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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_electrical_installations_-_inspection_and_testing_lps.pdf
Electrical Installations - Inspection and Testing
1. Is there a manager responsible for the electrical installation(s)?
2. Is there a formal method of keeping all relevant records relating to the electrical installation(s) including:<br>• Electrical Installation Certificates?<br>• Single line drawings/schematics?<br>• Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificates?<br>• Electrical Installation Condition Reports?
3. Is there an effective system in place for managing inspections, testing, servicing and maintenance activities?
4. Is there an effective mechanism in place for ensuring the frequencies for inspection, testing, servicing and maintenance activities are appropriate, based on regulatory requirements, manufacturer/OEM, industry standards, site experience and learning, risk to the business, insurers guidance, best practice, etc.?
5. Does the management system enable you to prioritise tasks?
Who is responsible and how would tasks be prioritised?
6. Does the management system enable you to identify task completion rates and measure this against the tasks due, based on the:<br>• Priority of the task?<br>• Number of tasks?<br>• Length of time outstanding, etc.?
7. Does the management system enable all personnel to feedback any issues noticed with the electrical installation and record any actions needed/taken?
8. Are periodic inspections up to date for all areas and have all actions been dealt with in line with the report recommendations?
9. Are there processes in place to ensure the competency of all electrical contractors is checked before any work is carried out, and are records of the checks held?
10. Have sample sizes and locations for periodic inspections of the electrical installation(s) all been discussed, fully understood and agreed?
11. Have routine checks been undertaken? <br>• All previously reported defects rectified? <br>• Visual inspections carried out looking for signs of breakages, wear, overheating, loose fixings and switchgear kept clear? <br>• Have switches been operated (on/off)? <br>• Functional testing carried out for RCDs, etc.?
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