• Driver/Chauffeur Name

  • Vehicle Make, Model & Registration

  • Location of Assessment

Show Me/Tell Me

  • Show me how you check the tyres to ensure sufficient tread depth and that they safe to use on the road.

  • Show me how you set the demister controls to clear the windows and windscreen effectively.

  • Tell me how you would have a windscreen chip repaired?

  • Tell me how you report a vehicle breakdown?


This assessment is based on the syllabus contained in the DVSA National Standard for Developed Competence. A driver must continue to reflect on their competence and on their changing personal circumstances to check whether their skills, knowledge and understanding is up to date and to continue to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding, throughout their driving career.

Driver/Chauffeur Signature & Scaling

  • Driver/Chauffeur

  • Self Assessment Scaling Prior to Assessment

Licence & Eyesight Checks

  • Standard DVSA Eyesight Check (20 metres)

  • Glasses or Corrective Vision (01 Restriction)

  • Licence Check Complete

Use of Controls

  • Accelerator

  • Brakes

  • Steering

Safety Checks

  • Doors Locked Promptly

  • Auto Stop Start Switched Off

  • Blind Spot Checks - Prior to Moving Off and Before Lane Changes

Use of Mirrors

  • Well Before Signalling

  • Well Before Slowing Down, Stopping or Increasing Speed

  • Well Before Changing Direction

  • Frequency of Mirror Updates

Observation & Anticipation

  • Forward Observation / Planning

Management of Road Space

  • Separation Distance in Stationary Traffic

  • Following Distance in Moving Traffic

  • General Spatial Awareness


  • Planned Approach to Ensure Minimum Time Stopped

  • Speed on Approach

  • Observation When Emerging/Negotiating

  • Position Before Turning Right

  • Position Before Turning Left

Response to Signs, Signals & Other Road Users

  • Traffic Signs

  • Road Markings

  • Traffic Light Signals

  • Traffic Controller

  • Other Road Users

Use of Signals

  • Where Necessary

  • Correctly

  • Properly Timed

Pedestrian Crossings

  • Approach/Awareness


  • When Overtaking

  • When Meeting Other Traffic

  • When Crossing Traffic


  • Appropriate Speed

  • Undue Hesitation

Use of Speed

  • Correct Use of Speed


  • Normal Driving

  • Lane Discipline

Passenger Comfort & Consideration

  • Was Passenger Comfort and Consideration Evident Throughout the Assessment


  • Reversing Around Corner

  • Reverse Park Car Park/On Road

  • Turning In The Road

Overall Result of Assessment

  • Result

Assessor's Signature & Comments

  • Comments/Areas For Self Development/Reflection

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.