Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Inductee Name

  • Inductee Company

  • Who is the Company?

Primary Explosive Area Contacts

  • Record the relevant phone numbers below in case needed in future (if required)

  • Nominated Responsible Person: Skye Davis 0439 718 947 or skye.davis@whitehavencoal.com.au

  • Assistant Nominated Responsible Person: Travis Zealey 0417 761 686 or travis.zealey@whitehavencoal.com.au

  • Assistant Nominated Responsible Person: Kyle Jeppesen 0488 183 914 or kyle.jeppesen@whitehavencoal.com.au

  • Drill & Blast Supervisor Phone: 0477 383 364

  • Explosives Hotline: 1300 739 868

  • Dyno Nobel Hotline: 1800 098 836

  • Police Link: 131 444

  • Security Access Centre (SAC) Daunia: (07) 4841 1882

Obligations of Employees Handling Security Sensitive Explosives

  • All CMW’s that have unsupervised access to security sensitive explosives have the following obligations:

  • a. Keep explosives secure at all times or under an appropriate person's control (i.e. someone with an explosives security clearance who has appropriate competencies and general conduct).

  • b. Implement a documented chain of custody as explosives pass from one licence holder to another (or their representative).

  • c. Ensure that explosives are always in the possession and control of either you or your authorised representative.

  • d. Be able to account for explosives accurately and quickly to assist in investigations of theft, loss or stock discrepancies.

  • e. Understand your obligations under the Daunia Explosives Security Plan

Reload Obligations

  • Report to the Reload representative immediately on arrival and sign onto the reload register. No work is to be undertaken until the Yardhand in Charge has authorised your entry and scope of work.

  • Radio channels along the travel route to the reload is 'A1 General'. When you arrive at the reload you are to use channel 'A13 blast' and contact reload yard hand.

  • No unauthorised personnel permitted to enter the reload. Y

  • No unauthorised tools or work to be carried out without authority and appropriate permits.

  • You must have security clearance and be on the daunia security plan to have unsupervised access to security sensitive explosives.

  • Diesel vehicles only to enter the reload. No petrol vehicles permitted within the facility and must use external park up

  • Report any incidents, injuries or near misses to the blast supervisor immediately and in accordance with DNM PLN Event and Investigation Management Section 3.1.

  • Smoking prohibited (across the entire site at DNM Mine)

  • No explosives or precursors to be stored within 3m of the explosives compound fence. This includes hoses with residue.

  • No combustible materials to be placed within 10m of the external perimeter

  • Ignition sources prohibited.

  • All chemical storage areas to comply with environmental authority. EPML00561913 (Condition E18)

  • Spills must be reported & cleaned up immediately and waste reported on the outbound docket book for stocktaking purposes

  • All visitors must have completed a visitor request form with minimum of 48 hr notice.

  • If you require escorting, you must complete an Escort Checklist with your escort

  • You understand that there is CCTV recording in the reload and magazine areas for security and safety compliance

Process for Hauling/Delivering to Daunia Mine

  • On arrival to Daunia, park on the furthest left hand lane prior to the access gate and report through to the Security Access Centre (SAC)

  • Contact Supervisor on 0477 383 364 and advise that you have arrived onsite for deliveries to their work area. This ensures they understand that they are your supervisor for the day or delivery. Back up phone number is Blast Controller on dayshift: 0455 780 951 if needed

  • You must inform the drill & blast supervisor if you are unaware of the access route to the reload compound or if you have not been on site for more than 3 months. If you are unfamiliar with the route, you will need to be escorted regardless if you are inducted.

  • All emulsion delivery drivers are required to be inducted to handle hoses in the reload as this is considered work. You must not undertake work if you are no inducted. If you are not inducted, the yard hand will need to handle the emulsion hoses for you.

  • All AN Prill delivery drivers are required to remain outside of the forklift area when in operation. If you are not inducted, you must not undertake work.

  • If you are removing empty boxes from Daunia Mine, you must sign onto the outbound docket book advising that you have inspected the boxes for residue and that the boxes are empty prior to removal from site. This must be dual signed with the yard hand in charge.

  • All delivery dockets must be maintained for attachment to the daily dockets by the blast controller. All copies must be kept and handed in on the day of the delivery.

  • You may be required to undertake a 'chain of custody' audit with authorised person on occasion. This will ask for copy of your Explosive Driver Licence, security clearance, review vehicle condition and assist you to have a point of contact to discuss any issues with site access, fatigue concerns from delays or maintenance. All information is used to improve your delivery process to site and comply with chain of custody obligations. It is not a long audit and hopefully won't hold you up too much. We expect positive attitudes and cooperation with these audits.

High Risk Tasks

  • Theft of Explosives: 1. Daily security inspection of locks, gates and fencing. 2. Authorised receiver of explosives for deliveries. 3. Authorised to transport and deliver explosives. 4. Anyone that does not have a security clearance/card must be under direct supervision.

  • Inadequate, irregular or ineffective inspections (including insufficient information): Completion of Completion of AN handling equipment form, storage inspection form & CAT 2 vehicle forms. Standalone augers, tipping frames and tubeveyors a prestart and monthly inspections must be complete on DNM FRM Explosives and Blasting AN Handling Equipment Checklist. Inadequate equipment inspections. Inadequate infrastructure inspections

  • Uncontrolled Detonation: Electrical event (lightning). Ignition sources/fire. Visitors/CMW not authorised or compliant. Vehicle Impact.

  • Security Breach: Unauthorised access. Inadequate communications. Lack of EPG/Exclusion Zones/Muster Point. Failure to return keys to the security safe. Not maintaining people under direct supervision that do not have security clearance. Failure to sign into the reload office.

  • Explosion or Fire: Personnel exposed to hazardous energies. Inadequate response to emergency. Inadequate excavation. Cross contamination of explosives/chemicals (incompatible). Failure to follow EPG.

  • Vehicle Interaction: On time to time there will be additional equipment working in the reload and there will be changes to the standard traffic management plan. Please be aware that you must check if there is updated TMP to sign onto and relevant JSA prior to work.

  • Emulsion Pumps: Delivery Drivers must sight the reload prestart of the pump prior to any operation of the pump. If not readily available at the pump, please ask the yard hand in charge to review.

  • Spillage: Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately. No one should drive through any spills due to risk of fire if product gets into wheel hubs

Explosives Emergency Management

  • Please refer to the DNM SOP Explosives Emergency Response and the DNM PLN Emergency Management documents for further information. The safe evacuation distance for all emergencies involving explosives is 2000m, including the notification of affected neighbours. Depending on the nature of the emergency and whether it impacts public infrastructure (eg. Cargo fire on Mobile Processing Unit (MPU)), Triple Zero (000) may need to be contacted.

  • Please review the Emergency muster points for the reload

    Emergency Ring Reload.PNG

Security Clearances

  • Do you have an explosives security clearance card?

  • You are required to be under Direct Supervision at all times inside areas where there is security sensitive explosives. This means that someone with suitable explosives clearance must be looking over your shoulder during your time in the reload or other areas where there is security sensitive explosives.

  • Please take a photo of your current explosives security clearance card (if applicable)

  • Please take a photo of your Explosives Drivers Licence (if applicable)

Induction Sign Off

  • Has the inductee completed the reload induction and understands their obligations?

  • Authorised Person Signature upon Completion

  • Inductee Signature upon completion

  • A copy of this induction will be emailed to the Nominated Responsible Person for capture in the induction register

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.