Title Page

  • Prepared by

  • Prepared by phone number

  • BU#

  • Project Name

  • Date & Time of Incident

  • Company Involved

  • Location of Incident

Incident Information

    • Oil, hydraulic fluid, diesel, gasoline, glycol, pipeline liquids and any other material
    spills (regardless of quantity).
    • Releases from damaged utilities (sewer, water, etc.).
    • Mercury release: mercury regulators or mercury lamp cleanup.
    • Drilling mud: inadvertent release (regardless of location, within waterbody, upland or within
    permitted ROW).
    • Mercaptan/odorant release.
    • Notice of violation received.
    • Citation or non-compliance received.
    • Damage to pipes that carry potentially reportable fluids (even if no immediate spill is
    • Notify Environmental Field Support prior to communication with Environmental Agency.
    • Notify of any unscheduled environmental agency inspections.
    • Notify if any erosion control measures have been breached resulting in silt outside the
    permitted allowed boundary.
    • Notify of any gas released (including planned or unplanned blow-downs.
    • Spill or release of regulated chemicals, herbicides, or pesticides.
    • Project shutdown due to weather related events, such as flooding of the project site or
    laydown yard, tornado damage.
    • Unpermitted activities that cause impacts to wetlands, waterbodies or waterways.
    • Unanticipated discovery of contaminated soils, water or other fluids during excavation.

  • Incident Classification (check all that apply)

  • Was an agency notification or inspection made?

  • Name of agency that was contacted?

  • Did the incident result in a NOV or other enforcement action?

  • Were photos or samples taken?

  • Types of material(s) released or spilled:

  • Quantity

  • Has it been contained?

  • Is Environmental Management assistance needed?

  • Has an evacuation occurred?

  • Who has been contacted as a result of incident?

  • Description of Incident:

  • Corrective actions taken to contain/manage incident:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.