Title Page

  • Completed forms are to be kept readily available (preferably on site) for the duration of construction works, after which time shall from part of the Environmental file.

  • Sensible Monitoring Audit Completed By:

  • Site Manager:

  • Contract Number:

  • Project Title:

  • Conducted on


  • Any Environmental actions identified shall be entered onto Audit / Inspection Action Log and brought to the urgent attention of the appropriate personnel as soon as possible. Contractor / Project Manager to be notified of actions required / taken.

  • 1) What activities are underway?<br>a) What as inspected?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 1 here.

  • 2) Have all findings and early warnings from previous Environmental Protection Inspections and Audits been closed out?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 2 here.

  • 3) Are the following documents on display;<br>- Clients Environmental Policy Statement<br>- Environmental Guide for the Management of Fixed Site<br>- Relevant Environmental Alerts and Bulletins?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 3 here.

  • 4) Has the project obtained planning approval, (Local Planning Authority, DECC etc)?<br>a) If applicable is there a copy of the Environmental Statement (ES) on site?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 4 here.

  • 5) Are there any conditions of approval, mitigation measures, and other 3rd party agreements?<br>a) If YES, is there a register of planning conditions to track progress?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 5 here.

  • 6) Has a log of Communication with Regulatory Authorities and third parties been established and maintained?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 6 here.

  • 7) have Environmental Objectives and Targets been set for the project?<br>a) How are these implemented, monitored and measured?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 7 here.

  • 8) Have site environmental inductions been carried out, are records available?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 8 here.

  • 9) Have near misses and incidents been registered in accordance with the client procedure and IMS and what action(s) have been taken?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 9 here.

  • 10) Has best practice been identified and implemented?<br>(review archive best practices for potential application on the project)

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 10 here.

  • 11) Is the project compliant with the Site Waste Management Plan?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 11 here.

  • 12) Has a log of minor spills been recorded and passed through the clients reporting system as hazards removed?<br>NB. CIRIA doc Control of Water Pollution from Linear projects is available

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 12 here.

  • 13) Have appropriate COSHH assessments been carried out for all substances which are held on site?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 13 here.

  • 14) Is the project compliant with the water management plan?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 14 here.

  • 15) Check watercourses for evidence of pollution (if appropriate sample a specified area only). Are watercourses being monitored for evidence of pollution by contractor?<br>Review records and incident register

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 15 here.

  • 16) Are adequate measures being taken to control sediment run-off from site to watercourses / drains. Check and detail measures implemented (if appropriate sample a specified area only)<br>NB. CIRIA doc control of water pollution from linear projects is available

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 16 here.

  • 17) Has pre-construction drainage been carried out to minimise the effects of construction activities?<br>a) Is any drainage exposed to pick up silty water run off?<br>(Check Outfalls)

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 17 here.

  • 18) Do Contractor's Method Statements and Risk Assessments consider significant environmental aspects / impacts as identified in the PEMP / Environmental Aspects Register?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 18 here.

  • 19) Are appropriate measures being implemented for pollution control?<br>(drip trays, fuel storage, refueling, other chemical storage, mud on roads, dust generation etc)

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 19 here.

  • 20) Will work affect any trees with a Tree Prevention Order (TPO)?<br>a) If YES, is work beneath the canopy spread of a tree protected by a TPO being carried out in accordance with the Local Planning Authority's Regulations?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 20 here.

  • 21) Is hedge bank material stored separately from top soil and signed?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 21 here.

  • 22) Are trees and exposed hedgerows protected by appropriate fencing?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 22 here.

  • 23) Has a log been established to monitor the removal of mature trees?<br>NB. A mature tree is defined by The Tree Council as a tree with a stem diameter of 75mm at 1.5 meters about the ground or a tree that has been coppiced and the number of shoots on the tree exceeds 10.

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 23 here.

  • 24) Have any damaged trees been pruned and sealed in accordance with approved practice?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 24 here.

  • 25) Is the Contractor compliant with the conditions of any licence to handle or disturb protected species or their habitat (e.g. Badgers, Bats, Great Crested Newts, Dormice, Reptiles, Water Voles, White Clawed Crayfish, Birds (Including special species))?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 25 here.

  • 26) Are there any restrictions or requirements associated with working in or close to ecologically sensitive areas (e.g. European Sites, SSSI, RAMSAR, SPA, SAC, SINC)?<br>a) If so, is the Main Works Contractor compliant with these?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 26 here.

  • 27) Is the project compliant with any agreed written scheme of investigation and any additional requirements of the County Archaeologist (e.g. supervision of topsoil strip)?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 27 here.

  • 28) Is the project adequately communicating progress to the County Archaeologist?

  • Comments:

  • Attach any images relevant to question 28 here.

Sign Off Audit

  • Print Name:

  • Signature:

  • Project Manager Name:

  • Signature:

  • Designation:

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.