Engineer Name
Date and Time
Prepared by
Are the conclusions of the on site risk assessment correct?All major hazards identified and risk controlled appropriately
Is all required equipment fit for the task
Does the persons Licence to Work cover the task.
Has the vehicle been parked / positioned in an appropriate location for the works?
Does the operative have correct PPE for the task ahead?
Is the GDU been used in a good condition, free from defect, fit for purpose and within test date?
Can the Engineer demonstrate the correct use of GDU, understands alarms and peak readings, knows what to do if the alarm is triggered. If working more than 1m deep is it being used as constant monitor.
work area suitably protected by the use of barriers. Barriers stabilised as required<br>
Does the operative have enough gate guards for the task ahead (including the working area)?
Please add photos of the site set up.
ACESS into Chambers/MANHOLES
Engineer can demonstrate correct method for using key and roller to remove cover
Has a roller bar and pit lifter been used?
Is Correct method for breaking seal demonstrated? Reversing the key
(Kiss tool) - Has equipment and can demonstrate correct method of using tool to assist with the correct removal of the cover
Has the chamber been fully gas tested at all duct entry points and at all levels?
Has the GDU been left in the correct location in the chamber while working?
Does the Engineer have the correct equipment and can they demonstrate/explain its correct use. Can they explain process if water is found in the manhole.
Has the chamber been left in a safe and hazard free condition?
Sign Off
Has a final check of site been completed prior to leaving?
Do you wish to add in any notes or observations from this live audit?
Engineer Signature
Auditors Signature