Farm Name
Grower #
Premise/National ID
State ID
Street Address, State, Zip Code
Farm Type
Number of houses on location
Number of houses NOT in use
How many people work at this location?
Conducted on
Conducted by:
[1] Disease history in the location and surroundings.
Last occurrence/s of the stated disease in a Mountaire and/or non-Mountaire site/premise (including this premise) in a 6-mile/10 kilometer radius?
1.1. Avian Influenza (AI) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.) - Low pathogenicity?
1.2. Avian Influenza (AI) in avian species other than commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)- High pathogenicity?
1.3. Avian Influenza in an avian species other than commercial (i.e. backyard flocks, waterfowl, pet birds, etc.)?
1.4. Exotic ND or vvND in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.5. Exotic ND or vvND in avian species other than commercial poultry?
1.6. MG (gallisepticum) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.7 MS (synoviae) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.8 Fowl cholera in Mountaire commercial poultry (broilers, pullets, breeders)?
1.9. Infectious Coryza in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.10. ILT in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.11. Salmonella pullorum in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
[2] Physical proximity of other poultry-related operations to this location.
Select the number of each of the types of sites/premises within a 1-mile radius of this location.
2.1. How many Mountaire broiler farms are within a 1 mile radius?
2.2 How many non-Mountaire broiler farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.3. How many Mountaire broiler breeder and/or pullet farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.4 How many non-Mountaire broiler breeder and/or pullet farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.5. How many table egg pullet farms are within a 1 mile radius?
2.6 How many table egg layer farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.7 How many turkey farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.8. How many backyard poultry/hobby poultry/fighting chickens within a 1 mile radius?
2.9. How many poultry live auctions or flea markets within a 1 mile radius?
2.10. Number of livestock herds of any type (besides chicken, turkeys or hog) within a 1 mile radius?
2.11. Number of hog farms within a 1 mile radius?
2.12. Number of litter processing sites within a 1 mile radius?
2.13. Is there a rendering route within a 1 mile radius?
2.14. Is there a preserve or natural site with waterfowl or wild birds within a 1 mile radius?
2.15. Is there a non-Mountaire poultry company office within a 1 mile radius?
2.16. Are there allied industries or poultry companies within a 1 mile radius?
2.17. Number of poultry processing plant/s within a 1 mile radius?
2.18. Number of feed mill/s within a 1 mile radius?
2.19. Number of hatchery/ies within a 1 mile radius?
A premise is a physical address containing the poultry growing operations. It boundaries are the perimeter buffer area (PBA), which is a functional zone surrounding the poultry houses and poultry raising area that separates them from areas unrelated to poultry production on that site and/or adjoining properties.
[1] Disease history in the location and surroundings.
Select the correct response with regard to the most recent disease outbreaks on this farm?
1.1. Avian Influenza (AI) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.) - Low pathogenicity?
1.2. Avian Influenza (AI) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)- High pathogenicity?
1.3. Avian Influenza in an avian species other than commercial (i.e. backyard flocks, waterfowl, pet birds, etc.)?
1.4. Exotic ND or vvND in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.5. Exotic ND or vvND in avian species other than commercial poultry?
1.6. MG (gallisepticum) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.7 MS (synoviae) in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.8 Fowl cholera in Mountaire commercial poultry (broilers, pullets, breeders)?
1.9. Infectious Coryza in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.10. ILT in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
1.11. Salmonella pullorum in commercial poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.)?
[2] Physical aspects related to the operation of the location being audited.
With regard to the topics, select the one description which best describes the parts of this farm under the direct control of the caretaker.
2.1. Warning sign at premise entrance?
- None
- Sign in English only
- Sign in English and/or Spanish or other language
2.2. At premise entrance...
- multiple entrances, none locked
- 1 or more entrances, some unlocked
- 1 or more entrances, always locked
2.3. Number of birds on premise
2.4. Fencing
- no fencing on property
- some fencing around houses or property boundary
2.5. Used litter storage
- litter on site, uncovered
- litter on site, covered (storage shed or tarped)
- no litter stored on site
2.6. Water on the site comes from...
- Natural creek, pond, lake, or permanent standing water less than 100 yards from houses
- Natural creek, pond, lake, or permanent standing water less than >/=100 yards from houses
- Natural creek, pond, lake, or permanent standing water on site boundary but more than 1000 yards from houses
- No open water of any kind on site or site boundary
2.7. Farms/Manure
- Houses within 500 feet of the farm land on which litter or manure is spread, hauled, or fed
- Houses further than 500 feet of any farm land on which litter or manure is spread, hauled, or fed
2.8. Machinery
- Outside tools, equipment or machinery are brought onto premise or shared with other premises once a week or more often
- Outside tools, equipment or machinery are brought onto premise or shared with other premises more often than once per month
- Outside tools, equipment or machinery are brought onto premise or shared with other premises only once a month or less often
- Premise is self sufficient in all tools, equipment, and machinery
2.9. Equipment washing...
- Equipment from outside the premise, which may come within 100 feet of the houses, is never washed before being brought onto the premise
- Incoming equipment, which may come within 100 feet of the houses, is washed/disinfected, only when coming from other premises
- Incoming equipment is washed and disinfected prior to entering the premise
- Equipment is maintained and stays on the premise
2.10. Trash removal (i.e. dumpster)
- Professional services picks up trash from on site container that holds trash from multiple bird housing premises
- Professional services picks up trash from on-site container that only hold trash from that premise only
- Premise owner disposes trash from only this site
2.11. Vehicles from visitors...
- Vehicles are parked within 100 feet of chicken houses without being washed
- Vehicles are parked more than 100 feet of chicken houses without being washed
- Vehicles are washed before parking within 100 feet of the chicken houses
2.12. Premise vehicles...
- Premise vehicles are used outside of the PBA and on other poultry growing operations
- Premise vehicles are used outside of the PBA but not on other poultry growing operations
- Premise vehicles are not used outside premise
[3] People that work on this premise performing poultry related tasks.
3.1. Farm owners and/or main caretaker...
- The farm owner whom only owns one premise
- The farm owner that owns more than one premise
3.2 Farm labor is..
- working at more than one premise
- Dedicated to one premise
3.3 Farm owners and/or main caretakers are...
- culturally likely to be involved with biosecurity breaches
- not culturally likely to be involved with biosecurity breaches
3.4 Farm laborers are...
- culturally likely to be involved with biosecurity breaches
- not culturally likely to be involved with biosecurity breaches
3.5. Farm residence
- Farm owner and/or main caretaker lives off site
- Persons, outside of the farm owner and/or main caretaker, lives on site
- Farm owner and/or main caretaker lives on site
4.3. Multiple residences
- 1 or more residences on the premise within 500 feet of the poultry houses
- 1 or more residences on the premise greater than 500 feet from the houses
- No residence on premise
4.4. Caretaker / Employee dress policy
- may enter premise, or may approach within 100 feet of the houses, without any biosecurity precautions
- All company recommended biosecurity precautions are required before entering the premise or within 100 feet of the houses
4.5. Visitor dress policy
- Visitors, coming into contact with the poultry on site, are within 100 foot of the houses without any biosecurity precautions
- Visitors, coming into poultry on site, are dressed in Mountaire recommended PPE when within 100 feet of the houses
[4] General management of the premise
4.1. All-in / All-out (defined as a common downtime amongst all houses on a premise)
- No
- Yes, with a common downtime <21 days
- Yes, with a common downtime >21 days
4.2. Method of dead bird disposal
- Renderer comes to pick up dead birds from premise
- Dead birds from other premises are disposed of on site
- Carry to another premise for disposal
- Dead bird disposal is located on premise
4.3. Type of dead bird disposal
[5] Physical aspects of the house
With regard to topics questioned, select the description which best describes the houses being audited.
5.1. Visitor log is located...
- Not Present
- Present in one house or in a mailbox
- Present in every house
5.2. Visitor log is...
5.3. Warning or biosecurity sign at house door...
- None
- Sign In English Only
- Sign In English and Spanish and/or other appropriate languages
5.4. House doors when producer/employees in the house...
- All doors unlocked
- All doors are locked except entry door
5.5. House doors when no producer/employee in house...
- All doors unlocked
- All doors locked except entry door
- All doors locked
5.6. Bushes and/or high weeds around the house...
- Grass poorly maintained
- Bushes present
- No bushes and grass well maintained
5.7. Downtime...
5.8. Cleaning and disinfection program between flocks...
5.9. Source of water...
5.10. Water sanitation...
- Drinking water not sanitized
- Drinking water regularly sanitized
5.11. Cleaned slats between flocks...
5.12. Breeder house type...
5.13. Breeder house flooring...
5.14. Foot pan location...
- No foot pans at main entry door/s
- Foot pans not present at all major traffic doors (doors used on a daily-weekly basis)
- Foot pans present at all major traffic doors (doors used on a daily-weekly basis)
5.15. Foot pan condition...
5.16. Egg room...
5.17. Collection room...
[6] People that work in this location
With regard to topics questioned, select the description which best describes the houses being audited.
6.1. Producer clothing policy...
- Clothing worn off premise and at other premises
- Clothing worn off site but not at other premise
- Site dedicated clothing
- House dedicated clothing
6.2. Footwear for producer...
- Footwear worm off site and at another premise
- Footwear worn off site, not on another premise
- Premise dedicated footwear
- House dedicated footwear
6.3. Caretaker/employee clothing policy...
- Clothing worn off premise and at other premises
- Clothing worn off site and not at other premises
- Site dedicated clothing
- House dedicated clothing
6.4. Footwear for caretaker/employee...
- Footwear worn off site at another premise
- Footwear worn off site, not on another premise
- Premise dedicated footwear
- House dedicated footwear
6.5. Visitor dress policy...
- No additional precautions taken before entering house
- Disposable booties
- Full PPE (coveralls, hairnet, and booties)
[7] Other animals besides the commercial birds
With regard to topics questioned, select the description which best describes the houses being audited.
7.1. Other livestock (non-poultry) having contact with chicken house(s)...
- Any other type of livestock with contact to chicken houses
- Any other type of livestock within 500 feet of chicken house
- No other livestock on farm
7.2. Pets...
- Any avian pet anywhere on site
- Any non-avian pets allowed in the chicken houses
- Any non-avian pets on farm
- No pets of any kind on property
7.3. Rodent control...
- No formal rodent control plan, clear evidence of rodents (feces, burrow holes, etc.)
- Bait stations placed but not routinely maintained
- No sign of vermin, comprehensive bait station set-up
7.4. Wild birds...
- Wild birds seen in houses
- Wild bird presence or clear evidence (e.g. nests) thereof seen on or right next to houses
- No wild birds ever in houses
7.5. Wild animals...
- Evidence of wild animal activity in house
- No evidence of wild animal activity in house
7.5. Insects (flies and darkling beetles)...