Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Student Name
Prepared by
Job Description
Duty's Covered
Duty 1
Duty 2
Duty 3
Duty 4
Duty 5
Duty 6
Duty 7
Duty 8
Duty 9
Duty 10
Health and Safety
- Observation
What Duty was observed
- Duty 1
- Duty 2
- Duty 3
- Duty 4
- Duty 5
- Duty 6
- Duty 7
- Duty 8
- Duty 9
- Duty 10
- Health and Safety
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
What was observed
Behaviors and Feedback
The behaviors below are embedded into the performance units in this workplace logbook. These behaviors are part of the apprenticeship, and an expert witness and/or your assessor will also assess you against them. They will record and give feedback on your performance against these behaviors.
Assessor/Expert Witness Feedback
Assessor Feedback
Expert Witness Feedback
Signatures and Completion
Student Signature
By the act of making this submission I am declaring that this is all my own work and that: • The work has not, in whole or in part, been knowingly submitted elsewhere for assessment • Where the submission includes work from a previous assessment this has been identified • Where materials have been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged • If this statement is untrue, I acknowledge that an assessment offence has been committed Attention is drawn to the plagiarism, collusion and cheating policies of both the center and of the awarding body. Proven incidents of plagiarism, collusion or cheating can result in a student being withdrawn from a qualification. I confirm that I have read and understood the above statements on plagiarism and collusion. I confirm that I have not committed plagiarism when completing the work contained in this evidence, nor have I colluded with another student in the preparation and production of this work. I am satisfied with the way the learning activity/Assessment(s) was conducted and with the outcome(s). I agree that the information provided here is an accurate account of what has taken place
Assessor Signature
I agree that the information provided here is an accurate account of what has taken place.
Expert Witness Signature
As the expert witness I can confirm that all the work carried out in this unit has been done by the student named above under my supervision to the required standards.