Issued to
Prepared by
Conducted on
Employee Information
IDAR - Issue, Discussion, Agreed Action & Review
ISSUE - Raise the issue. Be clear, be concise, don't take too much time. (manager to complete)
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DISCUSSION Listen carefully to the employee's response Acknowledge that you have heard what they had to say, even if you don't agree with it Continue to encourage discussion until the time is right to move towards an agreement
AGREED ACTION(S) Encourage the other party to supply the solution Only supply a solution if they can't Ensure the solution is practical and can be implemented
REVIEW Review the agreed action(s) Get the employee to write in what they have agreed to You are checking to see if you both agree on the same solution(s) You are checking to see that they understand the details of the agreement(s)
By signing below, I agree to the documentation above and I have received a copy of this counselling slip. I understand that this document will be archived in my employee file as a record of my performance in the workplace.
Employee signed
Manager Signed