Document No.
Client / Site
Area Inspected
Conducted on
Prepared by
When completing the checklist apply the definitions below to determine if the item/areas being inspected comply with the standards. All non-compliances should be marked as a Non-Conformance and be categorised as either an A, B or C priority. Details are to be entered into the actions required/comments section to indicate the actions required to rectify the deficiencies. Not Applicable: N/A to be recorded if not relevant to the area being inspected. Compliance: Acknowledge if the item/area being inspected complies with all requirements of the standard. Non-Compliance: The item/area being inspected does not comply with all the requirements of the standard. (The letters below will indicate class/priority of action required). - Class A: Condition or practice likely to cause a potential catastrophic loss: Stop the inspection immediately, notify Supervisor and Superintendent, restrict access to the area. - Class B: Condition or practice likely to cause a serious loss: Notify Supervisor. - Class C: Condition or practice likely to cause a minor loss: Notify Supervisor.
Have all Supervisors and Shotfirers read and understood the project Explosive Management Plan?
Are all Shotcrew trained and assessed as competent?
Are personnel operating drilling equipment trained and assessed as competent ?
Are all Blast Guards trained & assessed as competent?
Is the Blast Controller trained & assessed as competent?
Are all training records available on site?
Have the Shotfiring and Magazine Controller Appointments been completed?
Are all persons handling explosives recorded in the SRS register as approved for supervised and unsupervised access via the nomination form?
Is the project training matrix current and all records logged in ConnX?
Are pressure vessel test certificates for drills current and available?
Are pre-starts completed for all equipment?
Are JHA’s completed, reviewed and signed onto at the required times?
Are lost drill consumables reported with locations recorded?
Do drillers have approved drill pattern plans prior to commencing drilling?
Is housekeeping within the office maintained?
Are there Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all substances available on site?
Is the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) register up to date?
Are patterns cleaned up to a safe standard?
Are open edges delineated/windrowed?
Are drilling patterns demarcated with windrows, delineators, signs & orange cones?
Has the bench been inspected for misfires before drilling commences?
Are dust conditions controlled using water injection during drilling?
Are drill patterns kept free of rubbish, rags, old drill rods, etc.?
Are blast notice boards correct?
Are holes being dipped, back filled, redrilled and logged as per specification?
Do the Shotfirers have the approved blast plan prior to the commencement of charging operations?
Are holes being loaded to specification?
Are blasting patterns demarcated with windrows, signs, cones and flagging as required?
Are loaded bomb ute box doors kept closed & locked when not used?
Is the shot ute and MPU truck parked 8m inside the delineated area?
Are primers being lowered into position safely and secured on the surface with primer at correct depth?
Check to see that personnel do not forcibly press any Detonator into a booster.
Are differences between the design and actual charge recorded in the charge sheet?
Do all personnel charging blast holes understand the charge sheet and blast design?
Are all movements of equipment on a primed/loaded shot guided by spotters using agreed hand signals?
Has the MPU Operator planned out the sequence & access for loading all holes on the shot with the Spotter, Shotfirer and Stemming Loader Operator?
Is the firing position outside the blast clearance distance?
Is the site prescribed exclusion distance (min 500m) being used and are precautions taken to prevent injury to persons, and damage to property, from fly rock?
Are all means of entry to the blast exclusion zone guarded against entry?
Has the person firing ensured that warning notices are removed after the blast is fired and cleared?
Is there an audible warning device required at the project?
Is the audible signal sounded before and during the firing activity?
After firing, does the Shotfirer wait until all blasting fumes are cleared before inspecting the shot for misfires?
After firing, is the workplace inspected by the Shotfirer or other competent person, before work recommences?
Are misfires reported immediately to the Blast Controller, Manager?
Is there a misfire procedure and misfire record book?
Do employees know and understand the firing procedure?
Is there a procedure in place to promptly dispose of all damaged/deteriorated explosives or detonators?
Is there evidence that the relevant procedures are being complied with?
Are the magazine compound gates securely locked?
Are registered locks being used on magazine gates and explosive vehicle bomb boxes?
Is there explosive, no smoking and no naked flames signs on all sides of the fence?
Is there an “Orange Diamond” Explosives signs for an displayed at all approaches to compound.
Are there hazchem signs displayed at all approaches to the compound?
Are explosives and loader/mpu separation distances being observed and are they correct?
Is there a compound plan showing the required separation distances displayed at the explosive compound?
Is the compound set out correctly according to the compound plan, provided for licencing?
Are fire extinguishers available, in date and locations marked with signage?
Is the compound free of rubbish and combustibles?
Are the magazines earthed at two opposite points?
Is there an earth test certificate which states 10 ohms or less, that is not less than 12 months old?
Is the earth grid a minimum 2m from the magazines, installed at right angles to the magazine?
Has the magazine any faults, (damage to lining, mesh covering vents, floor, locks)?
Are the magazine doors correctly locked?
Is the magazine number prominently displayed?
Is there emergency contact details displayed at the compound?
Are the explosives storage licences current and displayed inside each magazine?
Are the DG and SRS licences current and displayed in the compound?
Is the first page of the explosive theft, fire and electrical storm procedure displayed in the magazine?
Are there Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all explosives available in the magazines? (at the gates)
Is the daily explosives stock register book for explosives movements up to date and correct?
Are packaged and bagged explosives/detonators stacked 100mm away from the wall to allow for ventilation?
Are detonators and explosives stored separately?
Is there a system in place to rotate stock?
Are explosives stacked no more than 2.0 metres high?
Are all explosives/detonators stored in their original packaging?
Has any explosive quantity in excess of that used been accounted for and returned to the magazine?
Is there a dust pan & brush, broom and door mat in each magazine?
Are the stock levels maintained within the limit of the licence?
Is the DG storage & handling area tidy with all spills cleaned up?
Does the MPU load explosive a minimum distance of 15m form the magazines?
Are the magazine keys in the possession of the Appointed Magazine Controller and kept secure at all times?
Have Appointed persons been entered into the Mines Record Book and has a copy of the letter of appointment been fixed into the Mines Record Book?
Are explosives, blasting agents or detonators being transported in the approved containers and manner?
Is there just enough explosive or blasting agent in the workplace as is required for immediate use?
Are employees provided with approved equipment for transporting explosives, blasting agents and detonating accessories?
Are bund walls free of rocks?
PPE – correct use, good condition and readily available.
Check current isolations for correct use.
Check Danger tags and Out of Service Tags for correct use.
Check lifting techniques and correct posture.
Are SOP’s being observed.
Is correct handling of hazardous substances being observed.
Are wheel chocks in use?
Are walkways delineated and free of obstructions?
Is machine guarding in place and secure?
Are JHA’s in use and followed/signed by all employees involved in the work/task?
Are Fire Hoses unobstructed?
Are there clear paths of travel for Emergency Exits?
Are ladders in good working order and recorded on the ladder register?
Do electrical tools and equipment carry a current test tag?
Are lines and leads neatly stored when not in use?
Are welding screens in good condition and in place when required?
Is the earth clamp as close to the weld as possible?
Are gas bottles stored correctly?
Are Flashback Arrestors used at both the regulator and the gauges?
Emergency Shower – tested?
Is there any evidence of oil spills?
Rubbish bins not overflowing<br>and are benches neat and tidy?<br>
Drains flowing freely.
Waste Management maintained – hydrocarbons & filters.
Wash down area, clean and tidy.
Office area, clean and tidy.
First Aid kit in place and fully stocked.
Emergency procedures/contacts displayed.
Office area Air-con filters clean.
Stacking and storage neat and shelf racking loads not exceeded.
Are hazardous substances stored correctly?
Are SDS for hazardous substances readily available?
Are benches neat and tidy?
Is there correct and appropriate signage in place?
Check bunding for leaks.
Is bunding empty and clear of vegetation?
Is there correct and appropriate signage in place?
Is there clear access?
Are Fire extinguishers in place and carry a current test tag?
Is ventilation and lighting adequate?
Are SDS for substances readily available?
Is the store free from caustic material?
Emergency Eyewash station – tested<br>(Portable eyewash stations only: Date of last water treatment within 3 months?)<br>
Is the Cut Off saw in a good working condition?
Is the Hose Crimping Press in a good working condition?
Is the storage of hoses neat and tidy?
Is the exhaust fan working?
General Housekeeping.
Benches clean and tidy.
Fridge clean and tidy.
Waste disposal adequate.
Emergency Exits clear.
All electrical items tested and tagged.
Air-con filters clean.
Are there any breaches observed not listed in this document?