
  • Address of property ad unit number

  • Tenant/s name

  • Take Picture of Room

  • Chris Thornton Wasley Wood Property Management Ltd Unit 3, West house Farm Wheldrake Lane Elvington York YO41 4AZ 07446173318


  • Images of property keys


  • Does the room have a coin operated meter?

  • Images of meters

  • Electricity meter reading

Room Contents

  • Door(s)

  • Add media

  • Walls

  • Add media

  • Ceiling

  • Add media

  • Windows and window locks

  • Add media

  • Blinds

  • Add media

  • Light Fittings & Switches

  • Add media

  • Floor Covering

  • Add media

  • Bed and mattress

  • Add media

  • Side Unit

  • Add media

  • Wardrobe

  • Add media

  • Chest of Drawers

  • Add media

  • Radiators / Fires / Other heating source

  • Add media

  • Is the area free from damp and mould?

  • Any other comments

Annexe section

  • Does the room have an annexe?

  • Describe condition of walls and ceiling

  • Photograph walls and ceiling

  • Describe condition of flooring

  • Photograph flooring

  • Describe condition of window and blinds in annexe if any

  • Photograph window and blinds as required

  • Is the area free from damp and mould?

Ensuite Section

  • Condition of Doorway

  • Details of Doorway

  • Add pictures

  • Condition of Walls and ceiling

  • Details of walls and ceiling

  • Add pictures

  • Condition of bathing area and equipment

  • Details of bathing area

  • Add pictures

  • condition of sink and taps

  • Details of Sink and Taps

  • Add pictures

  • condition of toilet and cistern

  • Details of toilet and cistern

  • Add pictures

  • condition of flooring

  • Details of flooring

  • Add pictures

  • Is the area free from damp and mould?

Signatures and confirmation

  • Is the tenant present?

  • Signed by tenant or tenant representative

  • Date and Time

  • Signed by Inspector

  • Date and Time

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.