
  • Conducted on

Workstation information

  • Workstation user

  • Checklist completed by:

Display screen(s) - where multiple screens are used each screen must be assessed

  • Is the text on the screen easy to read?

  • Is the image on the screen stable (free from flicker and jitter)?

  • Are the brightness and/or contrast adjustable?

  • Does the operator know how to adjust the screen?

  • Can the screen be swivelled or tilted?<br>Swivel and twist mechanisms need not be built in. The operator should be able to adjust the screen to a comfortable viewing position.

  • Is the screen free from glare and reflections?

  • Is the operators line of sight free from bright light sources (mirrors, windows, bright list)?

  • Are adjustable window coverings provided and are they in adequate condition?


  • Is the keyboard separate from the screen?<br>This is a requirement, unless the task makes it impracticable

  • Does the keyboard tilt?

  • Is it possible to find a comfortable keying position?

  • Does the user have a good keyboard technique?<br>Good technique prevents<br>-hands bent at the wrist<br>-hitting the keys too hard<br>-over stretching the fingers

  • Are the characters on the keys easily readable?

Mouse, trackball etc

  • Is the device suitable for the task?

  • Is the device positioned close to the user?

  • Does the device work smoothly at a speed that suits the user?

  • Is there support for the users wrist and forearm?


  • Is the software suitable for the task?


  • Is the work surface large enough for all the necessary equipment, papers etc?

  • Can the user comfortably reach all the equipment and papers they need to use?

  • Are surfaces free from glare and reflection?

  • Is the chair suitable?

  • Is the chair stable?

  • Does the chair have working:<br>- seat back height and tilt adjustment<br>- seat height adjustment<br>- swivel mechanism<br>- castors or glides

  • Is the seat adjusted correctly?

  • Is the small of the operators back supported by chairs backrest?

  • Are the forearms horizontal?

  • Are the operators eyes roughly level with the top of the VDU?

  • Are the feet flat to the floor without too much pressure from the seat on the back of the legs?

  • Is the floor under the workstation free from obstructions?


  • Is there enough room to change position and vary movement?

  • Is the lighting suitable?<br>Not too bright or not to dim to work comfortably

  • Does the air feel comfortable?

  • Are the levels of heat comfortable?

  • Are the levels of noise comfortable?


  • Has the user experienced any problems using the computer?

  • Has the operator experienced any discomfort using the computer?<br>- numbness and tingling in hands or arms<br>- dry sore eyes<br>- stress and tension<br>-headaches

  • Is the user aware of the company policy on eye and eyesight testing?

  • Is the user able to take regular breaks away from the VDU?


  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.