Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Scoring 3 - Zero Errors 2 - Minor Errors 1 - Significant Errors NA - Not Applicable - Not Verified
General Site Management
Is the site clear of windblown litter?
Are truck parking areas free from hydrocarbon contamination?
Is the premises untidy (e.g. Storage of materials or waste in passageways or entrances)
Depot Waste Management
Are there adequate waste receptacles available for staff use (including recycling)?
Are there leaks from waste skips, bins or compactors stored on site?
Is the area tidy? (e.g. Storage of materials or waste in passageways or entrances)
Are all oils, waste oils, batteries and coolants stored within a roofed and bunded area?
Water Management
Are there oil stains within car parking and truck parking areas?
Does the site have backflow prevention devices installed?
Have the backflow prevention devices been checked by a licensed plumber within the last 12 months? (i.e. Annual Planner and Invoices)
Does the site have copies of the relevant evidence that checks have been completed?
Does the site discharge waste water to sewer?
Does the site hold an appropriate trade waste discharge approval?
Is there a pre-treatment device for industrial wash down water?
Are there any control measures that have been implemented to prevent contaminated runoff reaching the storm water system?
Noise Management
Has the site completed a nuisance noise assessment within the last 12 months?
Odour Management
Are there activities that can produce odour issues located on the site?
Are there adequate control measures implemented to prevent the use of occurrence of odour issues on the site?
Dust Management
Are there activities undertaken on site that have the potential to cause dust emissions?
Spill Management
Does the site maintain an up to date Major Spill Management Plan?
Are there adequate spill kits available to drivers and workshop staff around the site?
Is adequate signage provided to identify the location of spill kits?
Emergency Management
Has the site completed an Emergency Management Assessment?
Have all staff involved in the transport of regulated waste and the completion and checking of relevant documentation been trained in the Regulated Waste Transport Training Module?
Waste Tracking Documentation
Waste Transporter - Check Waste Tracking Certificates for quality
Waste Transporter - Is the system implemented for the checking of waste tracking documentation adequate?
Customer - Check Waste Tracking Certificates from Transporter
Customer - Do we have an Agents Agreement with the Transporter? (see copy)
As the Customer - Is the Transporter on the Subcontractor/Supplier List, and is it registered as a High Risk Supplier with relevant checklist completed?
Waste Transporter - Is the record keeping system implemented for the filing of waste tracking documentation effective?
Regulated Waste Transport
Is there a copy of the EPA Waste Transport Licence available in the cabin of all vehicles
Is there a copy of the Code of Environmental Compliance – ERA 57 – Regulated Waste Transport available in the cabin of all vehicles?
Are all vehicles equipped with appropriate spill kits?
Are relevant EPG’s present in vehicles?
Regulated Waste Storag
Is all regulated waste stored in a roofed, bunded and impervious area?
Is the regulated waste stored in a safe and secure way?
Is there evidence that waste is being stored in accordance with appropriate waste tracking regulations (i.e. meeting in transit timeframes)? Evidence will include correctly completed waste tracking documentation.
Energy Efficiency
Can the depot demonstrate that strategies have been implemented to reduce energy use?
Agents Agreement
Review waste tracking certificates
Chemical - Fuel Management
Are all bunds in safe and working condition?
Are chemical containers or drums appropriately stored within a roofed and bunded area and away from storm water drains?
Are all stored containers sealed?
Are all containers labelled correctly?
Is there an up to date MSDS Register available on site and are staff aware of its location?
Site Licensing
Does the site have copies of the relevant development approvals that are applicable to activities that are undertaken on site?
Does the site have the appropriate licences and or approvals to undertake the activities performed on site?
Regulatory Bodies
Has the site received a complaint relating to noise, odour, dust, litter etc. within the previous 12 months?
Has a council or EPA officer visited the site to conduct an audit or investigate a complaint within the last 12 months?
Are records of any complaints received or audits undertaken recorded and records retained appropriately?
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