Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is Employee Liability Insurance available and within date?
Does the site have a schedule of Plant Insurance requirments?
Does the site have a Building Manual?
Does the site hold an M&E Maintenance folder?
Is all items covered under the schedule tested within the required time frame, remedial actions resolved and insurance notices available to review?
Does the site hold a current and updated COSHH record, including Data Sheets?
Has the statutory Appointments been made, accepted and recorded including Duty Holder, Responsible Persons and Authorised Engineering Supervisor?
Are Workplace activity Risk Assessments in place and revised annually?
Are High RIsk systems at the site and in use?
Are the relevant Risk Assessments reviewed and utilised to control the risks?
Does the site have any Confined Spaces?
Do any confined spaces have an appropriate assessment and worked too?
Are faults or issued recorded and a process in place to ensure all items are closed out in an appropriate timeframe?
Is a Water RIsk Assessment in place and been conducted within the past 2 Years?
Has all actions been recorded, completed and closed out?
Does the site have a Cooling Tower?
Has a higher level of control been implemented in accordance with current L8 ACOP?
Has Monthly Temperature checks been undertaken?
Has any failures recorded been reported and rectified?
Does the site have an A/C system?
Has an appropriate maintenance regime been implemented?
Has a schedule been implemented to implement and record flushing of 'Little Used Outlets'?
Are showers heads disinfected on an appropriate regime?
Does the site undertake an appropriate bacterial analysis?
Are any negative responses recorded and resolved with the appropriate action?
Is a PAT regime in place?
Are any actions recorded and closed out?
Has a Fixed Wire test been undertaken in the past 5 years?
Has all Priority 1 issues been rectified?
Has all Priority 2 issues been rectified?
Has all priority 3 issues been either rectified or justified for non action?
Does the site have Emergency Lighting?
Has the 3 Year inspection certificate been issued?
Has the appropriate Monthly checks been undertaken on the system and any faults rectified?
Has the appropriate 6 month checks been undertaken on the system and any faults rectified?
Has the appropriate 12 Month checks been undertaken on the system and any faults rectified?
Has a Gas Safety Certificate been issued within the past 12 Months?
Has a Fire RIsk Assessment been undertaken within the past 12 Months?
Has all actions been recorded and either auctioned or explanation given on alternative actions?
Has a fire Drill been undertaken in accordance with either the FRA or FIre Certificate?
Have the results of the drill been recorded and briefed to the Fire Marshals?
Have the Fire Doors been inspected at an appropriate regime?
Have all issues identified been recorded and auctioned?
Does the site have a Lightning Conducting System?
Has the system been maintained at 48 Week intervals and any issues rectified?
Are all PFE serviceable and in date?
Has weekly call Point testing been undertaken?
Are the Call Points scheduled according to 'Date VS Location'?
Has an appropriate regime been implemented to maintain the building Fire Panel?
Has a FIre Evacuation Strategy been devised and implemented at the site and communicated to all concerned?
Has Fire Marshals been appointed and trained to undertake their respective duties?
Has an Asbestos Survey been undertaken?
Have all recommendations been recorded and implemented or an explanation provided on alternative actions?
Has an Asbestos Management Plan Been written and implemented?
Does the management plan contain a Risk Register?
Has an appropriate regime been implemented to inspect the Oil Tank for damage or fault?
Have all faults been recorded and rectified?
Is appropriate instructions next to fill point giving details on how to fill the tank?
Does the site have a Hazardous Waste Code?
Does the site have a Discharge Consent Issued?
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