
  • Supervisor

  • Crew

  • Report Commencement Date & Time

  • How are you feeling today?

  • Is there any support you require?

  • Copy of L1 MOP Board to be attached

  • Prestart Sign-On Sheet/Attendance Sheet Attached

Key Safety Aspects

  • Please fill out all questions of this section

  • Was there Blasting On Shift Today

  • What area was blasted?

  • Were there any areas under JSA Today

  • What area and tasks were under JSA?

  • Were than any Incidents or Hazards on shift?

  • What Incidents or Hazards were on shift (Fiori Event Numbers)

  • Has investigation commenced, been entered into 1SAP, and one-pager Event Report been emailed out?

  • What was stopped for Safety Today or stop for field leadership activity?

  • Pos comms: Observed being used correctly on shift?

  • Watch operation of 2 LVs and check for correct use of Seat belt check & 4WD engaged in operational areas. Which 2 LV's were reviewed for correct use?

  • You and the OCE engaged in verbal conversation during your shift about operations under your control as well as potential or existing hazards in your work areas?

  • Safety related incidents within areas of your control have been formally acted upon and related processes initiated.

  • All roads and intersections and safety bunds are compliant within your area of responsibility

  • Bunds in your area inspected by you and are built with competent material and comply with site standards

  • High risk berms in your work area meet specification requirements or deficiencies identified are being addressed

  • Verbal interaction has taken place during your shift between yourself and other interacting departments

  • Your access to work areas has been inspected and compliant

  • Recognised Standard 20 Supervisor Obligations state Supervisors "Shall as part of their routine inspections include monitoring the presence or generation of airborne dust in work areas, and this includes inside fixed and mobile plant cabins". Please inspect the cab of a piece of equipment under your control each shift and take photos (door seals, presence of dust, filter condition etc.). If you are not doing equipment, please put in comments and notes surrounding the dust inspection completed.

  • What action was taken to control the risk of dust to the operator?

  • Catch bunds, catch troughs and standoffs have been inspected and are adequate to protect equipment and people from falling material

  • You have inspected signage and delineation in your area and is in suitable condition

  • Did you engage in field leadership activities with one of your team members under your control this shift

  • Have all design limits been checked and do they align with the plan (using MineStar Command)

  • Park up areas have been inspected and are built to standard

  • Have you completed your geotech checklist for your shift and workareas and ensured your crew is using them correctly?

  • Please outline why this process has not been completed?

Mobile Crib Hut Inspections

  • Mobile Crib Inspections are done by Night Shift Supervisor and will be on Night Shift Log. If you choose to do additional inspections, please add in photos and comment in notes section.

Drill & Blast Shift Production

  • Bench Names the teams are working in?

  • Where are the Drills today?

  • Which drills are in Titan East (TE)

  • What is the hire drill asset number?

  • Which Drills are in Titan North (TN)?

  • What Drills are in Titan West (TW)

  • What Drills are in Calypso

  • What Drills are in Atlas?

  • What Drills are in the Workshop?

  • What Drills are in Titan Central (TC)

  • Drill Operators

  • Who was the hire drill operator?

  • Who was DR602 the operator?

  • Who was the DR603 operator?

  • who was the DR604 operator?

  • What is the asset number of the hire drill?

  • Who was the hire drill operator?

  • Where are the MPUs today ?

  • Which MPU's are in Titan East (TE)

  • Which MPU's are in Titan Central (TC)?

  • Which MPU's are in Titan North (TN)?

  • Which MPU's are in Titan West (TW)

  • Which MPU's are in Calypso?

  • Which MPU's are in Atlas?

  • Which MPU's are in the Reload?

  • Which MPU's are in the Dyno Workshop Offsite?

  • Where are the Stemming Trucks Today?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Titan East (TE)?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Titan Central (TC)?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Titan North (TN)?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Titan West (TW)?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Calypso?

  • What Stemming Trucks are in Atlas?

  • What stemming trucks are offsite at stem truck workshop?

  • What level of risk does Drill & Blast team have today

  • What actions have been taken to control the level of risk in your area?

  • Area Field Inspections that have occurred in field today?

  • Drill Delays

  • Blast Delays

  • Notes

  • Work Required or to be Actioned next Shift / Handover Notes

  • Material Risks Present in this area

  • What controls were put in place for Catastrophic Infrastructure Failure?

  • What controls were put in place for Confined Space Incident?

  • What controls were put in place for Stored Energy?

  • What controls were put in place for Dropped Objects?

  • What controls were put in place for Severe Weather?

  • What controls were put in place for Explosives Detonation?

  • What controls were put in place for Fall from Height?

  • What controls were put in place for Fall of Ground?

  • What controls were put in place for Stockpile Engulfment?

  • What controls were put in place for Electrical Incident?

  • What controls were put in place for Breach of Environment?

  • What controls were put in place for Fire and Explosion?

  • What controls were put in place for Inrush?

  • What controls were put in place for Lifting and Cranage?

  • What controls were put in place for Rotating and Moving Parts?

  • What controls were put in place for tyre and rim?

  • What controls were put in place for vehicle incident?

  • What controls were put in place for Respirable Coal Dust?

  • What controls were put in place for working in and around liquid water bodies?

  • What controls were put in place for disrespectful behaviours or sexual harrassment?

  • Is Gas Monitoring being conducted in Drill and Blast Areas Today?

  • Where was gas monitoring conducted and actions taken?

Shift General

  • Is there an above and below checklist in place

  • Where is the above and below checklist in place?

  • Current design files uploaded to Fleet Management System?

  • What are the issues with the design files on fleet management system?

  • Operators have a paper copy of the current plan?

  • Why do the operators not have a paper copy of the current plan?

  • Is there enough drilling for the next 48 hrs?

  • Please supply information or commentary around risks for next 48 hours if no drill areas are available?

  • Has bench been cleared of rubbish?

  • Were Drills hotseated today?

  • Provide information of why the drills were not hotseated today?

  • What water truck was used in operation today?

  • Were all light vehicles in operation today?

  • What LV's were not in operation and why?

  • Consider weather Solar Panels are required to be Inspected and Cleaned on Dust monitors & Blast Boards.

  • Please consider if Weather Station Structures are required to be Inspected

Explosives Reload

  • Area Risk (RRR)

  • Actions taken to control risks:

  • Inspections Completed during shift in area

  • Dyno Yard Hand Available

  • Who was accountable for reload yardhand today?

  • Who was the Dyno Yard Hand Today?

  • Delays in MPU loading at reload?

  • Notes

  • Work to be actioned or required next shift / Handover

Explosives Magazine

  • Area Risk (RRR)

  • Actions taken to control Risks?

  • Inspections Completed during shift in area

  • Magazine Delays

  • Work to be actioned or required next shift / Handover

People & Manning

Personnel on shift or attended shift

  • Please note numbers of personnel to be used. Please capture names and leave in Corvus and ensure correctly accounted for in SAP by Operator.

Drill Personnel

  • Total Employees on shift today

  • Total Employees on Annual Leave

  • Total Employees on Sick Leave

  • Total Employees on Other leave including Overtime

Blast Personnel

  • Total Employees on shift today

  • Total Employees on Annual Leave

  • Total Employees on Sick Leave

  • Total Employees on Other leave including Overtime


  • Total Service Contractors from Dyno Nobel

  • Total Service Contractors from Ausroads

  • Total Service Contractors from MTI

  • Were there any personnel related issues dealt with this shift?

  • Comment on personnel related issues (no names/keep confidential and high level summary)

  • Consider if a case needs to be put into ER Filing Note in HR +

Prestart Audit During Shift

  • Complete a review of one equipment prestart each shift

  • Vehicle Call Sign

  • Prestart Completed in last 24 hrs

  • Date of last prestart

  • Crew that completed last Prestart

  • Additional Comments/Observations

  • Photo of Vehicle Prestart Inspected


  • Shot Report including Magazine Stocktake, Daily Reload Stocktake & Dockets

  • Any other Dockets/Information

Sign Off

  • I hereby certify that all information is accurate at time of documenting this shift log

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.