
  • EMG Audit Tool

  • Store Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

The following questions relate to the physical environment and are to be responded to on visual inspection of the applicable area.

1.0 - Reserves & Visual Merchandise Rooms

    - Fixtures & shelving are in safe condition prior to use
    - Appropriate equipment is available (safety step/ladder/trolley)
    - Equipment is located away from walkways and passageways

    - Heavy, bulky and frequently used items are stored between knee and shoulder height
    - Stock is safely positioned on shelves, i.e. not overhanging edges
    - Stock on highest shelving has at least 1 metre clearance from fire sprinklers

    - Floor area is free of rubbish, uncluttered and allows adequate working space

  • 1.1 - Have the setup, shelving/storage and floor surface requirements been achieved in the VM storage room?

  • no label
  • 1.2 - Have the setup, shelving/storage and floor surface requirements been achieved in the soft goods (apparel) reserve?

  • no label
  • 1.3 - Have the setup, shelving/storage and floor surface requirements been achieved in the hard goods reserve?

  • no label

2.0 - Escalators

  • 2.1 - There is at least 2.5m of free unobstructed space at the entry to and exit from any escalator?

  • no label

3.0 - Access

  • 3.1 - Walkways are clear and unobstructed by VM displays, garment rails, merchandise or any other item that could potentially cause a slip, trip or fall?

  • no label

The following questions relate to safety culture and are to be asked in conversation with the respective team member/manager.

4.0 - Team Member Safety Behaviour

  • 4.1 - When retrieving merchandise from a reserve, what equipment could you use to reduce the risk of manual handling injuries?

  • Responses could include:
    - Safety-step or task appropriate ladder to retrieve items stored above shoulder height
    - Flat bed trolley to retrieve heavy or bulky items
    - Garment rail when retrieving multiple items of clothing

  • 4.2 - What risks relating to the use of ladders are you aware of?

  • The most common cause of injuries involving ladders results from missing/misjudging the bottom step when descending.
    Although you may receive various responses please highlight this issue if not raised by the team member.

5.0 - Service Manager Safety Behaviour

  • 5.1 - What actions are you taking now to manage safety in your area?

  • Responses could include:
    - Daily safety message in morning huddles
    - reinforce safe work practices
    - encourage Near Miss Hazard Issue reporting
    - regular inspections of department and reserves

6.0 - Store Manager Safety Behaviour

  • 6.1 - What actions are you taking now to manage safety in your store?

  • Responses could include:
    - Ensure all team members have received SWP training
    - Monitor concessions/contractor compliance
    - Conduct floor walks to check for hazards
    - Conduct inspection of reserves and VM rooms

Additional Notes/ Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.