Title Page
Team Members
The purpose of this evaluation exercise is to identify and rate business activities in order to enable the organization to determine which aspects pose a business or compliance risk. The following definitions should be used as guidance for completing the exercise: Aspect: operational process, equipment, or activity that can have an environmental impact Environmental Impact: any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, resulting from a facility’s activities, products, or services
Control Measure: means of evaluating environmental performance (e.g., continuous metering, periodic visual inspection, etc.)
Significance Level: pseduo-quantified level severity of risk severity ; for this exercise, the risk level is calculated by multiplying the following ratings: Significance * Control Measure * Consequence
Environmental Aspect
Environmental Aspect
Environmental Impact Potential
Potential consequence
- business disruption
- excursion from regulatory/permitted standards
- regulatory violation
- onsite release to environmental media
- offsite release to environmental media
- negative impact to business reputation
Control Measure - is the environmental aspect controlled?
Describe the control method/measure for the aspect
Name & Signature of Person Responsible