Document No. 1
Estate office quarterly health and safety checklist
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by Simon bates (Site Services Team leader, Nottingham)
Personnel Simon bates Teresa white Desmond ward Daniel booth Stewart Ashton Carl Lount
Is a copy of the current policy statement displayed on site?
Is the health and safety law poster displayed and complete?
Is a copy of the current employers liability insurance on display?
Does the maintenance log book include up to date records of the fixed wiring 5 year test?<br>
Does the maintenance log book include up to date records of the portable appliance tests?
Is all machinery and equipment subject to an appropriate servicing/maintenance regime eg: printers/photocopiers/step ladders?
Are all doors with restricted access kept locked and display appropriate warning signage?
Are all areas tidy (storage on top of cupboards, under desks) and all walkways clear of any obstructions or slip/trip hazards?
Are there any visible trailing cables including cable management under desks?
Are there any overloaded sockets?
Are all electrical sockets / switches free from damage?
Are all light fittings in working order including staircases?
Are all windows free from damage?
Are all doors in a good state of repair?
Are users following good practice when using display screen equipment?
Are all workstation areas kept tidy and clear for tripping hazards?
Are electrical cables routed to avoid tripping hazards?
Is the standard of cleaning throughout the workplace adequate?
Are cleaning products stored safely and securely?
Are MHDS and COSHH assessments available for all substances used by staff/contract cleaners?
Are the WC's clean?
Do the WC's have toilet paper, soap, means of hand drying and adequate facilities for sanitary disposal?
Is the flooring free from slip/trip hazards?
Are all areas maintained in a clear and tidy condition?
Are regular checks being made on refrigerator temperature (should be under 5 degrees) ?
Are there any visible slip/trip hazards?
Are there any overloaded sockets or damaged plugs?
Are adequate refuse / recycling facilities available?
Is there any evidence of pests?
Are all external doors in good working order?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are all pathways free from slip/trip hazards?
Is there a procedure in place for removing snow and for gritting around entrances and emergency exits during bad weather?
Are there any other areas, equipment, roof access etc that might require monitoring on a regular basis?