
  • Environmental Site Audit Rev 6 02/2016

  • Site Details

  • Client / Site

  • Audit conducted by?

  • undefined

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Audited and Auditor


  • We're you advised where the welfare facilities are?

  • Were you given a site induction?

  • Did this include environmental risks and aspects as well as a request to review COSHH on project?

  • Have you been allocated a member of staff to go through the audit with you?

  • Have non-conformances from the prior audit been closed out?

  • Has there been a positive effect from actions raised?

  • Is personal protective equipment being worn correctly on and off the project?

  • Photos

  • Notes

  • Is signage correct and appropriate for the risk?

  • Photos

  • Notes

Local Authority PPC Permit For applicable legislation, please refer to Legal Register

  • If the site requires a permit, is it available?

  • Are the appropriate deployment notification permits in place?

  • If the site requires mobile permits, are they in place?

  • Have any improvement programmes, required by the client, been completed on time?

  • If any reporting conditions, have they been complied with?

  • (Dust) Are all emissions to atmosphere being measured as required?

  • Are any emissions being released from site?

  • Have all mobile plant permit conditions been adhered to?

Air Emissions For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is the site clean and tidy with no evidence of debris (both inside and outside the site)<br>(Take photographic evidence of any debris)

  • If surface is concrete, is it in a satisfactory state of repair?

  • If not concrete, are the surfaces maintained

  • Air there any accumulations of surface water suggesting excessive ground compaction or pollution?

  • Is there any malodour or odour outside the site boundary?

  • Are drains free of silt or debris and are spill kits deployed near drains?

  • Is there any evidence of flooding or drains overflowing?

  • Is there any evidence of fly tipping?

  • Are there control measures in place for malodours?

  • Are there procedures in place to control dust on site and what do they consist of?

  • Are there measures on site to stop mud on the road (wheel wash, boot wash, etc.)

  • Does the site require a decontamination unit (managing hazardous materials)

  • Is there adequate boot washing facilities?

  • Are controls in place to reduce plant, machinery and vehicle movements?

  • Are controls in place to protect vehicle loads leaving the site?

Noise and Vibration For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Are measures required to address noise on site?

  • Are measures required to address vibration on site?

  • Are monitoring reports available to the Project Management to be able to make changes to working pattern?

  • Have there been any restrictions to noisy or vibratory working to reduce the risk of compliants?

Control of Pollution For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Has a Section 61/80/81 been submitted and accepted by the local authroity?

  • Is the section 61/80/81 on display?<br>(Take photo)

  • Have restrictions been placed on ECL in relation to working hours?<br>(Gain evidence where applicable)

  • Have any complaints been received or additional restrictions imposed on ECL or it's contractors working methods?

Wastes Management For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Has the local authority / EA served any noise/dust/vibration notices in respect of actual or planned construction / demolition works?

  • What has been put in place, are the actions effective?

  • Is waste / material awaiting disposal segregated by type?

  • Is all waste stored securely?

  • Are waste containers, skips, etc. labelled and stored away from drains and wastes effectively segregated?

  • Are waste containers either lockable or stored in a locked area?

  • Is the waste log being updated?<br>(Sample notes and check against log)

  • Are rejected loads out to disposal sites being recorded and cross referenced to new tickets?

Non-Hazardous Wastes For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • From 1st January 2015, can all waste and material off takers demonstrate they are compliant to TEEP?

  • Does the person(s) who are responsible for the consignment of wastes aware of the hazard code changes and additions in June 2015.

  • Does the waste note contain a declaration stating the use of waste hierarchy?

  • Does the waste note contain a S.I.C number given by the producer of the waste?<br>.

  • Has the waste been transferred to an "authorised person" I.e. A registered waste carrier?

  • Is there a copy of the site disposal permit on site to ensure they are able to accept the waste being consigned?

  • Has the disposal site been approved?

  • Has the waste transfer note been filled in correctly by all parties?

  • Can the disposal site accept the EWC sent to them?

  • In summary, does the waste management systems on-project provide Duty of Care?

  • Are disposal tickets available and cross referenced with transfer notes?

  • Have key staff an understanding of the requirements for waste transfer and disposal notes?

Hazardous Waste Management For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Are hazardous wastes correctly stored, labelled and secured?<br>(Take photos)

  • Are all hazardous wastes correctly identified?

  • Has the wastes been transferred to an "Authorised Person" I.e. a registered waste carrier?

  • Is there a copy of the disposal site permit on site to ensure they are able to accept the wastes?

  • Has an approvalof the disposal site carried out?

  • Are hazardous waste notes being completed correctly?

  • Are records of hazardous wastes being kept as required?

  • Are completed part E copies being returned to site?<br>(Maximum return time - one month maximum)

  • Do the waste movements correspond with the waste log?

  • Are disposal tickets made available and cross-reference to transfer notes?

Environmental Permitting For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is the wastes pre-sorted before disposal to a recycling facility?

  • Does the site require an Environmental Permit or exemption?

  • If a permit is required, are permit conditions and applicable waste acceptance conditions complied with?

  • Has the site an exemption from EP, is a copy available?

Other Waste Streams For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is canteen / office waste segregated and recycled correctly?

  • Can the project confirm that waste and material off takers are compliant to TEEP for paper, glass and plastic? (From 01/01/2015)

  • Does the site have WEEE to dispose of?

  • If not, is there a plan to later dispose of WEEE?

  • Is there evidence that all waste streams, apart from hazardous waste is being recycled, re-purposed or re-used.

  • Are fluorescent bulbs stored and disposed of correctly?

  • Is there further storage for further disposal of flo. Tubes?

  • Are they stored correctly on site?<br>(Confirm this with photos)

  • Is there any evidence of smashed bulbs on site?

  • Have all materials been considered for either minimalisation, recycling, re-use, re-purpose where possible?

  • Is the consideration appropriate and measured?

  • Has the Site Waste Management Plan been trained out to key staff?<br>(This is no longer a legal requirement but ECL best practice policy)<br>consider PC copy and ECL copy

  • Has the Site Waste Management Plan been made site specific?

  • Has the plan been measured and updated no later than three months from the start of the project?

  • Has there been approval of the current SWMP?

  • Are there any other potential waste streams that have not yet been considered?

  • Is the project being provided with disposal tickets from its allocated disposal sites?

Materials Management Plan For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Does the site have a Materials Management Plan?

  • Is there testing and tracking systems for material movements?

  • Has the qualified person been identified and have they signed to accept the MMP?

  • Is there a testing and tracking system for material movements?

  • Has import material been delivered on correct paperwork?

  • Have any revisions been made to the MMP or SWMP?

  • Has a copy of the document been lodged with the EA prior to the material reuse on site?

  • Where exporting soils an other wastes, materials, is the a robust testing scheme in place?

  • Has the export area been grid-lined?

  • Can the project demonstrate corresponding soil testing to the actual loads out?

  • Have there been any rejected loads from soil disposal sites and what happened post-rejection?

  • Is the project using the log to record imports, rejected loads and exports?

Water Discharges & Works On Or Near A Water Course For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is there a nearby watercourse?

  • If so, is there a marine protection zone nearby?

  • Is there a flood defence requirement?

  • If so, does the project have a flood defence consent in place from the Environment Agency?

  • Is there a requirement to produce a Flood Risk Assessment?

  • If applicable, what has been put in place to forewarn the project of imminent flood?

  • Is there any evidence of trade effluents being discharged to controlled water?

  • Has a permit been issued by the EA or Water Company?

  • Is the site compliant to these permits?

  • Are there any special conditions, have they been carried out and recorded?

  • Is any canteen / sewerage waste being discharged to foul sewer?

  • Is a consent in place from the local water company?

  • Is there a requirement for a hydrant, has a licence been issued by the water company?

  • If discharging trade effluent to foul sewer has the local water company consented?

  • Are all consents / permits limits consistently complied with?

  • Are any discharges being made to the river stream or sea, planned or inadvertant?

  • Is the discharge point free from visible contamination or pollution?

  • Does the discharge comply with current legislation?

  • Date discharge started?<br>(Possibly start of project)

  • Is the discharge being monitored?<br>If so, give details.

  • Is a legionella risk assessment required for the project?

  • Notes

  • Photos

Nuisance For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • What neighbouring residents and / or companies are there adjacent to the site?<br><br>(Take photos identifying cardinal point on compass on photo)

  • Have any nuisance or negligence issues been raised by neighbours?

  • Where complaints are being made, are complaints being fully recorded and reported?

  • Was this reported through correct channels?

  • Have any of these complaints been subject to an abatement notice?

  • Has any enforced remedial action has been taken?

  • Any unusual soil smell or colouring in any areas of the project?

  • Are there anyCFC's and HCFC's being used in refrigerant systems on site?

  • Are checks carried out to ensure that no leaks take place of units containing more than 3Kg's of HCFC and checks on qualified persons?

  • Are measures being taken to prevent release of these substances to atmosphere?

Control Of Pollution - Oils Storage For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • are oil tanks and bulk storage being used on site?

  • Have above / below redundant tanks been emptied? Has the ground been checked for leakage?

  • Are bunds empty and bund depth gauges fitted where applicable?

  • Are spill kits deployed in the area?

  • Are there enough spill kits in place to adequately deal with a potential spillage?

  • Are "plant nappies" being used on site to protect leakage from plant and bulk tanks (diesel and oil)

  • Does oil storage comply with the requirements of the oil storage regulations?

  • Are drums and oils labelled and stored upright away from vehicles and plant?

  • Are bowsers kept locked when not in use/overnight/weekends?

  • Are delivery hoses in good condition with no fraying or damage and transition spill-kit protected?

  • Is oil / diesel usage being recorded and checked?<br>(Take photo)

  • Have spill kits been deployed in areas of risk?

  • Check a spill kit, is it dry and unused?

  • Are the number and type of spill kits suitable for the materials and quantities on site?

  • Are plant and machines kept clean?

  • Where do oily rags and spill kits get disposed of?

  • How are plant and machines cleaned?

  • Are transport journeys to and from the site planned and kept to minimum possible mileage?

  • Are propane and oxygen bottles stored on site and segregated?

  • Are they stored in a cage away from operations drains and fire evacuation routes when not being used?

  • Is there any evidence of leakage from overfilling for above ground tanks?

  • Is there any evidence of emergency spill procedures being carried out?

Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health (COSHH) For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Does the site store or use COSHH material?

  • Are hazardous or dangerous substances under COSHH stored in a locked unit?

  • Has COSHH awareness been trained out?

  • Is the COSHH folder available? (MSDS and assessment)

Control Of Asbestos For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Has an asbestos survey been completed for the site?

  • Has the type of asbestos been identified?

  • Have measures been put in place to minimise employee exposure to the effects of asbestos?

  • Have the appropriate authorities been advised? HSE ASB5/NNWL

  • Is there a copy of the ASB5 and related paperwork on site, e.g. method statement and air testing certificates?

Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is there any radioactive materials or instruments on site?

  • Has any radioactive material / waste been removed from site and if so, how was the disposal carried out?

Planning And Contaminated Land For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Any sign of tar, oil or other underground contamination visible in excavation or associated areas of the project?

Town & Country Planning For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is there planning consent / mitigation conditions applied to the site and are they available?

  • Are there measures to monitor and maintain compliance?

Wildlife & Ecology For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is the project aware of the mitigation permits required for protected species found on ecological surveys on the project?

  • Has an ecological survey been required or has one been carried out on site?

  • Has an inspection been carried out to review ecological observations?

  • Are there any conservation areas or SSSi's present in the facility of the site?

  • Have staff observed any wildlife on the project?

  • Are all strands of Japanese Knotweed / giant hogweed or other invasive species isolated from the main site works using temporary fencing?

  • Is there a plan for plant and machinery working in the vicinity of the above planned to be decontaminated after use?

  • Has the Client or Primary Contractor highlighted any species protection zones or other ecological measures?

Civil Legislation For applicable legislation please refer to Legal Register

  • Is there any legislation applicable to the operation and does the site comply?<br>(I.e, shared access, etc)

  • Is there a public right of way on the project?

General Requirements Not Covered In Legal Frameworks

  • Is there a full and up to date copy of the ISO creditations displayed on the wall?

  • Is there a signed and up to date copy of the environmental policy on display?

  • How are staff made aware of the environmental requirements from significant aspects?

  • Have objects and targets been set for the site?

  • Have they been displayed?

  • Are pre-job briefings being carried out?

  • Are post-job briefings being carried out?

  • Notes

Resources, Roles, Responsibility And Authority

  • Is a competent person responsible for implementation of the EMP, present on site during all work activities that could have been an environmental impact?

Competence Training, Awareness, Document And Communication, Control Of Documents

  • Have site staff been inducted in environmental management plan for the site?

  • Is there a copy of the Aspect Register on site including significant aspects and is it site specific?

  • Are there records of Aspects that have been covered with the site staff?

  • Are site staff aware of ISO14001 requirements?

  • Are training records present on site relating to the work being undertaken?<br>(Under the Data Protection Act, where photos are taken of training records, please ensure names, addresses, etc are blanked out)

  • Are method statements and risk assessments appropriate for the job present?

  • Is there documented evidence of induction procedures including toolbox talks, emergency response procedures, etc?

  • Are all documents on site current and site specific?

Calibration Of Equipment

  • Does the site retain the latest copies of calibration for all monitoring equipment used on site?

  • Noise monitoring calibration documentation?

  • PID/ VOC monitoring calibration documentation?

Operational Control

  • Are all activities planned in order to ensure they are carried out under controlled conditions in accordance with a Environmental Management Plan?

  • Have all services located and updated on plans on commencement and during the project?

  • Does the Client or Principle Contractor require us to enter data on their portal?

  • Who enters this information?

  • Who receives this information?

  • Is the information up to date?

Emergency And Response

  • Has a fire risk assessment been undertaken for the project?

  • Photos

  • Notes

  • Have there been any ENVIRONMENTAL near misses recorded for the project?

  • Are potential incidents identified and documented? Have there been any incidents?

  • Is there a list of emergency contacts displayed on site and is it up to date?

  • How are staff made aware of emergency responses?

  • Has an emergency drill been carried out and documented?

  • Are there spare spill kits or plant nappies available to re-deploy or to use in a current spill?

Monitoring And Assessment

  • Are the key operations that could have a significant impact on site reviewed?<br>(E.g. review of method statements)<br>if yes, how often?

  • Have RAMS been amended to review specific tasks?

  • Have RAMS been trained out, amended and signed for?

  • Are the RAMS relevant and reflected in works being carried out?

  • Is there evidence of both contractors signing up to our RAMS and vice versa ?

Evaluation of ISO 14001 Compliance

  • Has a a review been conducted to ensure the compliance of site documents and site work?

  • Have any actions been acted upon and closed?

Non-Conformity, Corrective Actions And preventative Actions

  • Is a procedure in place for dealing with potential and actual non-conformities and for taking preventative and corrective actions?

  • Is the site boundary secure and entrance gates secure in operations and locked when closed?

  • undefined

  • Any evidence of tresspass


  • Is there any evidence of objects falling from height (scaffold tubes, fittings, etc)

  • Is site access and security Arrangements clearly defined?

  • Is site access controlled by a gateman dedicated to that role?

  • Are security staff trained in emergency procedures?

  • Are tools and equipment kept secure when the site is non-operational?

  • Does the site have CCTV or 24 hour security?


  • Are engines on machines, plant and vans turned off when not in use?

  • Can work be restricted to daylight hours to reduce electricity use?

  • Are rechargeable battery sources used where possible in battery powered equipment?

  • Are hoses and water supplies regularly checked and water leaks reported?

  • What is there in place to review energy efficiency across the whole project?

  • How is this shared with the team?

  • Is there a consideration to car / van share or the use of alternative transport for the staff on site?

  • Does the project demonstrate good communications with locals and neighbours?

  • Are loads to / from site utilised to get the most efficient usage?

  • Are meter readings recorded for utilities usage?

  • If so, are these reported to the E&S Team for monthly reporting?

  • Other Observations

  • Add media

Confirmation of audit

  • Auditor

  • I have been taken through and have been explained the audit items.

  • Have you confirmed the date of the next audit?<br>Depending on today's findings, the frequency is between 1 & 3 months

  • This audit will be sent to you as soon as possible.

    At the start of the audit,you will receive a copy of the Non-Conformance Report outlining causality, actions and recommended close-outs.

    Please ensure you keep the Environmental Team updated on your progress as you close out non-conformances.
    These will be re-audited on our next visit to ensure applied compliance.

    All observations refer to current environmental legislation as highlighted at the start of this audit.
    Unless prior-agreed, you have 14 days to close out all outstanding actions.


    Health & Safety observations will be forwarded to the H&S Team and will be followed up separately.

    Should you have any questions or require help or assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Environmental Team. We are here to help.

    Many thanks for your hospitality and time on site today.

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