Report Investigator:
Prepared by:
Employee Information:
Employee Information:
Name of Injured Person:
Employee Address:
Contact Number:
Date of Birth:
Hire Date:
Job Title:
Did the Injured Employee seek additional medical assistance from a hospital or physican?
Name of Physican or Hospital:
Phone Number:
Jobsite Information:
Employee was peforming work for:
- CPA North
- CPA South
- CPA Construction
- CPA O and M
- Peoples Natural Gas
Injured Employee's Foreman:
Any Witnesses?
Name of Witness:
Injured Person Jobsite Location:
Nearest Medical Facility:
Injury Classification:
Injury Classification:
Type of Injury:
- Abrasion
- Laceration
- Burn
- Fracture
- Bruise
- Head Injury/Concussion
- Sprain/Strain
- Spinal Cord
- Eye Injury
Body Part affected:
Injury Investigation:
Employee Statement:
Explain What happened in your own words:
Hazard Classification:
What is the nature of the injury?
- Slips, Trips, Falls
- Struck By
- Caught in/ Between
- Electrical Shock
- Burn
- Fires/Explosion
- Trench Collapse
- Equipment Related
- Rollover/ Crushing
- Repetitive Motion
- Excessive Hot Temperatures
- Excessive Cold Temperatures
- Excessive Noise Exposure
- Respiratory Diseases
Root Cause Investigation
1. What Happened?
2. Why did this happen? (Direct Cause)
3. Why did #2 happen? (unsafe act/condition/indirect cause)
4. Why did this unsafe act/condition/indirect cause happen?
Root Cause of the Injury:
Corrective Actions
What can we do correct the root cause to prevent the injury from happening in the future?
Attached Pictures:
Employee Signature:
Safety Manager Signature: