Document No.
Company details
Conducted on
Prepared by
Scoring 3 - Zero Errors 2 - Minor Errors 1 - Significant Errors NA - Not Applicable - Not Verified
Traffic and Vehicle Interaction
Has the site carried out a traffic and Pedestrian Segregation Review?
Has the site considered Adequate segregation and protection of pedestrians from vehicular movement on the site (where considered appropriate)?
Has the site considered Safe movement of pedestrians to and from vehicles?
Has the site considered Safe movement of vehicles onto and around the site?
Has the site considered Provision of adequate and safe assembly points for employees during a fire or similar emergency
Has the site considered Provision of adequate access for emergency services?
Has the site considered Speed limit signage and relevant information?
When was it last reviewed?
Have all actions raised been closed out?
Is the latest Road Traffic Safety Policy displayed?
How does the business communicate site rules to visitors? (can be printed or specific induction)
Does the information include:<br> Speed limits and traffic calming measures? Information on routes for vehicles and pedestrians? Parking procedures i.e. designated parking/reverse parking? Not to unload vehicles outside designated space or allocated area?
Is there evidence of communications on road safety within the business, i.e. KPIs, MOM, GSD activities, Road safety campaign/awareness participation?
Vehicle and Driver Inspections
Has the business based safety resource implemented a vehicle inspection procedure for company and Eco cars?
Is there evidence of inspections being completed?
Has the procedure been audited by local safety resource with documented evidence?
Are any actions from vehicle inspections recorded as actioned?
Does the business have any car derived commercials/Pool Vehicles? If so are they subject to a recorded pre use/daily check?
Have persons required to regularly drive on company business received any training? i.e. FDRI/RoSPA 1-2-1,
Reporting, Non conformity, corrective action and preventative action
Have the business had any road traffic accidents reported and how are they recorded? (either commuting or during business)?
Have they been investigated?
Was a root cause identified and was corrective/preventative action identified and taken?
Are there any outstanding non conformity/preventative/corrective actions outstanding from previous audits or incidents?
How are non conformances recorded and communicated to interested parties/stakeholders?
In any non conformities identified in the RSTMS have the following actions been taken:<br> Root cause identified? Corrective action Implemented? Controls and/or written procedures modified to prevent reoccurrence? All details of actions recorded?
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