Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and safety documentation, equipment and procedures to ensure safety is maintained
Is there a formalised process checking that there is safety compliance within the farm and forestry operations<br><br>Weekly<br>Monthly <br> Scan images or photo require to complete this module.
Are daily checks and instructions given from management regarding farm and forestry tasks.
Are there weekly meetings (scheduled record) with farm staff and managers.<br><br>Evidence of meetings needs to gathered_———-
Are the statutory notices posted on the farm
Are there sufficient first aid kits on the farm and in the farm vehicles.
Are all the required health and safety documentation (listed below) on the farm or accessible by IT links from the farm<br>Grwp health and safety policy<br>Risk assessments<br>Fire risk assessment <br>Method statements<br>COSHH assessments and MSDS documentation <br>Accident forms<br>Pollution prevention plans and actions<br>
Is there suitable and sufficient fire equipment within the farm.
Have the farm staff had health and safety training/updating.
Have the farm staff had fire safety training.
Young people on the farm.
Is there a full young persons risk assessment in place, authorised and accessible to those young people.<br><br>Evidence required<br>Image of young person RA’s for the area,
Have all of those young people received a full induction to the farm and or the forestry?<br><br><br>Evidence of sign in sheet to induction
Do all of the young person have access to PPE <br>Footwear<br>Eye protection<br>Hi Vis jackets<br>Thermal protection<br>Gloves
Are there sufficient welfare facilities available to the young persons
Do the young person only operate equipment that they have had certified training for.<br><br>Evidence required
Are the young persons supervised 100% whilst in the farm areas.
Tractor and trailer attachments
Are all drivers fully up to date with their competence training to use college vehicles.<br><br>See training matrix as evidence
At the start of the working day or extended period of tractor use, is there safety checklist completed by the driver user.<br><br><br>Look for a historical evidence of checks<br><br>Image of sheet required to complete this section.
Are all tractors, trailers and other attachments on a regular service programme.<br><br>Three sample service records are required as evidence too complete this section, scan or photo.
Are all PTO shafts full guarded and in good working condition<br><br>All shafts to be inspected. Proof of inspection images
Are there any visual defects on tractors, trailers and other attachments
Are all tractors, Trailers and other attachments kept free from the build up of waste materials.
Are there the required first aid kits in the tractor Cab<br><br><br>Check that all box contents are in date.
Are all tractors in a safe working condition at the time of this audit <br><br>Record the following <br>All round clear visions (clean windscreens)<br>Seat belts in good working condition <br>All lights working<br>Brakes <br>Wipers <br>Hitching system<br>Hydraulic system <br>Grease nipples
ATV ( including 4x4, sit astride and sit in)
Are all drivers fully up to date with their competence to drive college vehicles.
Are all vehicles in a safe working condition at the time of this audit <br><br>Record the following <br>All lights working<br><br>Brakes <br>Wipers <br>Hitching system<br>Hydraulic system <br>Grease nipples
At the start of the working day or extended period of use is there a (checklist) safety check undertaken by the driver user.<br><br>Look for a historical evidence of checks<br><br>Image of sheet required to complete this section.
Are all vehicles on a regularly service programme.<br><br>Three sample service records are required as evidence too complete this section, scan or photo.
Do the vehicles have clear vision from all screen panels <br>Are all vision panels kept clean
Are there the required first aid kits in the vehicles Cab
Are the seat belts and other safety feature in good condition.
Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments readily available close to the machinery
Are the different items of machinery only operated by those who have been trained to use that machine safely.
Are emergency stop button/cords and other emergency stop devices regularly tested (recorded/checklist)<br><br>Must see test documentation Scan or Photo.
Are there suitable and sufficient methods statements ready for use close to the machinery
Are all guards and other safety devices properly installed and in use
Are all learners supervised 100% whilst working on machinery
Are all items of machinery subject to a full service programme<br><br>Evidence required to complete this section
Are all items of machinery mounted safely and secure in place
Are all livestock facilities in an appropriate condition for the welfare of the animals.<br><br>Check for <br>Bedding<br>Clean water<br>Feed.<br><br>Also check to see if there is a build up of bedding over soiled matter. This can make access and egress for farm staff difficult.
Are fencing ,pens crush’s and other animal enclosures are safe and good condition.
Can all farm/stock gates be secured.
Facilities for holding livestock are adequate and safe to operate around.
Covered areas for holding livestock are safe and free from crush point allowing the safe movement of farm workers.
The required safety/warning signage is visible in all areas of the livestock handle on the farm.
Are the Farm Staff trained and competent to move livestock.<br><br>Access the training matrix
Do the farm staff/ management have an appropriate lone working policy when handling and moving livestock.
Do all farm staff carry a radio at all times whilst working with livestock
Do the farm staff have access to equipment to enable them to move livestock safely
Veterinary meds and applications
Are those staff who handle and administer vet meds qualified and competent in the role.
Is there a designated store for vet med.
Is the vet med store secure and locked at all times.<br>The location of the store should be secure from young people.
Is the access to the store restricted to those who are authorised to do so.
Are all meds fully labelled.
Do all of the meds have MSDS,s held within the store and in the manager office.
Is there a recorded usage of all meds within the store and in and around the farm.
Is the store record fully signed
Is regular stocktaking undertaken.
Do all of those who are authorised to access store have training in first aid.
Have all of those with access to the store been trained in the procedures in the event of accident with vet meds<br>Needle stick injury<br>Consumption of controlled substances<br>Spillage exposure to controlled substances
Is the correct PPE and personal barrier equipment in the store and has training been given.
Is there a first aid kit and eye wash in the store.<br><br><br>Check to see it if is in date?
Are all chemicals stored correctly in a safe and suitable location with sufficient bunding to capture any leakage within the storage area.
Is the chemical storage area/s is properly segregated to prevent the cross contamination/ reaction of any chemicals.
The storage area should be full signed.
The storage area should lockable and kept lock at all time.
Are all chemical data sheets/ assessments available at the point of use
Are all of the staff fully trained and competent to use the chemicals on site.
Are all students using chemicals supervised 100% of the time.
Lone working
Have all of those who undertake lone working undergone the one to one lone working risk assessment process.
Is the lone working process checked on regular basis by the farm manager to ensure the embedded protocols are used and working effectively.
Does everybody that works on the farm carry a fully charged radio at all times.
Waste and slurry management
Is the slurry management plan maintained,up dated and reflects volume of stock within the farm unit <br><br>Note: It is recommended the plan should be reviewed every six months.
What is the checking process to ensure the slurry and solids are being spread safely and not damaging the land or polluting the watercourses.<br><br>Note: Evidence of checking should be; <br>contractor vetting and compliance by competence<br>Records of amounts spread within a given period<br>Physical audit reports form the farm manager <br>Water sampling records and results<br>Weather conditions <br>Etc
Farm traffic
Are staff that operate farm equipment and vehicles competent to operate the equipment.
Are speed restrictions observed within the estate.
General farm safety
Do all staff and student wear Hi Vis clothing when in the farm setting
Are faults to equipment reported and that item taken out of service until repairs are made or replaced
Are all traffic control measure suitable and sufficient.<br><br>Speed ramps <br>Gates<br>Signage
Are the physical bio-security measures on the farm in place and effective.<br><br> Need evidence of bio-security guidelines being adhered to<br>Visitor checks<br>Training for staff<br>Regular checks of mats boot wash etc.<br>Off site vehicles have under wash <br>Etc
Have the hand arm vibration surveys been undertaken.<br><br>Are the controls from the findings in place and enforced?
Have the whole body vibration surveys been undertaken.<br><br>Are the controls form the findings in place and enforced?
Have all of the farm been surveyed for possible ill health/infections.<br><br>Note: This will include all of those staff that handle animals in the course of their work or study patterns.<br><br>Musculoskeletal <br>Respitatory/ Spiro<br>Audio<br>Skin <br>Zoonotic diseases <br><br>See extra notes full selection possible diseases and their vectors.<br>
Is there suitable and sufficient hand wash and other hygiene facilities on the farm for worker students and visitors <br> <br>
Have the noise surveys been undertaken for the different processes on the farm.<br><br>Have controls form the findings of survey been put in place<br><br><br>Need to see evidence of noise levels in area of concern<br>