Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
I have reviewed the latest compliance report
Any products not purchased within this purchasing period have been communicated to Operations@blackandwhitehospitality.com & Compliance@blackandwhitehospitality.com
Purchasing evidence (including photo and invoice) for any like for like products that haven not been purchased through a nominated supplier has been sent through to Operations@blackandwhitehospitality.com & Compliance@blackandwhitehospitality.com
- Yes
- No
Valentines - I have reviewed my last years covers, current bookings & I have forecasted my orders for this year
Valentines - I have reviewed the Valentine's Matrix and adjusted my ordering sheets as necessary
Valentines - I have communicated a provisional order forecast to Campbells
Are open/close checklists in use and being completed
Walk in/ Counter fridge Checks - Are all fridge temperatures being recorded stock rotated in line with due diligence diary
Walk in/ Counter fridge Checks - Is all the food wrapped & labelled correctly and prep to MPW Spec? No sign of cross contamination evident
Is there any food out of date?
Walk in/ Counter fridge Checks - Are the fridges clean & organise, doors, handles and seals clean, tidy and free from dirt?
Are all freezer temperatures being recorded and stock rotated in line with due diligence diary
Are all the freezers clean, tidy & free from dirt and doors, handles & seals clean, with evidence of being defrosted monthly
Dry store checks - Is all the food stored and labelled correctly and in date. Are allergens considered in storage layout?
Is there a clear sign of tasting during service? Is there salt on all sections of the kitchen?
Chef to talk through cooking process of steak Inc. resting
Are all chefs in clean branded jackets, aprons & safety shoes? Are the chefs washing their hands during their shift?
Do all sections have MEP in place and set for service?
Is the Matrix accessible & is it being used?
Is MPW Portal accessible and in use?
Do all sections have a numbered, clean probe and wipes close to hand and are the correct colour chopping boards in use?
Stock/supply issues reported to Supplier Feedback email address supplierfeedback@blackandwhitehospitality.com
Are all areas of Due diligence diary checked and completed, including open/ close lists. Signed off by Chefs, GM and Ops managers. In house Auditing system in line with local legislation in use?
Are the floors, walls and ceilings in the kitchen clean and in good state of repair? Hand touch points all clean. No grease build up.
Are all hand wash sinks clean with a supply of soap and hand drying materials?
PPE in place, clean and stored correctly?
COSHH data sheets available and correctly stored?
First aid kits - accessible and stocked, contact points clean?
Food prep benches and sinks - clearly labelled and used correctly .Table legs and wheels - cleaned on a regular basis?
Fryers - Oil changed regularly and interior clean. Oil filter clean
Extraction hood - Evidence of deep clean, twice per year?
Extraction hood - evidence of deep clean. Date of last clean:
Grill and Cookers - Clean and no build up of carbon or food.
Pest control in place - outstanding actions completed
Inside dishwasher clean including jet sprays. Handles clean?
Ice machine regularly cleaned - scoop kept outside of machine
Bins and outside yard - Area Clean and tidy. No debris on floor. Bins not over-flowing with lids closed?
All Kitchen equipment available and in working order?
Head Chef & Sous Chef achieved level 3 food safety certificate?