
General Route Information

  • Date and Time

  • Truck Team Member # 1 name

  • Truck team member # 2 name

  • Truck #

  • Route

  • What truck(s) are you assigned to?

End of Day Warehouse and Truck Checkout

End of Day Warehouse and Truck Checkout


  • All specials removed from truck

  • Cords cut and specials put away

  • Truck cleaned of any garbage from the day

  • Take picture of cab interior.

  • Lights are turned off

  • Gas card is in place

  • Windows up and doors locked

  • Key returned to lockbox

  • Truck plugged in between December and April if parking at office

  • Warehouse doors are shut

  • Return dolly, toolbox, sawzall, and other tools to appropriate station

  • Remove tool roll, safety glasses, hammer and masks from tool box and place in proper spot

  • List any tools from your day that went missing

  • Text manager any missing tools from day

  • Take picture of tool roll and shelf with all items visible. (Including sawzall!)

Before Leaving for the Day

Before Leaving for the Day

  • Turn off your route in junknet in office. Closing your route from the iPad is an automatic ps loss

  • Update any job notes as needed and inform point of any job info as needed

  • Update truck board with all info and initial

  • Daily route journal is completed accurately

  • Checks, cash, and credit card receipts match with information entered in route journal

  • All thank you cards are complete and customized to client

  • All coupons are marked with zip and load size

  • Estimates have been emailed to - in subject line put: Estimate job I'd.

  • All paperwork clipped with proper route clip and dropped in safe

  • Were any of your jobs moving? Or a Realtor? (Indicated by job notes or client ) Text PJ 763-291-4981

  • Both guys clothes in clothes basket

  • ****Monday?*** 1st team in cleans office - must use checklist

  • Return marketing tub, phone, and iPad to appropriate station

  • Both team members return coat to proper hook

  • If a coat has gone missing must text point who lost It and coat #

  • If open, close office windows

Profit Share Contract

Profit Share Contract

  • Team member #1

  • I agree that this checklist was completed accurately and in full making me profit share eligible

  • I also understand that if it is found that items on this checklist were not completed in order I automatically lose my profit share for this day and could be subject to further disciplinary action.

  • Sign name here agreeing the two above statements are accurate.

  • Team member # 2

  • I agree that this checklist was completed accurately and in full making me profit share eligible

  • I agree that this checklist was completed accurately and in full making me profit share eligible

  • Sign name here agreeing the two above statements are accurate.

  • Email this completed checklist to In subject line put date and truck # for day.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.