Reference Number [GPA / GPO]
Audit Title
Operating Entity
Site Safety Manager
Rig Location
Tenure Holder
Tenure type and number
Responsible person contact details
Audit / Inspection Commencement Date
Audit / Inspection Completion Date
Prepared by: * Inspector and supporting inspector names
Emergency Plan Documentation
Does the Rig have an approved site safety / emergency plan as part of the SMP?<br><br>
Does the plan include the location of: defined hazardous zones?
Does the plan include location of: remote emergency stop locations?
Does the plan include the location of: emergency muster points?
Does the plan include the location of: emergency?
Does the plan include the location of: fire fighting equipment?
Does the plan include the location of: first aid kits and apparatus?
Does the plan include the location of: emergency eye wash / shower stations?
Emergency contact and communications
Are appropriate emergency contacts identified and clearly displayed?
Do contacts include the correct Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate emergency contact numbers - I.e. For notifiable incidents?
Are the rig crew aware of the incident reporting process?
Are there adequate communications on the rig site, I.e. UHF/VHF radio, satellite phone?
Are all communication systems in operational order and tested for each site? <br>Tests must be recorded?
Contingency and response testing
Are contingency plans in place for:<br> 1. Incapacitation of emergency response personnel<br> 2. Communication failure
Is the Emergency Escort Location (EEL) prominently displayed, GPS co-ordinate a and mud maps available?
Is appropriate signage provided on main roadways to direct emergency services when responding to events?
Are emergency exercises conducted?<br><br>What was the last exercise in relation to?
Was there a report on the exercises outcomes and it's effectiveness documented?
Is there evidence to show that all rig crew, clients and contractors are accounted for during an emergency situation?
Are there processes in place to ensure a review of emergency procedures occurs regularly or whenever significant changes are made?
Emergency shut down / facilities / and alarms.
Does the rig have emergency shut down facilities (1 or more)?
Is there evidence to demonstrate that emergency shut down systems are tested and that test results are recorded?
Are test intervals in accordance with SMP requirements (should be at every rig up)?
Inspector to consider requiring a function test of the emergency shut down system - shut down should occur in 3 to 5 seconds?<br><br>Note: requests to test should be considered with current rig activities in mind.
Does the rig have emergency alarm facilities?
Is there evidence that emergency alarms are tested and the test results are recorded?
Are test intervals in accordance with SMP requirements (should be at every rig up)?
Inspector to consider conducting a test of the emergency alarm system?
Is there a minimum of 2 emergency muster points designated at the rig site?
Are muster points clearly displayed and accessible?
Are rig crews aware of the designated muster points?
Rescue and Training
Is requisite safety equipment available on site?<br>I.e. - Work at height equipment<br> - height rescue equipment<br> - confined space equipment<br> - task specific PPE
Is there evidence of training in the use of emergency and rescue equipment?<br><br>Note: Nationally accredited training required for work at heights, working in confined spaces.
Is there adequate fire extinguishers available on site and are they in test date?
Are first aid kits/facilities available, adequately stocked and inspected regularly?
Are environmental spil kits appropriately located on or near the rig?
Gas Detection
Is gas detection equipment available at the rig?
Are gas detectors within calibration and challenged/bump tested as per manufacturer's recommendations?
Are gas detector calibration and bump tests recorded with records available on site?
Are there backup operational gas detectors available on site?
Do the rig crew know where gas detectors are located?
Are the rig crew trained in the operational use of the gas detectors on site?
Hazardous Zones
Are hazardous zones clearly defined within the SMP?
Are hazardous zones clearly identifiable on the rig site?
Are designated smoking areas located in suitable positions, outside the 30 mtr hazardous zone?
Are fire extinguishers available in close proximity to smoking areas?
Are suitable bins available in smoking areas for disposal of butts etc?