Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Safety Incidents
Was there any Incidents in the past week or any new safety issues to be raised?
Add new safety issues arising from this meeting
Safety Topics for Discussion and Consultation
Identifying the Slip, Trip and Fall hazards in the workplace<br>Typical injuries from Slips, Trips and Falls: <br>* Sprains and strains<br>* Bruises and contusions <br>* Fractures <br>* Abrasions and Lacerations
Stacked items - at Height (Pay Attention)
Rubbish and Recycling - Housekeeping
PPE - Boots are required (Demo the caps)
Emergency Preparedness - Simulate an Injury<br>An employee cut their hand and is bleeding, the felt light headed and sat down.<br><br>* What are the steps you would do?<br><br>Ensure the following is discussed:<br>1. First Aid Kit<br>2. First Aid Officer contacted<br>3. Medical Centre/Hospital<br>4. Notification persons<br>5. Incident Report<br>6. Follow Up - Check Up - Monitoring
Note or Actions from the Emergency Drill
Is there any other items to be discussed - or Feedback to be recorded
Record any other comments or general business arising from this meeting
Attendance Log
Each present team member to sign name and signature acknowledging attendance at this meeting
Take a photo of the Attendance Page or of attendees