Title Page
Document No.
Elkins Hall Construction Site
Elkin Hall
Conducted on
Prepared by Caddis Coscarelli
Elkin Hall , Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Fall Protection 1926.501
Are there sides and or edges 6' above a level protected by gaurdrails, safety net, or personal fall arrest systems? 1926.501(b)(1)
If guardrails are in place can they withstand 200 pounds of applied pressure? 1926.502(b)(3)
Are holes on walking surfaces covered or otherwise protected? 1926.501(b)(4)(i)
Are Employees at the edge of well, pit, or shaft excavation 6' deep or more properly protected? 1926.501(b)(7)
Scaffolding 1926.451
Is an employee on a scaffolding more than 10' above a lower level properly protected? 1926.451(gX1)
Working levels of platforms must be fully decked or planked 1926.451(b)(1)
Are cross-braces being used as a means of access when a scaffolding platform is more than 2 feet above or below that point of access? 1926.451(e)(1)
Are guardrail systems installed along all open sides of platforms? 1926.451(gX4)(i)
Ladders 1926.1053
Are ladders being used for what they were designed? 1926.1053(b)(4)
The top step of a ladder may not be used as a step. 1926.1053(b)(13)
Ladders may not be used on slippery surfaces unless secured. 1926.1053(b)(7)
Is the area at the top and bottom of the ladder kept clear? 1926.1053(b)(9)
General requirements 1926.963(b)
Each employee is properly trained in safe work practices. 1926.963(b)(2)
Combustible scrap shall be removed at regular intervals during construction. 1926.25(b)
Construction areas, aisles, stairs, ramps, runways, corridors, offices, shops, and storage areas where work is in progress shall be lighted with either natural or artificial illumination. 1926.26
Proper PPE is worn. 1926.28(a)
Stair rails and handrails 1926.1052(c)
Stairways with four or more risers or 30" shall have atleast one handrail. 1926.1052(c)(1)
Riser height and tread depth shall be uniform within each flight of stairs, including any foundation structure used as one or more treads of the stairs. 1926.1052(a)(3)
All parts of stairways shall be free of hazardous projections, such as protruding nails.1926.1052(a)(6)<br><br>
Slippery conditions on stairways shall be eliminated before the stairways are used to reach other levels.<br>926.1052(a<br>
Electric 1926.416
Worn or frayed electric cords may not be used. 1926.416(e)(1)
Extension cords may not be hung, stapled or suspended by wire. 1926.416(e)(1)
No conductors or equipment shall be located in a damp, wet area, extreme temperatures or any other deteriorating agent. 1926.432(a)(1)
Is there any open power circuit which a worker could contact? 1926.416(a)(1)
Hand/ Power Tools
Are all power tools properly guarded? 1926.300(b)(1)
Point of operation is the area on a machine where work is actually performed upon the material being processed. 1926.300(b)(4)
Electric power operated tools shall either be of the approved double-insulated type or grounded. 1926.302(a)(1)
The use of electric cords for hoisting or lowering tools shall not be permitted. 1926.302(a)(2)
Underground 1926.800
The employer shall maintain a check-in/check-out procedure that will ensure that above-ground personnel can determine an accurate count of the number of persons underground in the event of an emergency. 1926.800(c)
The employer shall control access to all openings to prevent unauthorized entry underground. 1926.800(b)(3)
Any employee working alone underground in a hazardous location, which is out of voice range or under supervision needs a means of obtaining help during an emergency. 1926.800(f)(5)
Each employee underground must have a type of light in case of an emergency if natural light isn't provided. 1926.800(g)(4)
Confined Spaces 1926.1203
Confined spaces must be recognized by a competent person before work begins. 1926.1203(a)
If the workplace has one or more permit spaces the employer must post warning signs of the space. 1926.1203(b)
Before an employee enters the space, the internal atmosphere must be tested, with a calibrated direct-reading instrument, for oxygen content, for flammable gases and vapors, and for potential toxic air contaminants, in that order. 1926.1203(e)(2)(iii)
The atmosphere within the space must be continuously monitored unless the entry employer can demonstrate that equipment for continuous monitoring is not commercially available or periodic monitoring is sufficient. 1926.1203(e)(2)(vi)
Material handling/storage
All materials stored in tiers shall be stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise secured to prevent sliding, falling or collapse.<br>1926.250(a)(1)<br>
Are the isles and passageways kept clear for free movement of material and or people? 1926.250(a)(3)
Materials shall not be stored on scaffolds or runways in excess of supplies needed for immediate operations.<br>1926.250(b)(5)
Used lumber shall have all nails withdrawn before stacking.<br>1926.250(b)(8)(i)<br>