
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Guest Service and POP

  • Is menu board, single panel decals, an all other POP elements displayed correctly.

  • Are all prices right and displayed correctly?

  • Are all guest service employees wearing proper uniform?

  • Are all cashiers, cooks and managers knowledgable about new products?

  • Picture of Team

  • Picture of all three menu boards.

  • Picture of all three breakfast menu boards.

  • Overall Guest service?

  • Are there 4 job aids posted in kitchen?


  • Prepped Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal is labeled within 7 day shelf life?

  • Clear squeeze bottle with narrow tip is being used to butter bread (line # 1105)?<br>

  • Sourdough is pre-buttered for consistency?

Food Quality, Execution and Delivery

  • Are all key ingredients available? Oatmeal, chipotle, sourdough, spicy patties, pizza bites, and smoothie mix?

  • Are proper wraps, stickers and finger food boxes available?

  • Chipotle Chicken Club is built correctly?

  • Quality of sourdough bread is acceptable?

  • Chipotle chicken club is wrapped correctly? (Using red grease resistant wrap on the "you don't make it until you order it side")

  • Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal- pita bag is provided with appropriate accompaniments? (Crumble packet, fruit packet, spoon and napkin)

  • Pizza Bites- in proper packaging 3 pc in small fry bag and 6 pc in finger food box?

  • Follow up on sample procedures. Insure readiness. Make sampling schedule. For example: 11a -2, 5:30-7:30 and 10pm-12am

  • Are there an adequate amount of set-ups, blue berry muffin oatmeal made has a spoon, napkin, crumbles and blueberries in a fajita bag?

  • Overall Quality- Chipotle Chicken Club?

  • Overall Quality- Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal?

  • Overall Quality- PiƱa Colada Smoothie?

  • Overall Quality- Pizza Bites? (Use oil product quality job aid)

  • Take a picture of finished product?


  • Is the sourdough toaster in good repair, working properly with clean Teflon?

  • Measuring cup being used? Only 4 oz of water being used?

  • Smoothie machine operational?

  • Daily maintenance of coffee brewer is being performed?

Key Observables

  • Feedback

  • PIC Signature

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