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Team members in store
Store Manager
Prepared by
Visit No. 1
Store Performance
Store performance
How is the store performing MTD on PAYM?
How is the store performing MTD on Upgrades?
How is the store performing MTD on PAYG?
How is the store performing MTD on HBB?
How is the store performing MTD on Sharer?
How is the store performing MTD on Tablet?
How is the store performing MTD on P2P?
How is the store performing MTD on Accessory Attachment?
Has the store sold any Add to Plan this month
How is the store performing MTD on upgrade ratio
Daily Brief
Daily Brief
Has the daily brief sheet been used today
Has the most recent NPS information been completed. Information to be tracked is store and individual promoters, passives and detractors.
Has each advisor been assigned a specific area of the EE Way to focus on?
Has each advisor been assigned specific behaviours that can be seen or heard by observer.
Can each advisor confirm their focus and behaviour to be observed?
Shop Floor Observation
Shop floor observation
Is the podium manned?
Are all advisors wearing name badges?<br>
Did the advisor use the permission question?
Did the advisor record the customer's name and their own on the customer information sheet.
Are the advisors on the shop floor carrying demo products
Review of previous day's paperwork
Review of previous day's paperwork
Was the team brief and de brief completed
Have customer information sheets been used? 50% minimum on all CIFs in daily envelope.
Has the advisor recorded both names at the top of each sheet?
Have 3 pieces of lifestyle information been recorded for each customer?
Does solution 1 contain more than one product?
Was the debrief completed?
Store Champions
Store champions
Who is the store champion for tablets?
Who is the store champion for Sharer?
Who is the store champion for Add to Plan