Title Page
DSB CSE Task Assessment
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all workers appropriately trained and competent to complete the task?
Are there enough staff to complete the task safely?
All workers have an understanding of their designated role
Is the construction pack located in an accessible place?
Does the construction pack contain work methodology, jsea, confined space entry permit, pre start, gas test certificate and rescue plan?
Have all the work crew signed the documents in the construction pack?
Signage displayed and barriers in place identifying confined space entry in progess
Gas detector calibration dates are current
Gas detectors have been bump tested prior to entry?
Tripod, harnesses have up to date inspection tags, labels?
Correct PPE being worn by workers?
Suitable equipment used for ventilatio or purging when required?
If respiratory equipment is being used, including Elsa kit has been checked and is fit for purpose?