
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Incident Fact Finding Form

  • Date and Time of Incident

  • Employee Classification

  • Foreman/Supervisor


  • Utility Property

  • 3rd Party

  • Saw Doctor

Personal Injury

  • Near Miss

  • Accident

  • Loss Incurred


  • First Aid

  • Medical Treatment

  • Saw Doctor

Vehicle Incident

  • Preventable

  • Non-Preventable

  • Police Present

  • Brief Description of Events & Extent of Injury/Damage

  • Was there a written or verbal safety rule or procedure for the activity involved?

  • What was the number or paragraph?

Detailed Sequence of Events

  • Section I: Detailed Sequence of Events

  • 1. Time

  • Event Description

  • 2. Time

  • Event Description

  • 3. Time

  • Event Description

  • 4. Time

  • Event Description

  • 5. Time

  • Event Description

  • 6. Time

  • Event Description

  • 7. Time

  • Event Description

  • 8. Time

  • Event Description

  • 9. Time

  • Event Description

  • 10. Time

  • Event Description

  • 11. Time

  • Event Description

  • 12. Time

  • Event Description

Personal Injury or Near Miss

  • Section II: Personal Injury Or Near Miss

  • Type of Event

  • Part of Body Affected

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Immediate/Direct Causes - Substandard Act (s)

  • Immediate/Direct Causes - Substandard Condition (s)

  • Basic/Root Causes/System Factors

Vehicle Incident

  • Section III: Vehicle Incident

  • Type of Event

  • Did the incident happen on the driven roadway?

  • Did the incident happen off the driven roadway?

  • Was there damage to the utility vehicle?<br>

  • Were there injuries to either party?

  • Was the vehicle 26,000 lbs or bigger?

  • Did the driver have a current CDL and Medical Card?

  • Was substance testing performed?

  • Was an enforcement agency present and conducting an investigation?

  • Was a DOT report filed?

  • Was a DMV report filed?

  • Was an insurance report filed?

  • Any Other Information/Explanation

  • Check One

  • Contributing Factors

  • Add media

  • Add drawing

Safety Committee

  • Section IV : Safety Committee

  • Safety Committee Recommendations

  • List of Employees/Witnesses Interviewed (Name/Title/Contact Information)

  • Conclusions - Investigator Findings

  • Recommendation Completed By

  • Recommendation Completed By

  • Reviewed By Safety Committee Chairman

  • Reviewed by Supervisor/Foreman

  • Reviewed by Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.