Document No.
Venue Team Review
Conducted on
*Please note when asking for evidence that in some instances the information may be held in a central location off site.
Health and safety management
Is there a nominated representative for health and safety in the team?
Is there evidence of consultation in health and safety matters with the team?
Are there minutes of health and safety site meetings?
* Is there health and safety minuted in staff and management team meetings?
Do these minutes include details of actions from the h&s audits/inspections and action plan?
*Is there evidence of a health and safety action plan?
*Is there evidence of staff training in NOP?
*Is there evidence of staff training and competency of EAP?
Do NOP/EAP have document control on them? (please note any issue dates)
Are there documented systems of work for all relevant tasks? (An index of systems of work should be available for reference)
Do the team know where to access these systems of work/EAP/NOP?
*Are there records of extended let customers holding public liability insurance, pvg and applicable qualifications?
Risk Assessment
*Is there a risk assessment planner, clearly showing when assessments are due for review?
Sample three risk assessments; are they suitable and sufficient?
Are they in date and authorised? (last twelve months)
Have they been completed by a person familiar with risk assessment?
Check all risk assessments completed, are all areas, tasks, situations assessed? (There should be an index available)
Staff training and competence
*Pick two more recent team members and check for evidence of training and competency testing through induction.
*Is there evidence of staff training in all relevant systems of work?
*Is there record of staff training in work equipment use? (e.g. cleaning equipment, ladders, etc)
Choose two existing team members
* Is there evidence of ongoing relevant staff training? (e.g. manual handling, PLG, etc)
*Is there evidence of fire extinguisher training in the last year?
* Is there evidence of fire prevention awareness or fire warden training in the last year?
*Are training records signed by the team member and the person training them?
Is there a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment completed by a competent person?
Is there evidence of cooker hood and duct work cleaning?
Do employees know what their role is in the event of an activation (sample)?
Is there evidence of all key staff taking part in an evacuation through the year?
Does the evacuation record show public taking part and a review of the evacuation?
Emergency Action Plan
Is there an up to date EAP?
Does the EAP detail staff roles in the event of an evacuation?
Does the EAP detail the actions staff should take if they discover a fire?
Does the EAP detail how an evacuation should be carried out?
does the EAP detail the evacuation point?
Does the plan detail the arrangements for evacuation of disabled or less able bodied people?
Does the plan detail machines, gas or power supplies in case isolation is required?
Do staff hold keys/know how to access power/gas supplies for isolation?
Who is designated to liaise with emergency services in the EAP?
Does the EAP detail what would happen if access back into the facility was not possible?
Is there a site evacuation bag which contains building plans showing gas/electrical inlet, key phone numbers, chemical and mat storage and chemical MSDS, high via vests, loudhailer, foil blankets etc?
Does the plan detail the actions to take in the event of a power failure, lighting failure, bomb threat, physical abuse, gas leak and structural failure?
First aid
Has a first aid needs risk assessment been completed?
Does this include the public?
Is there a record of regular checking and stocking of first aid boxes?
If a defibrillator is in place is staff training in its use recorded?
Does the site analyse accident reports for paterns?
Where applicable are resuscitation masks available and in easy reach?
Are staff trained in sharps disposal?
Are there records of staff training in the hazards each chemical poses?
Are there MSDS for every chemical on site?
Does the COSHH assessment take into account the disposal of chemical containers?
Is there an inventory of electrical equipment?
Is there a programme of inspection for all portable electrical equipment?
Water safety (legionella)
Is there a current legionella risk assessment?
Have any actions been completed from this?
Manual handling
Based on a sampling exercise have all manual handling tasks been assessed?
Are there applicable records for manual handling training (sample)?
Is there a copy of the site asbestos survey readily available?
Are contractors made aware of the asbestos register?
Is there evidence of ongoing inspection of asbestos containing materials?
Where the site has trampolines are these subject to an annual engineering inspection?
Where the site has high bars or as symmetric bas are these subject to an annual engineering inspection?
Work at height
Has all relevant work at height been risk assessed?
Is the equipment used for work at height suitable for the task and subject to inspection?
Are staff trained in the equipment used and work at height procedures?
Lifting equipment
Does the site have access to safety inspections for all lifting equipment?
Daily, Weekly, monthly, quarterly etc checks which are not covered in previous sections
Daily checks
pick the checks
- Pre opening check
- Gym equipment
- Hairdryer
- Alarms
- Sauna
- Soft Play
- Hairdryer
- Pool Rescue
Are the checks all completed?
Are the checks completed correctly?
Are any actions being dealt with arising from these checks?
Weekly checks
pick the checks
- Final exit door and internal fire door
- Fire alarm
- flush of taps and showers
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fitness studio equipment
- Gymnastics equipment
- First Aid
- Internal fire doors external fire exits
Are the checks all completed?
Are the checks completed correctly?
Are any actions being dealt with arising from these checks?
Monthly checks
pick the checks
- water temperature
- ladders
- generator
- Emergency lighting
- Quarterly shower head cleaning
Hot water from the calorifiers reaches 60C and return to the calorifiers is above 50C?
Sentinel tap Hot water reaches 50C within one minute of running.
Sentinel tap Cold water reaches less than 20C within two minutes of running.
Are the checks all completed?
Are the checks completed correctly?
Are any actions being dealt with arising from these checks?
Maintenance organised checks and inspections
pick the checks
- electrical circuit testing
- fire alarm
- fire extinguishers
- boilers
- lightning conductors
- pool balance
- Passenger lifts
- Hoists
- Pressurisation units
Are the checks all completed?
Are any actions being dealt with arising from these checks?