
  • Employer / Location Health, Safety, Welfare Assessment Record

  • Company name

  • Assessment carried out by

  • Document No.

Employer Details

  • Employers Name:

  • Employers Address:

  • Postcode:

  • Main Contacts Name:

  • E-mail Address:

  • Telephone Number:

  • Health & Safety Contact Name:

  • Number of Employees:

  • Type of work carried out at workplace: Give a detailed description of the work carried out by the company, list machines and processes carried out

  • Health & Safety Enforcement Action:<br><br>Has the company every had an Improvement Notice or a Prohibition Notice issued against them?

Employers Liability Insurance

  • Is Employers Liability insurance current and other insurance in place as appropriate to the business undertaking?

  • Insurers name

  • Policy number

  • Expiry date

  • Insurer informed of learners?

Standard 1 - Health and Safety Policy

  • A. Is there a clear commitment to health, safety and welfare (written policy statement mandatory when five or more employees)?<br><br>Ask for a copy of the H&S Policy

  • B. Are the responsibilities for health and safety clearly stated (recorded when five or more employees)?<br><br>Check contents of H&S Policy

  • C. Are arrangements for health and safety clearly stated (recorded when 5 or more employees)?<br><br>Check contents of H&S Policy

  • D - How are the commitments, responsibilities and arrangements for health and safety (in 1A - 1C above) communicated to employees? Have all staff read or been issued copies of the H&S Policy?

  • E - Equality and Diversity - Hopwood Hall College is committed to ensure that no learner of the college receives less favourable treatment

  • Are you fully committed to HHC's equality and diversity visions? (Booklet issued to company)

  • Add signature

  • F - Safeguarding - Hopwood Hall College is also committed to protect young people and vulnerable adults from harm

  • Are you fully committed to Safeguarding learners in the workplace? (Booklet issued to company)

  • Add signature

  • Assessment of Standard 1

Standard 2 - Risk Assessment and Control

  • A. Have risk assessments been carried out and significant risks identified?<br><br>Collect a representative sample of Risk Assessments

  • B. Have the significant findings and details of any groups identified as being especially at risk been recorded ( this is optional where there are fewer than 5 employees)?<br><br>i.e. Young Persons

  • C. Have control measures been identified and put in place as a result of the risk assessments?<br>

  • D. Do the risk assessments take into account young persons, including giving consideration to their age, inexperience, immaturity and lack of awareness of risks?<br><br>Is there a specific Young Person Risk Assessment in place

  • E - Give details of the risks and control measures relating to the occupations and the specific activities carried out in the workplace

  • F - How are the risk and control measures explained to employees and others? Is there a formal process for explaining Risk Assessments to employees and is it documented?

  • G. Are risk assessments reviewed e.g. In light of the findings from monitoring activities?<br><br>Do risk Assessments have up to date review dates?

  • Assessment of Standard 2

Standard 3 - Accident, Incident and First Aid

  • A. Have adequate arrangements for first aid materials been made?<br><br>Are there adequate numbers of stocked first aid boxes?

  • B. Have adequate arrangements for trained first aid persons been made?<br><br>How many first aiders do you gave on site?

  • C. Are accidents and first aid treatment rendered recorded?<br><br>Do you have an accident book or similar?

  • D. Are or will all legally reportable learner accidents, incidents and ill-health be reported to the enforcing authority and the Skills Funding Agency, and will they be investigated to enable suitable remedial action to be taken?<br><br>Need to ensure that there is no delay in reporting serious accidents to the enforcing authorities and the college.

  • E. how are the arrangements for accidents, incidents, I'll-health and first-aid made known to all employees? (Are there any notices or posters displayed identifying First Aiders, First Aid box locations, H&S Committee etc?)

  • Assessment of standard 3

Standard 4 - Supervision, Training, Information and Instruction

  • A. Are employees provided with adequate competent supervision?<br><br>Who is responsible for supervising the apprentice? Are they qualified. Are they experienced? Are they competent?

  • B. Is the initial health and safety information, instruction and training given to all new employees on recruitment?<br><br>Is there a formal induction process in place? Is it documented?

  • C. Is ongoing health and safety information, instruction and training provided to all employees?<br><br>Do you carry out refresher training?

  • D. Is health and safety information, instruction and training recorded?<br><br>Ask for a copy of training records?<br>

  • How is the effectiveness of health and safety information, instruction and training assessed and is the assessment recorded? Are accident stats reviewed? Is accident book reviewed?

  • Assessment of standard 4

Standard 5 - Work equipment and machinery

  • A. Is the correct machinery and equipment provided to the appropriate standards?<br><br>Are staff using the correct equipment to carry out the job? Check equipment for CE marks/approvals

  • B. Is equipment adequately maintained?<br><br>Is equipment in good order, do you have on site maintenance, can I see maintenance records?

  • C. Are guards and control measures in place as determined through risk assessments?<br><br>Compare risk assessment against machine/equipment being used

  • D. Are safe electrical systems and equipment maintained?<br><br>Does portable electrical equipment look in good order? Ask to see evidence of PAT testing and 5 year fixed wiring tests

  • Date last tested.

  • Assessment of standard 5

Standard 6 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • A. Is PPE/C provided, free of charge, to employees as determined through risk assessment?<br><br>Is there evidence of PPE being worn? Does the company provide PPE F.O.C.?

  • B. Is training and information on safe use of PPE/C provided to all employees?<br><br>Have staff been trained in the use of specific PPE? Ask to see training records?

  • C. Is the proper use and storage of PPE/C enforced?<br><br>Are storage areas provided for PPE? Do staff have lockers, where PPE could be stored?

  • D. Is PPE/C maintained and replaced?<br><br>Depending on type of PPE in use, is there a maintenance programme in place? Does the company hold stock of common items of PPE?

  • Assessment of standard 6

Standard 7 - Fire and Emergencies

  • A. Has a fire risk assessment been completed?<br><br>Ask to see a copy of the fire risk assessment. Has it been done internally or by and external company?

  • B. Are there appropriate means of raising the alarm, fire detection and fire fighting equipment in place?<br><br>Is there a fire alarm or some other means of raising the alarm? Are there adequate numbers of fire extinguishers present?

  • C. Are effective means of escape in place including unobstructed routes and exits?<br><br>Are fire escapes signed, unlocked and kept clear of obstructions?

  • D. Is there a named person(s) for emergencies?<br><br>Do you have fire marshals or someone who's job it is to take charge in an emergency?<br>

  • E. Is fire fighting equipment, preventive measures and emergency arrangements, including through tests and practice fire drills in place?<br><br>Check date of last fire drill? When were fire extinguishers last tested?

  • Date fire extinguishers last tested.

  • F. Is a fire log/record book kept?<br><br>Ask to see fire log book, or records of fire drills, fire extinguisher servicing, fire alarm tests etc.

  • Assessment of standard 7

Standard 8 - Safe and healthy working environment

  • A. Are premises (structure, fabric, fixtures and fittings) safe and healthy (suitable, maintained and kept clean)?<br><br>What is the general state of the premises? Do they have systems in place for cleaning and maintenance?

  • B. Is the working environment (temperature, lighting, space, ventilation, noise) an appropriate safe and healthy one?<br><br>Is there adequate lighting, heating, ventilation?

  • C. Are welfare facilities (toilets, washing, drinking, eating, changing) provided as appropriate and maintained?<br><br>Are there adequate toilets and rest area/break area? Are they clean?

  • D. How is exposure to hazards from physical, chemical and biological agents controlled? Ask to see evidence of COSHH assessments for products in use.

  • Assessment of standard 8

Standard 9 - General health and safety management

  • A. How does the employer consult and communicate with employees and allow them to participate in health and safety? Is there a H&S committee? If not how do you consult on H&S matters with staff?

  • B. Does the employer provide medical / health screening as appropriate and any required medical / health surveillance?<br><br>Depending on type of business, do you provide occupational health checks for staff? i.e. Hearing, Lung function etc.

  • C. Does the employer have access to competent health and safety advice and assistance?<br><br>Do you employ a H&S professional or use the services of an external H&S provider?

  • D. Does the employer review health and safety annually?<br><br>Check H&S Policy to see when it was last reviewed.

  • E. Does the employer display all the necessary signs and notices? (please enter details below)<br><br>Check to see if H&S Law poster is displayed, are there any other H&S signs or posters displayed?

  • F. How does the employer assess, review and update employee's capabilities? Are regular reviews of performance carried out? Ask to see a copy of records?

  • G. How does the employer manage employees' work when it is away from the employer's own premises or when employees are placed with another employer / site? Do they carry out Risk Assessments for working away from base?

  • Assessment of standard 9

Health & Safety assessment outcome

  • Recommendation

  • Risk category

Assessment type

  • Assessment type

The employer or their representative (please sign below to agree that this is an accurate record of the assessment)

  • Name and signature

  • Job title

Funded organisation Assessment undertaken by

  • Name and signature

  • Job title

  • Health and safety qualification

Quality assured by

  • Name and signature

  • Job title

  • Date


    Action plan
  • Action Required

  • By Who

  • Target Date

  • Complete (sign off)


  • Action Plan Prepared By:


  • Action Plan Agreed By:


    Action Plan Review Date
  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.