Title Page

  • Type of Audit

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Are brooms and shovels in their appropriate locations Paint Line?

  • Packout Line 1 stocked with original tools nothing missing

  • Packout Line 2 stocked with original tools nothing missing

  • Packout Line 3/4 stocked with original tools nothing missing

  • Is Team Leader tool box in orderly fashion

  • Are all Gages on cart and in proper location DL1

  • Are all Gages on cart and in proper location DL2

  • Are all Gages on cart and in proper location DL3/4

  • Are tools in cabinet across from Paint Line located in proper location and nothing is missing

  • Drum Line 1 work table in order according to visual reference

  • Drum Line 2 work table in order according to visual reference

  • Drum Line 3/4 work table in order according to visual reference

  • Grey tool cabinet in command center in order according to visual reference

  • Grey cabinet at drum inspect in order according to visual reference?

  • Is Balancer Inspection table in order according to visual reference?

  • Are Brooms and shovels in there appropriate place Drum 3/4?

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