Title Page

  • Lobby Concierge

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Enter Lobby Concierge name(s)

  • Warm welcome/greeting provided

  • Guest name used during the experience, when known

  • Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction

  • Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform

  • Lobby Concierge meets grooming and appearance standards Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>• Employee not present<br>• Employee not observed Employee must minimally meet grooming and appearance standards:<br>• Hair:<br>o Clean and neat<br>• Jewelry:<br>o Bracelet/watch - maximum 1 of either per arm (AP, MEA, EUR)<br>▪ Jewelry worn to raise awareness of a specific cause is not permitted<br>▪ Anklets or ankle bracelets are not acceptable<br>o Decorative pins not included in uniform program are not acceptable<br>• Shoes<br>o Clean, polished and in good repair<br>Interact with employees and mark NO if you encounter or observe any employee who does not meet the above standards

  • Concierge provides reservation services Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>Concierge must:<br>• Proactively offers to make reservations/book tickets for suggested venues (e.g. restaurants, local attractions), if applicable<br>• Make reservation if service is accepted by the guest<br>• Offer to provide directions/transportation options to the venue<br>Mark NO if you any of the above criteria are not met

  • Confirmation meets standards Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>Employee must offer to provide a confirmation for every reservation<br>• It is acceptable for guest to be asked if they would like:<br>o To wait for the confirmation to be printed, OR<br>o To receive an email confirmation of the arrangements, OR<br>o To offer to deliver confirmation to guest room<br>Confirmation must be:<br>• Computer-generated or typed, if printed<br>• Professional in appearance (no photocopies)<br>• Correct in all details, including dates and times<br>• Headed with appropriate greetings, which are used in all written communications:<br>o Correct titles for same sex relationships or marriages.<br>o Proper spelling of names and titles, (e.g. including the use of lower caseversus upper case letters, hyphens, spacing)<br>Review materials and mark NO if you find any of the following<br>• Appropriate greeting/title not used<br>• Confirmation card not offered<br>• Confirmations not computer generated or typed<br>• Materials not professional in appearance<br>• Photocopies are used<br>• Printed material misspelled/grammatically incorrect<br>• Request information not available

  • Concierge service is provided promptly Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>Concierge must greet guest and offer assistance within 5 minutes of arrival to the area<br>• It is acceptable for others to provide assistance if the concierge is occupied by another guest or has a queue<br>Concierge must call guest back within 15 minutes if contacted by guest by phone and immediate assistance is not possible<br>Concierge services must be available to guests 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, regardless of Lobby Concierge Desk hours<br>• It is acceptable for those other than the Lobby Concierge to handle requests after Lobby Concierge Desk is closed<br>• The department handling after hours requests, whether in person or by phone, must assist the guest<br>o It is not acceptable for the others to take a message rather than assist the guest<br>Mark NO if you are not assisted: <br>• Within 5 minutes of your arrival to the area<br>• Within 15 minutes of your initial call

  • Lobby Concierge is responsive and knowledgeable Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>Lobby Concierge must:<br>• Be knowledgeable of hotel/local area (e.g. shopping, entertainment)<br>• Suggest must do or must see items<br>o Recommendations should be customized to meet the needs of the guest (e.g. business traveler looking for weekend stayover activities)<br>• Recommend restaurants to guests when asked<br>Interact with Lobby Concierge and mark NO if any of the above criteria are not met

  • Be nice! Use your hearts, minds and smiles to delight our guests Employee must minimally be nice, using hearts, minds and smiles to delight our guests during each interaction<br>• Examples include: displaying a caring attitude, being helpful, acting genuine, making guests feel welcomed/comfortable<br>Mark NO if employee did not delight during interaction

  • Own your guests: You are empowered to resolve guest issues Employee must minimally own your guests and take steps to resolve guest issues, including requests<br>• Must take personal responsibility for our guests’ happiness, safety and well-being<br>Examples:<br>• If the guest feels they’re getting the best attention and service, they’ll be your guest forever! If a guest calls and asks where they can buy their kids some Giants shirts while they’re in NY, find out.. you find out. Google it, Yelp it, We Chat it or maybe you already know.. but own it and make sure you give the guest as much information as possible. Distance the store is from the hotel, opening times etc.<br>• If a guest stops you in the lobby and asks for a bamboo toothbrush because they forgot theirs and don’t like to use plastic… Not a problem, let’s find one.. (hopefully you’ll have them in Guest services), but do whatever you can to insure you are efficient and effective in fulfilling the guest request give the guest as much information as possible. Distance the store is from the hotel, opening times etc.<br>Mark NO if employee did not take personal responsibility during interaction

  • Take personal responsibility to be an expert in your job, hotel and community Mark N/A if interaction did not allow question<br>Employee takes personal responsibility to be an expert in your job, hotel and community<br>Ask Employee a general, position/interaction appropriate question during the interaction and mark NO if they are unable to answer

  • Concierge owns and resolves guest's requests and opportunities immediately Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br>• Area/service not selected for evaluation<br>• No problem or concern was encountered<br>Concierge must:<br>• Listen actively<br>• Empathize - Express empathy<br>• Apologize and assume ownership<br>• Resolve/Solve the problem and also provide an extra touch that goes beyond mere resolution<br>• Notify/Thank the guest to confirm their satisfaction<br>Mark NO if the Concierge:<br>• Does not actively listen to you<br>• Does not express empathy<br>• Does not offer an apology<br>• Does not solve the problem within 10 minutes<br>• Does not provide any special touch beyond mere resolution • Does not confirm your satisfaction

  • Concierge uses appropriate verbiage and shows genuine concern Beyond the delivery of universal service elements of good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction Concierge must:<br>• Always use proper vocabulary with genuine delivery<br>o For example: "Certainly", "My Pleasure", "Immediately", "I would be happy to", “Absolutely”, “Right away”<br>o It is not acceptable to use slang or hotel jargon (e.g. 86’d, DND, “What’s up?”, “dude”, “habibi”, “OMG”)<br>• Engage in warm conversation to show genuine concern and interest in the guest<br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br>• Concierge does not engage in warm conversation<br>• Inappropriate verbiage or jargon used

  • Concierge does not decline a request without offering alternatives Mark N/A if:<br>• No request is made above and beyond normal services offered<br>• Concierge meets request<br>If guest makes a special request Concierge must:<br>• Not just say “No” but use a polite denial, e.g. “I am afraid that we are unable to do that at this time”<br>• Offer alternatives that may help meet the need in another way<br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br>• Alternatives not offered<br>• Concierge says “No” without polite denial

  • Concierge delivered personalized service during interaction Mark N/A if opportunity for delivery of personalized service during interaction not available<br>Concierge must deliver personalized service during interaction, using something the associate learned about the guest<br>Mark NO if personalized service not delivered during interaction

  • Concierge thoughtful and intuitive, demonstrating anticipatory service when appropriate and helpful Concierge must be:<br>• Thoughtful<br>• Intuitive<br>• Demonstrate anticipatory service when appropriate and helpful<br>Examples of acceptable anticipatory actions include:<br>• Sending additional information to the guest room on an attraction that the guest asked about<br>• Arranging to get a CD of a performance that the guest is attending and sending it to the room before the guest returns<br>• Researching where a guest can buy a local product that a guest said that they loved (e.g. a piece of artwork)<br>It is acceptable if Concierge does not anticipate the "set-up" need or provide any of the examples above, as long as any need is anticipated during interaction<br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the above criteria not being followed

  • Concierge provides a professional persona Concierge must:<br>• Only engage in work-related conversation with other employees when guests present<br>o Includes cell phone and radio conversations<br>o Earpiece must be used for all radio conversations<br>• Offer an escort as well as directions if a location that the guest asked about is not in visible sight<br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br>• Escort not offered<br>• Non-work related matters discussed in your presence<br>• Earpiece not used

  • Further assistance offered to the guest

  • Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated

  • The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative

  • Rate Emotional Engagement with interaction Mark N/A if interaction not completed<br>After your experience, rate your interaction:<br>• Positively engaged: positive emotional experience - Pampered, Special, Indulged, Delighted, Appreciated, Individual<br>• Neutral engagement: Respected, Understood, Content – not swayed positively or negatively<br>• Negative emotional engagement: Disinterested, Disconnected, Disappointed, Ignored, Stressed, Frustrated<br>Scoring Methodology:<br>• Positive – 4 of 4 points will be awarded<br>• Neutral – 0 of 0 points will be awarded<br>• Negative – 0 of 4 points will be awarded

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.