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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://connect.avivab2b.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_external_wall_insulation_systems_lps.pdf
External Wall Insulation Systems Checklist
1. Has the type of external wall insulation (EWI) material been confirmed?
2. Is the EWI material non-combustible, or does it have proven fire performance rating which meet the requirements of an accredited third party approval scheme?
3. Has the substrate wall which supports the insulation been confirmed?<br>• Non-combustible brick/block work?<br>• Combustible, timber framed?
4. Does the wall have internal open cavities?<br>Are the cavities fitted with suitable fire barriers?
5. Are all combustible wall systems formally recorded in appropriate drawings and documentation?
6. Is the condition of the wall insulation good with no exposed fixings, cracking or evidence of exposed foam or other types of combustibles?
7. Are there any exposed vents, pipes, cables or fixings that penetrate the wall/insulation material?<br>• Are any of these combustible?<br>• Can they be replaced or be encased with non-combustible materials?
8. Are any walls protected against potential impact damage including vehicular?
9. Have there been instances of malicious damage or arson in the area?<br>Are security precautions appropriate to reduce potential malicious damage or arson attack?
10. Is the condition of the EWI system included in regular formal self-inspection regimes?
11. Are cracks and damage identified, and formally tracked through to repair completion?<br>Are repairs treated quickly and as a matter of urgency?
12. Are all wheelie bins, skips and waste materials maintained at least 10m from any identified EWI systems?
13. Is all yard storage maintained at least 10m from any identified EWI systems?
14. Is smoking and are smoking shelters prohibited from within 10m of any identified EWI systems?<br>In no instances should cigarette waste material holders be mounted onto EWI systems.
15. Are all forms of hot work prohibited on or within 10m of any EWI systems?
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