
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Electrical Work Permit

  • Permit No:

  • Work Location:
  • Description of work being conducted:

  • Permit Valid FROM:

  • Date & Time:

  • Permit Valid TO:

  • Date & Time:

  • All fields must be completed, indicate with either YES, No or N/A (Not applicable).
    Permit numbers must be listed also.

Does this Permit combine with any other Permit or Permits?

  • Confined Space Permit:

  • Permit No:

  • Hot Works Permit:

  • Permit No:

Answer all questions below with Y, N or N/A.

  • All personal working on this Task are trained & Competent?

  • A Current Risk Assessment has been completed for the work this permit is applicable to?

  • The apparatus is effectively connected to earth at the following points

  • The points of isolation are as follows

  • Arrangements for the display or retention of the keys to locking-off devices are as follows

  • Caution notices have been posted at the following points

  • Safety locks have been fitted at the following points

  • Description of the work to be carried out

Authority for electrical work

  • Responsible Person. (Applicant/Contractor)
    I Accept the responsibility of this Permit as the person directly in charge of the work.

  • Name & Sign:

  • Date & Time:

  • Authorising Person. (Site Manager)
    I have advised the person nominated above of the conditions of this permit and authorise Working at Heights to be carried out subjected to the conditions of the risk assessment.

  • Name & Sign:

  • Date & Time:

Electrical works Personal I have been trained, I have read and agree to the conditions of this Permit

  • Name and Sign ON:

  • Person
  • Name & Sign

  • Date & Time

  • Electrical Personal Name and Sign OFF:
  • Name & Sign

  • Date & Time

Permit Closure (To be completed by Responsible Person)

  • All electric has been returned, inspected and accounted for?

  • All work associated with this Permit has been completed. The work and adjacent areas have been inspected and have been left in a safe condition.

  • List any Controls left in place:

  • Name & Sign:

  • Date & Time:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.