of Standards? (Massachusetts Stores Only)
Are there at least two price checkers with functioning printers attached?
List the serial numbers for each Price Checker (click "Add Price Checker")
Price Checker
Price Checker Serial Number
Computer Terminals
Are credentials or passwords posted or clearly visible near any computer?
Are all computers in a secure location behind a locked door (or locked desk)?
Are all computers, monitors, and other peripherals in good working condition (report any defects or problems)?
Wireless Network Audit
Document access point MAC addresses.
Check for unidentified wireless signals throughout store.
Ensure SSID is not broadcasting.
Ensure WEP is not in use.
Validate data is encrypted.
Confirm vendor default passwords are not is use.
Physically check all Ethernet ports for “Unauthorized” wireless devices.
Confirm restricted physical access to APs either by a ladder if mounted in ceiling or by locked door if APs are located on catwalk.
Auditor Name and Signature