DTH Tech number and Name
Job No,
Job Type
- Service
- New customer install
- Existing customer upgrade
- Moving home install
- 1 Extra Multiscreen box only
- 2 Box or more install
- Install & Relocate
- Relocate ONLY
Conducted on
Completed By:
Risk Assessment
What EXTERNAL hazards have you identified on this job?
- Strong Winds
- Garden
- Manual handling
- Traffic/parking
- Animals/pets
- Scaffolding
- Uneven Ground
- Working at Height
- Ice/Snow/Wet
- Hazardous Substances
- Decking
- Third Party
- Falling Light
- Gas/Electric
- Broadband Visit
Based on the hazards identified and your control measure, can you proceed safely with the task? If NO, you MUST follow the escalation process?
What INTERNAL hazards have you identified on this job?
- Furniture
- Stairs
- Manual Handling
- Animals/Pets
- Gas/Electric
- Hazardous Substances
- Loft Working
- Working at Height
- None-Carpeted Flooring
- Third Party
Based on the hazards identified and your control measure, can you proceed safely with the task? If NO, you MUST follow the escalation process?
Where is/will the dish be located?
- Front
- Side
- Back
- Flat Roof
- Chimney
- Other
How will you be running the cable?
Can you proceed using the current control measures? If NO, you MUST follow the escalation process.
Which type of ladder will be used?
- No Ladder
- Hop Up
- Combi
- Single
- Double
- Triple
- Cat Ladders
- Dat Ladders
- Extended 15's
Can you proceed using the current control measures? If NO, you MUST follow the escalation process.
Confirm use of PPE
Visit Details
Description of work required
Photo's of issue
DTH Engineer Assisting
Final Job Status
- Completed by DTH
- Transferred to SE and completed using DAT/SAT
- Transferred to SE and completed via DTH
- Rebooked for DAT/SAT
- Rebooked for DTH
- Terminally Cancelled
Reason for final job status
Is everyone aware of the outcome?
- Customer face-to-face
- Customer phone
- DTH Engineer