Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1.1 General EMP Review

  • Is the EMP up to date? Minimum requirement: EMP must be approved/ review annually – check cover page.

  • Is the EMP version history up to date?<br>Minimum requirement: EMP must be approved/ review annually – check version history.

  • Is the EMP signed and dated by the SSE and the current qualified officer? Are they aware this integrated into the C8 standard?<br>Minimum requirement: EMP must be approved by the persons of authority.<br>#C8

  • Does the Qualified Officer hold a copy of the approved EMP?<br>Minimum requirement: The QO is the owner of the EMP.

  • Are there person(s) appointed to the development and maintenance of the site EMP?<br>Minimum requirement: EMP is the responsibility of the QO whom must hold valid DGSC

1.2 Previous Internal EMP Review

  • Have there been any major changes since the last EDG EMP review?<br>Minimum requirement: QO may not have full knowledge of EMP.

  • Has the past internal EMP review non-conformance been addressed?<br>Minimum requirement: Major non-conformance requires close out.

1.3 EMP Reviewers

  • Are the EMP owner(s) aware, competent and available to audit the document and processes? <br>Minimum requirement: EMP is the responsibility of the QO – EDG competent to help where applicable and competent to audit.

1.4 Site EMP Understanding

  • Are all secure nominees familiar with the EMP context? Minimum requirement: Secure nominees shall have an EMP awareness presentation rolled out.

  • Are there non-blast crew members secure nominees? If so how are EMP updates communicated? Minimum requirement: Secure nominees shall have a basic understanding of the EMP. Best practice, secure nominee mailing list to advise of any updates to EMP

1.5 Associated Explosive Licenses on Site

  • Are the site licenses associated with storage of explosives current? Minimum requirement: DG storage license, explosive storage license, SRS storage license.

  • Are the company licenses associated with transport of explosives current? Minimum requirement: Explosives transport license.

  • Are the company licenses associated with manufacturing explosives current? Minimum requirement: Explosives manufacture (MPU) license.

  • Are the above license numbers and quantities correct in the EMP? Minimum requirement: Review section 1.5 EMP.

  • Are the licenses readily accessible? Minimum requirement: EMP point to IMS link, EDG to maintain link, copy appendix to EMP.

  • Is there a register of approved explosives products for use on site? Minimum requirement: Site ChemAlert shall hold all explosives and precursors items.

  • Does the EMP state the site shall accept goods on behalf of the Pilbara Company Services? Minimum requirement: Site/ Pilbara Mines does not buy SSAN and explosives, they accept it.

1.6 EMP Location

  • Is approved EMP location (hard copy and soft copy) stated in the EMP? Minimum requirement: D&B Supts changes over time; require an exact location – prefer IMS.

1.7 Qualified Officer

  • Has a QO been appointed for the site? Minimum requirement: D&B Supt is the QO, letter of appointment shall be provided.

  • Is the location of the details of the QO correct in the EMP? Minimum requirement: Appointment letter shall be maintained

  • Does the QO know of their responsibility for the EMP compliance? Minimum requirement: Keep EMP updated, and the safety and security of SSAN and explosives.

2.1 Site Plan

  • Are the EMP site plans (detailed sketches/ photos) of the explosives up to date? Minimum requirement: Explosives compound overview photo, annotated with infrastructure.

2.2 Site Security

  • Has the site security risk assessment been reviewed and updated within the last year? Minimum requirement: Appendix C review date.

  • Is the site security risk assessment complete? Minimum requirement: Review RA #C8

  • Are the details of explosives infrastructures correct and in line with the licences?

  • Is the CCTV system in working order? How is the system checked to ensure recording integrity? Minimum requirement: Indigo Vision records for 90 days, checks must be conducted quarterly. #C8

  • How are the alarms in the compound tested? Is there a periodic test regime which is recorded? Minimum requirement: Testing regime should meet the standard outlined in the security risk assessment

2.3 Security Procedures

  • Are there procedures for accessing the explosives compounds and storage locations? Minimum requirement: Area induction and SN qual. / or escorted by SN, visitor sign in

  • How is unsupervised access control to the explosives compound managed? Minimum requirement: Only SN may have unsupervised access, visitors book shall be maintained.

  • How is the explosives compound security (fences, gates, locks) checked? Minimum requirement: Appointed person to check daily, record in daily log. Requires evidence.

  • How is unsupervised access control to the explosives magazines managed? Minimum requirement: MK to be appointed; holds a shotfirer licence and internal qualification.

  • How are the keys to the explosives magazines managed? Minimum requirement: Magazine keys to be signed in/out on a register. Dedicated safe box.

  • When was the last time explosives magazines key safe changed? Minimum requirement: Safe pin shall be changed quarterly or change of MK.

  • Are explosives boxes and SSAN packaging waste inspected prior to disposal? Minimum requirement: must state that waste packaging is checked for remnant explosives and SSAN

2.4 People

  • Is the SN register complete and up to date? Minimum requirement: SN appointed by QO, registers maintained (date applied and ceased).

  • Is the MK register complete and up to date? Minimum requirement: Appointed by QO, registers maintained (date applied and ceased).

  • Do all personnel with unsupervised access to SRS hold a current DGSC? Minimum requirement: All personnel to hold current DGSC, application form or receipt is not evidence of a current DGSC

  • How regularly is the appointment/ authorised register reviewed for accuracy? Explain the process. Minimum requirement: Quarterly reviewed with the MSO.

  • Have/are external contractor been utilized and had access to RTIO explosives & SSAN?

3.1 Evacuation Safety Distances

  • Is the evacuation distance for personnel consistent with calculations? Are the separations calculations included in the EMP? Minimum requirement: Must be equal or greater than the separation distance calculation.

  • Do the muster point(s) satisfy the evacuation exclusion zone? Minimum requirement: Muster points must be outside evacuation exclusion zone

  • What are the minimum safe distances for an MPU fire? Shotfirer vehicle carrying explosives? Minimum requirement: MPU 1000m, Shotfirer 400m.

3.2 Emergency Exercise, Training and Review

  • What type explosives drill exercise was conducted? Desktop? Full evacuation? MPU fire? Minimum requirement: DMIRS audit 2012 noted RTIO was not conducting drills annually.

  • When was the last explosives incident drill conducted? Is there an explosives incident drill schedule? Minimum requirement: An explosives related physical drill must be conducted annually #C8

  • Are EMOs given familiarisation of the explosives compound, MPUs and Shotfirers vehicles? Minimum requirement: Required. As compounds are restricted access areas.

  • What training is provided to ERT members in respect to explosives incidents? Minimum requirement: Must comply with ERT competencies

  • When was the fire fighting equipment last inspected inside the compound? By whom? (Site Services accountability) Minimum requirement: Supplement the Fire Safety Surveys required by HSEQ.

3.3 Emergency Response Plan

  • Is the manifest and site plan reviewed and updated in the last 12 months? (Check explosives and SSAN Quantities are correct per the most recent license) #DRA

  • Is there an emergency response plan which details incident type and appropriate measures? Minimum requirement: Distances in line with EMP, EMP has loose ERP appendix.

  • Has the emergency response plan been reviewed? Minimum requirement: Must be reviewed every 3 years

4.1 Training & Competency

  • Is there a training plan for the various roles who handles explosives on site? Minimum requirement: Required. Shotfirer training plan D&B 1 to 11, MPU training plan 1 to 7, Blast crew training plan 1 to 5 – SAP report Z3410

  • Are all personnel in contact with explosives or SSAN given training to conduct their task? Minimum requirement: Any personnel in contact with explosives require D&B 1 to 3, SSAN require 1 and 2 only

  • Who maintains the blasting qualification of operators? How are often is it reviewed? Minimum requirement: OJT, annual review

  • Is there general explosive awareness provided to pit users? How is this rolled out? Minimum requirement: Digger operators need to be able to spot explosives. #C8

  • Does site encounter reactive ground?

  • Is there reactive ground training explosive awareness? Minimum requirement: Required if site encounters reactive ground.

  • Is there training program for both blast controller and blast guarding? Minimum requirement: All blast controllers and blast guards to be competent - SAP report Z3410

4.2 Risk Management

  • Please provide the drill and blast risk assessment for site? Minimum requirement: RTIO requires a risk assessment for conducting any task. #C8

  • Are pre blast risk assessments conducted for every shot? Please provide. Minimum requirement: Pre blast risk assessments required

  • Are pre task risk assessments conducted for all task? Minimum requirement: Unplanned initiation of explosives is a critical risk.

  • What are the site BEZ(s) and EEZ(s)? Please provide supporting risk assessment. Minimum requirement: 300m EEZ, 600m BEZ, may be 3D #C8

  • Is the initiation equipment serviced and in good working order. Minimum requirement: Service as per manufacture recommendation, no recorded faults.

  • Are firing times authorised by the SSE. Minimum requirement: Memo signed by SSE.

  • Is there a meeting held for personnel associated with safe guarding the blast? Minimum requirement: Prestart, day of blast.

  • Are there procedures for walking the shot and allowing access to personnel? Minimum requirement: SWP, specific –‘All Clear’ must be given. Partial clearance requires RA.

  • Are there procedures for firing the shot? Minimum requirement: SWP, specific –blast controller gives permission to fire shot.

  • Are explosive incidents being captured in Enablon? Minimum requirement: All explosive related incidents to be entered into Enablon. All reportable incidents are reported to DEMIRS #C8

4.3 Standard Work Procedures

  • Are the explosives related SWPs all located and managed in a central location and version controlled? Minimum requirement: IMS

  • Are site explosives SWPs up to date and approved? Minimum requirement: All SWP's current and approved

  • Is the standardised SWP utilised on site? Minimum requirement: RTIO standard SWP's, D&B Superintendent or EDGS D&B Specialist approval

4.4 Blast Design

  • Are shots designs by trained and competent person(s)? Minimum requirement: Demonstrated knowledge. Auditor to ask design question

  • Are shots designs according to the blast objectives? Minimum requirement: Blast objectives for each shot shall be clearly articulated.

  • Are drill collars designed to be offset from the bench above? By how much? Minimum requirement: Use of actual collar location plus offset

  • Please describe the blast matrix development? Minimum requirement: Blast matrix is the baseline for executing safe and efficient blast outcome.

  • Please describe the blast matrix development? What is the process to deviate from the matrix? Minimum requirement: Baseline for executing shot safely. Shotfirer engagement.

4.5 Blast Documentation

  • Does the standard blast pack account for all relevant items in AS2187.2 – Appendix 2 (2A)? Minimum requirement: Check 3 random blast packs. Rank conformance for blast report. Minimum requirement All elements must be present and completed, else non compliant

  • Does the standard blast pack account for all relevant items in AS2187.2 – Appendix 2 (2A)? Minimum requirement:
  • Rank conformance for blast report. Minimum requirement All elements must be present and completed, else non compliant

  • Blast Pack ID

  • RTIO Drill Pattern Design Cover sheet? Minimum requirement: Signed & Peer review completed

  • Hole by hole design charging details (map and/or charge sheets)

  • Hole by hole actual charging details (map and/or charge sheets)

  • All daily initation explosive usage sheets

  • All daily bulk explosive usage sheets

  • Design timing design (maps and hole by hole timing)

  • Actual timing design (maps and hole by hole timing)

  • Preblast explosive reconciliation

  • Preblast risk assessement

  • Blast Clearance Map Minimum requirement: BEZ, EEZ, Firing point, FEZ (if required). Blast guards names and location

  • Post blast assesment

  • Electronic detonator initation firing or log file

  • Was blast environmentally sensitive? (Vibration and/or noise control required)

  • Did any known misfire occur within blast?

4.6 Misfire Management

  • Site complies with misfire work practice and standardized misfire SWP for misfire management? Minimum requirement: Required

  • Are all actions regarding misfire management tracked? Minimum requirement: RTIO uses MMS – misfire track until area is safe to resume work. #C8

  • Are all misfires recorded? Minimum requirement: MMS event identification (for all misfires) shall be recorded either mine record book of misfire permit system. #C8

  • What type(s) of misfire are required to be reported to the DMIRS? Minimum requirement: Any misfire found after ‘All Clear’. #C8

4.7 Lightning Procedures

  • Are there processes to evacuate shots and surrounding areas on the approach of lightning? Minimum requirement: RTIO lightning safety plan, low risk misfire can be RA to make smaller LEZ #C8

4.8 Reactive Ground

  • Does site encounter reactive ground? Question Senior Mine Geologist

  • Are there procedures for charging in reactive ground? Minimum requirement: SWP required where reactive ground present. Best practice GTP SWP

  • What frequency of testing is conducted to assess the level of reactivity? minimum requirement: AEISG code on Elevated temperature and reactive ground, annual.

4.9 Disposal

  • Are there procedures for disposal of old or damaged explosives and SSAN?<br>Minimum requirement: Standardized SWP.

5.1 Site Inventory Management

  • How regularly are precursors and explosives stocktakes completed? Minimum requirement: Weekly. #C8

  • How are precursors reconciled? Minimum requirement: Against empty bays, and via the emulsion records system. #C8

  • What constitute an unexplained loss for explosives? Minimum requirement: Any single unit of Class 1 explosives. #C8

  • What constitute an unexplained loss for AN or ANE? Minimum requirement: Losses greater than the EMP approved tolerances. #C8

  • Explain the process for an unexplained loss? Minimum requirement: Notify the DEMIRS via phone and email (on DEMIRS template). #C8

5.2 SAP Management

  • How regularly are precursors and explosives reconciliation against SAP conducted? Minimum requirement: Weekly. SAP inventory determines RTIO internal cost. Run SAP MMBE Report?

6.1 MPU Operations

  • Has the findings from the last MPU audit been carried out (associated with blast crew)? Minimum requirement: EPG, eye wash, SDS, transport documents, placards. #C8

  • How regularly is an MPU calibrated? Minimum requirement: Fortnightly for AN, ANE & FO. Quarterly for Gasser

  • What task must be completed prior to the MPU submitted for onsite servicing? Minimum requirement: ANE empty, AN bins washed out and decontamination certificate completed and signed.

  • Has there been any modification(s) of the MPU? No modifications can be made without OEM without engineering and approval. #C8

6.2 Explosive Ute Operations

  • Has the findings from the last explosives vehicles audit been carried (associated with blast crew)? Minimum requirement: EPG, SDS, transport documents.

  • Ask operator what placards are required when transporting explosives? Does the vehicle display DETONATORS sign when transporting mix loads? Minimum requirement: Required. #C8

  • Are explosives vehicle parked whilst loaded near offices for short periods? Minimum requirement: Required. 15m from offices carrying Class 1.1D

  • If explosives vehicle parked whilst loaded near offices what security measures are taken? Minimum requirement: Secure means under constant surveillance and locked.

7.1 Facility Maintenance General

  • General: Did the SN request for visitors to sign in to the explosives compound visitor’s book? #C8

  • General: Is the visitor’s book utilised and correct? (Ask when was the last delivery, check driver sign in)

  • General: Is there sufficient firebreak around the fence line? (3m minimum either side of fence)

  • General: HAZCHEM sign on front mine gate? Free from obstructions, clear and legible. #DRA

  • General: Are calibration scales maintained and calibrations in date? Minimum requirement annual

  • General: Are the storage area/s free for any other dangerous goods AN/ANE? (check for diesel jerry can, gasser waste, etc)#DRA

  • General: Is there unimpeded access to the storage area/s? (Check for obstruction to access/egress points) #DRA

  • General: Is there sufficient lighting for operations when required (during hours of darkness)? #DRA

  • General: Does the storage have adaquate impact protection for all trafficable area/s (check for guard protection, windrows, bollards - not just in the direction of TMP) #DRA

  • Front gate signs: Explosives compound No Unauthorised Entry/ No smoking/ HAZCHEM?

  • Front gate signs: Class 1 diamond? (If 1.1D is displayed so shall 1.1B, free from obstructions, clear and legible.) #DRA

  • Front gate signs: EIP for AN (UN 1942) and ANE (UN 3375)? (HAZCHEM: 1Y) Free from obstructions, clear and legible. #DRA

  • Front gate area: Clear of obstructions and tidy

  • Front gate area: SDS available all dated within the last 5 years? (Check SDS date and Section 10 of SDS of Stability) #DRA

  • Front gate area: Are the explosive licences available?

  • Front gate area: Is the gate in good working order #C8

  • Front gate area: Is the leaf/ crash gate locked and secure #C8

  • Fences: 2.5m high and in good condition #C8

  • Fences: Barb wire 3 strands in good condition #C8

  • Fences: A cleared area of three metres must be provided either side of the fence

7.2 Facility Visit Magazine

  • Magazine: Is the area (8M) from the magazine/s clear of ignition sources (sufficient fire break cleared and free from all vegetation and combustibles). #DRA

  • Magazines: Does the magazine have Class 1 diamonds on its doors? (Clear on approach and legible,1.1D booster, 1.1B detonators) #C8 #DRA

  • Magazines: Does the area have No Naked Flames and No Radio Frequency Devices signs? #C8

  • Magazines: Does the magazine have ‘explosives’ and ‘detonators’ signs (depending on storage, clear on approach and legible) #C8 #DRA

  • Magazines: Is the magazine labelled with it identification name?

  • Magazines: Is the external walls and doors in good condition?

  • Magazines: Is there a mound between magazines?

  • Does mound extend 1m beyond the end of the magazines?

  • Magazines: Earthing shall be installed on opposite corners of the magazines

  • Magazines: Are earthing points tested (10Ω minimum 2 years, provide evidence)

  • Magazines: Are the fire extinguishers (only dry chemical, white band) in code?

  • Magazines: Is correct licence displayed in the magazine? #C8

  • Magazines: Are the stored items SDS (no greater than 5 years old) available in the magazine? #C8

  • Is lock and bash plate visible?

  • Magazines: Does the lock and bash plate intact and look in good condition?

  • Magazines: Is there a list of magazine rules, are the rules abided too? #C8

  • Magazines: Is the housekeeping in good order? #C8

  • Magazines: Are the walls intact and in good conditions? #C8

  • Magazines: Are all boxes stacked (no greater than 300mm from ceiling) and stable? #C8

  • Magazines: Are loose detonators and boosters stored in their boxes? (No loose items) #C8

  • Magazines: Check the magazine record book, errors to be signed off and stocktakes complete. #C8

  • Magazines: Spot check a stock item, complete a full count and compare to records. #C8

  • Magazines: Is the stock rotated, first in first out? #C8

  • Magazines: Did the MK allow you to carry a phone or 2-way radio into the magazine?

  • Magazines: Is there evidence of 2 person sign in/out of explosives?

7.3 Facility Visit AN Shed

  • Is the building / container suitable for storage of the product? #DRA

  • AN: Is there sufficient fire break cleared and free from all vegetation within 15m of the AN storage structure.

  • AN: Is the wall cladding in good condition? (Check damage and corrosion)

  • AN: Is the roof cladding in good condition? (Check damage and corrosion and working at heights compliance plates)

  • AN: Is the storage shed able to vented to atmosphere? #DRA

  • AN: Is the building/storage area able to be locked and secure and are secure when the area is vacated? #DRA

  • AN: Is the EIP signage correct? (UN:1942, 1Y, 5.1 Diamond, supplier and RTIO contact details, Clear on approach and legible) #DRA

  • AN: Are the concrete gutters in good condition and grate clear of debris?

  • AN: Are there spill kits and dedicated waste buckets available? (Check spill kits for general rubbish)

  • AN: Where general waste bins available check for AN waste?

  • AN: Is the housekeeping of a high standard?

  • AN: Is the loader parked >10m from the store?

  • AN: Is the loader free of leaks and damage: (Check loader and loader prestart) #DRA

  • AN: Are augers, conveyors and hoppers in good condition? (Oil leaks and corrosion, conveyor guarding)

  • AN: Is the drainage effective? (Open drains, pooling, AN runoff, evaporation pond condition)

  • AN: Is the fire fighting equipment in good condition? (Check test date and for brass fittings)

  • AN: Are there adequate fire extinguisher (dry chemical or foam) to deal with vehicle fire/s? (vehicle unload/load points, vehicle park up points) #DRA

  • AN: Does the fire fighting equipment have sufficient water pressure?

  • AN: Is electrical equipment concealed? (No exposed wiring, build-up of oxidisation TACN)

  • AN: Are eye wash stations and safety showers checked and tested regularly?

  • AN: Are SDS available close to the store? (Check SDS within 5 yr date and section 10 of SDS of Stability)

  • AN: Is the internal walls in good condition? (Loader damage, or wall deterioration)

  • AN: Is there evidence of stock rotation?

  • AN: Is the hopper intact and in good condition?

  • Does site have incline auger?

  • Are there signs of grease and/or crushed AN gathering under auger?

  • AN: Has planned maintenance been conducted on for all augers? SAP REPORT XXX

  • AN: Are all grates intact and covered at delivery points? (delivery points including inground hopper)

  • AN: Are electrical equipment has a rating of not less than IP65, where there is a risk of corrosion from AN? #DRA

  • AN: Evap pond netting

7.4 Facility Visit ANE Tanks

  • Is the building / container suitable for storage of the product? #DRA

  • ANE: Are the tanks in good conditions? (Corrosion, leaks, cleanliness)

  • ANE: Do the pumps look in good condition? (Corrosion, leaks, cleanliness)

  • ANE: Has planned maintenance been conducted on for all pumps? SAP REPORT XXX

  • Does site have NAPCO/MONO Pumps?

  • ANE: Do the pipe work, hoses and couplings look in good condition?

  • ANE: Is the fire fighting equipment in good condition? (Check test date and for brass fittings)

  • ANE: Are there adequate fire extinguisher (dry chemical or foam) to deal with vehicle fire/s? (vehicle unload/load points, vehicle park up points) #DRA

  • ANE: Does transfer points have spill trays? (Where hoses are routinely disconnected) #DRA

  • ANE: Is the concrete pads and surrounding bollards intact and in good condition?

  • ANE: Are the EIP visible and correct? (UN:3375, 1Y, 5.1 Diamond, supplier and RTIO contact details, Clear on approach and legible.) #DRA

  • ANE: Does ANE pipework have labelling for content and direction of flow? #DRA

  • ANE: Is the tank/or control panel able to be locked and secure when the area is vacated? #DRA

  • ANE: Is the load cells readout working? (check ECS webpage)

  • ANE: Are eye wash stations and safety showers checked and tested regularly?

  • ANE: Is housekeeping around the ANE tanks of high quality?

  • ANE: Are there spill kits and dedicated waste buckets available? (ANE/AN waste shall be segregated) #DRA

  • ANE: Are waste buckets labelled? (Best practice “ANE Waste” and “5.1 Oxidising Agent”)

  • ANE: Is the waste in a manageable and secure state? (not excessive, left sitting for long periods, etc)

  • ANE: Where general waste bins available are they adequately excluded from ANE? Minimum requirement: 5m exclusion

  • ANE: Are SDS available close to the tanks? (Check SDS within 5yr date and Section 10 of SDS of Stability) #DRA

  • ANE: Is there evidence of stock rotation?

  • ANE: Are the dip stick inspection hatch and the breather free of obstructions allowing tank to vent to atmosphere? #DRA

  • ANE: Are the tank manholes (top) held together by nylon bolts?

  • ANE: Earthing shall be installed on opposite corners of each tank.

  • ANE: Are all electrical wiring in contact with ANE rate IP55 of greater? #DRA

7.5 Facility Visit Gasser Storage

  • Gasser: Is the pod in good conditions? (Corrosion, leaks, cleanliness)

  • Gasser: Are the SDS available inside the pod & in date

  • Gasser: Is gasser waste segregated form AN/ANE waste? (Gasser is a sensitiser, waste NOT to be mixed)

  • Gasser: Is the correct PPE available for handling gasser? (As per relevant SDS)

  • Gasser: Is there a safety eye wash/shower unit within 5m of the pod?

  • Gasser: Are there spill kits available close by?

  • Gasser: Is gasser transferred between IBC and storage pod in a safe manner? (Electric Spear pump used)

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